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Mahabharata. Ks. XII, Santi Parva. Cz. 1, (w trzydziestu pięciu opowieściach)

opowiada Barbara Mikołajewska
Place of publication
New Haven
Publication date
Table of Contents

Księga XII (Santi Parva), część 1 . . 7

Synopsis . . 9

Wahania Judhiszthiry
Opowieść 109: Król Prawa opłakuje sekret Kunti i swój grzech bratobójstwa . . 19
Opowieść 110: Król Prawa szuka pokuty za swe grzechy w żebraczym stylu życia . . 27
Opowieść 111: Wjasa poucza Króla Prawa, że podjęcie władzy jest jego obowiązkiem . . 54
Opowieść 112: Wjasa poucza Króla Prawa, że obowiązkiem króla jest działanie . . 67
Opowieść 113: Wjasa poucza Króla Prawa o grzesznych działaniach i pokucie . . 80
Opowieść 114: Namaszczenie Króla Prawa na króla Hastinapury . . 92

Nauki Bhiszmy: Prawo (dharma) Królów
Opowieść 115: Kryszna prosi umierającego Bhiszmę o przekazanie Królowi Prawa swej wiedzy . . 101
Opowieść 116: Bhiszma rozpoczyn swe nauki o Prawie (dharmie) uprawomocnione autorytetem Kryszny . . 120
Opowieść 117: 0 „nauce o rządzie" (Dandaniti) Brahmy i początku władzy królewskiej . . 131
Opowieść 118: O obowiązkach czterech kast, czterech trybach życia i ochranianiu ich przez Prawo Królów . . 141
Opowieść 119: O nadrzędności Prawa Królów w stosunku do innego Prawa . . 152
Opowieść 120: 0 związku między prawością króla, stanem królestwa i eonem . . 161
Opowieść 121: O współpracy wojowników i braminów w zarządzaniu królestwem . . 174
Opowieść 122: O kapłanach, ministrach i doradcach króla . . 191
Opowieść 123: O stolicy, gospodarce, podatkach i skarbcu . . 209
Opowieść 124: O królu jako uosobieniu Prawa (dharmy) . . 218
Opowieść 125: O tym, kiedy przemoc staje się „dobrą" przemocą . . 229
Opowieść 126: O zasadach zwiększania szans na zwycięstwo . . 238
Opowieść 127: O granicy nieuczciwości jako strategii pokonywania wroga . . 249
Opowieść 128: O prawości w sytuacji, gdy Prawda przybiera wygląd fałszu . . 260
Opowieść 129: O konieczności kontroli własnych uczuć przy doborze ministrów . . 276
Opowieść 130: O znaczeniu kary i wymiaru sprawiedliwości . . 288
Opowieść 131: O trzech celach życiowych: Prawie, Zysku i Przyjemności . . 296

Prawo (dharma) w sytuacji katastrofy
Opowieść 132: O pryncypiach w sytuacji katastrofy . . 310
Opowieść 133: O negocjacjach z wrogiem i granicy zaufania . . 320
Opowieść 134: O naukach mędrca Bharadwadży . . 340
Opowieść 135: O tym jak mędrzec Wiśwamitra spożył nieczyste mięso nie popełniając grzechu . . 346
Opowieść 136: O tym jak prawy gołąb udzielając ochrony okntnemu ptasznikowi zmienił jego serce . . 358
Opowieść 137: O tym jak Dźanamedźaja dzięki łasce mędrca Indroty oczyścił się z grzechu nieświadomego zabójstwa bramina . . 365
Opowieść 138: O „uczonych" mowach sępa i szakala i prawdziwej potędze Siwy . . 371
Opowieść 139: O tym jak drzewo Śalmali ukarało się za swą pychę . . 379
Opowieść 140: O grzechu, pokucie, ignorancji, trzynastu wadach, zjadliwości, samo-kontroli, umartwieniach, Prawdzie i ochronie braminów . . 384
Opowieść 141: O narodzuch miecza . . 400
Opowieść 142: O wiecznym potępieniu dla niewdzięcznego przyjaciela . . 405
Opowieść 143: Pochwała Wyzwolenia (mokszy) . . 415

Słowniczek Mahabharaty (księga XII, cz. 1) . . 421
Indeks imion . . 429

Tools for identifying biodiversity : progress and problems : proceedings of the international congress, Paris, September 20-22, 2010, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle - Grand Amphithéâtre

Pier Luigi Nimis and Régine Vignes Lebbe (eds.)
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Devising the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy . . 1
Descriptive Data in the EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy . . 7
An online authoring and publishing platform for field guides and identification tools . . 13
A search tool for the digital biodiversity resources of KeyToNature . . 19
Developing Web-based Search Portals on Birds for Different Target Groups . . 25
Simple Identification Tools in FishBase . . 31
The Catalogue of Life: towards an integrative taxonomic backbone for biodiversity . . 37
BHL-EUROPE: Biodiversity Heritage Library for Europe . . 43
A Pan-European Species-directories Infrastructure (PESI) . . 49
ViBRANT-Virtual Biodiversity Research and Access Network or Taxonomy . . 53
Identifications in BioPortals™ . . 55
Types of identification keys . . 59
Learning, Identifying, Sharing . . 65
Identification with iterative nearest neighbors using domain knowledge . . 71
A MediaWiki implementation of single-access keys . . 77
Simple matrix keys from Excel spreadsheets . . 83
Wiki keys on mobile devices . . 89
A Wiki-based Key to Garden and Village Birds . . 95
Wiki-keys for the ferns of the Flora of Equatorial Guinea . . 99
MyKey: a server-side software to create customized decision trees . . 107
Xper2: managing descriptive data from their collection to e-monographs . . 113
FRIDA3.0 Multi-authored digital identification keys in the Web . . 115
Flora Bellissima, an expert software to discover botany and identify plants . . 121
Modifiable digital identification keys . . 127
The Open Key Player: A new approach for online interaction and user-tracking in identification keys . . 133
Improvement of identification keys by user-tracking . . 137
ARIES: an expert system>upporting legislative tasks. Identifying animal materials using the Linnaeus II software . . 145
An integrated system for producing user-specific keys on demand: an application to Italian lichens . . 151
"Flora Italiana Digitale": an interactive identification tool for the Flora of Italy . . 157
eFlora and DialGraph, tools for enhancing identification processes in plants . . 163
A catalogue of bird bones: an exercise in semantic web practice . . 171 10 years showing Spanish plant diversity information in the Internet . . 177
An interactive tool for the identification of airborne and food fungi . . 183
The Estonian eFlore . . 189
Keys to plants and lichens on smartphones: Estonian examples . . 195
IIKC: An Interactive Identification Key for female Culicodes (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) from the West Palearctic region . . 201
Indochinese bamboos: biodiversity informatics to assist the identification of "vernacular taxa" . . 207
Identification tools as part of Feedsafety research: the case of ragwort . . 213
Two identification tools applied on Mascarene's corals genera (Xper2) and species (IKBS) . . 217
Interactive, illustrated, plant identification keys: an example for the Portuguese flora . . 219
The ORCHIS software used to identify 100 orchids species of Lao PDR . . 221
A collaborative and distributed identification tool for plants . . 223
Alternative 2D and 3D Form Characterization Approaches to the Automated Identification of Biological Species . . 225
VeSTIS: A Versatile Semi-Automatic Taxon Identification System from Digital Images . . 231
Iterative Search with Local Visual Features for Computer Assisted Plant Identification . . 237
Image data banks and geometric morphometrics . . 243
Outline analysis for identifying Limodorum species from seeds . . 249
Geometric morphometrics as a tool to resolve taxonomic problems: the case of Ophioglossum species (ferns) . . 251
Geometric morphometric analysis as a tool to explore covariation between shape and other quantitative leaf traits in European white oaks . . 257
Landmark based morphometric variation in Common dolphin (Delphinus delphis L.,1758) . . 263
DNA barcoding: theoretical aspects and practical applications . . 269
Strength and Limitations of DNA Barcode under the Multidimensional Species Perspective . . 275
DNA Barcoding and Phylogeny of Patellids from Asturias (Northern Spain) . . 275
Molecular Identification of Italian Mouse-eared Bats (genus Myotis) . . 289
Identifying algal symbionts in lichen symbioses . . 295
Identification of polymorphic species within groups of morphologically conservative taxa: combining morphological ano molecular tecnniques . . 301
Coffee species and varietal identification . . 307
Mislabelling in megrims: implications for conservation . . 315
Seeds in subtribe Ornidinae (Orchidaceae): the best morphological tool to support molecular analyses . . 323
Lentils biodiversity: the characterization of two local landraces . . 327
A model study for tardigrade identification . . 333
DNA Barcoding of Philippine plants . . 341
Molecular and ecophysiological characterisation of the Tunisian bee: Apis mellifera intermissa . . 343
DNA Bank Network - connecting biological collections and sequence databases by long-term DNA storage with online accession . . 35
Mitochondrial DNA sequences for forensic identification of the endangered whale shark, Rhincodon typus (Smith, 1828): A Case study . . 353
An assignment-based e-learning course on the use of KeyToNature e-keys . . 355
User needs for interactive identification tools to organisms employed in the EU-Project KeyToNature . . 361
Teaching biodiversity with online identification tools from KeyToNature: a comparatie study . . 367
Digital Tools in the Botanical Garden of Madrid . . 373
Use of KeyToNature Identification Tools in the Schools of Slovenia . . 379
New key-tools for pollen identification in research and education . . 383
The UK urban tree survey . . 389
Tree School -A new Innovation for Science and Education . . 395
Engaging Schools in Cutting Edge Science: From the Educator's Perspective . . 401
Educational or emotional languages? An interactive experiment with the Lucanian flora (S-ltaly) . . 405
Online sharing educational content on biodiversity topics: a case study from organic agriculture and agroecology . . 411
JSTOR Plant Science . . 417
ecoBalade: Towards a workflow for Citizen Science Nature Trails . . 419
Electronic data recording tools and identifying species in the field . . 421
Cost Assessment of the Field Measurement of Biodiversity: a Farm-scale Case Study . . 423
Markets for biodiversity information products: real or imaginary? . . 429
A Basic Business Model for Commercial Application of Identification Tools . . 437
Keys to Nature: A test on the iPhone market . . 445

Die Leiden des Neuen Menschen : zum Wahnsinn-Diskurs in der Literatur der DDR und der Volksrepublik Polen

Evelyna Schmidt
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Vorwort . . 7

1. Einleitung . . 9
1.1. Thematischer Umriss . . 9
1.2. Textauswahl und Begriffsbestimmung . . 13
1.3. Methodischer Ansatz . . 20
1.4. Forschungsstand . . 23

2. Diktatur, Erziehung und die Leiden des „neuen Menschen" . . 29
2.1. Der „sozialistische Übermensch" und seine „Regeneration" . . 29
2.2. Der Kampf um die Seele . . 39

3 Der Wahnsinn-Diskurs . . 47
3.1. Norm, Anomalie und Krankheit . . 47
3.2. Wahnsinn und seine Bezugsgrößen: Krankheit und Vernunft . . 51
3.3. Wahnsinn innerhalb des Norm- und Krankheitsdiskurses - Eine Begriffsbestimmung . . 56
3.4. Wahnsinn als literarisches Sujet . . 59

4. Erzählte Identitätskrisen und „wahnsinnige Grenzgänger" im Realsozialismus - Krisenantworten . . 67
4.1. Jenseits des Sozrealismus in der Literatur der DDR und der Volksrepublik Polen. Eine Einordnung . . 67
4.2. Erzählte Identitätskrisen. Von Außenseitern, Aussteigern und „wahnsinnigen Grenzgängern" . . 71
4.3. Krisenantworten I - Erkenntnis . . 80
4.4. Krisenantworten II - Ausbruch . . 94
4.5. Krisenantworten HI - Verkleidungen der Macht: Allmacht und Ohnmacht . . 107
4.6. Krisenantworten IV - Das fünfte Element . . 130
4.7. Vergleichendes Resümee . . 148

5. Exkurse . . 169
5.1. Exkurs I - Funktionalisierung des Wahnsinns in der bundesdeutschen Literatur . . 169
5.2. Exkurs II - Habent suafata libelli . . 177

6. Schlussbetrachtung . . 197

Anhang . . 209
1. Abkürzungsverzeichnis . . 209
2. Literaturverzeichnis . . 210

Personenregister . . 221

(Studia Brandtiana ; 6)

Entre Brasil e Polônia : um debate sobre direito e democracia

Marcos Augusto Maliska, Krystian Complak, org.
Place of publication
Rio de Janeiro
Publication date
Table of Contents

Prefacio . . XI
Apresentação . . XIII

Tracos Fundamentais da Ordem Constitucional Polonesa . . 1
Ativismo judicial e legitimidade democrática . . 13
A criação jurisprudencial do Direito e a questão da legitimidade democrática. O Juiz entre a legalidade e a constitucionalidade . . 23
A prisão cautelar e a garantia fundamental da presunção de inocência . . 37
A prisão cautelar e a garantia fundamental da presunção de inocência . . 43
A Dignidade do Homem e o Bem Comum como Fundamentos da Democracia . . 59
Direitos Fundamentais, cláusulas pétreas e democracia: campo de tensão . . 75
Constituição e Integração. Novas perspectivas da soberania nacional . . 87
O controle de constitucionalidade das leis e a legitimidade democratica das decisões judiciais. Implicações dessa questão para o desenvolvimento das democracias brasileira e polonesa . . 97
Vinte Anos do Provedor de Justiça na Polónia. Dois dos vinte decénios do Ombudsman no mundo . . 107
O princípio da igualdade entre homogeneidade e heterogeneidade social. Análise dos casos Brasil e Polónia a partir de uma interpretação concretizadora (tópica) da Constituição . . 119

Apêndice . . 129

Le christianisme et la crémation

Piotr Kuberski ; préf. de François Bœspflug
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Introduction . . 19


Le contexte archéologique et les éléments de chronologie . . 26
Changements dans les modes funéraires : essai d'interprétation . . 30
La crémation et l'idéologie funéraire à Rome . . 36
La crémation et l'inhumation : une antinomie dans le rituel funéraire ? . . 52
Conclusion . . 61


Monde Vétératestamentaire . . 63
Nouveau Testamen . . 87
Judaïsme . . 91
Quelle résurrection dans le judaïsme postbiblique ? . . 107
Conclusion . . 127


Tertullien et Minucius Félix : deux témoins directs de la crémation . . 131
Peu importe l'état matériel du corps : il sera transfiguré au cours de la résurrection . . 140
Les corps mutilés, laissés sans sépulture. pourront-ils vraiment ressusciter ? . . 156
Culte des reliques comme sacralisation des ossements . . 164
Conclusion . . 173


Le Haut Moyen Age : confrontation avec les rites païens . . 175
La référence à l'Antiquité dans les textes médiévaux . . 197
La crémation dans les récits des voyageurs du XIIIe - XVe siècle . . 199
Dans quelle mesure peut-on parler de la crémation en Occident chrétien ? . . 202
La crémation, une pratique condamnée ? La bulle de Boniface VIII « Detestande feritatis » . . 214
L'intégrité du cadavre, une garantie pour la résurrection des morts ? . . 220
Conclusion . . 229


« Utopia » de Thomas More . . 232
« La Cité du Soleil » de Tommaso Campanella . . 237
« Les États et empires de la Lune et du Soleil » de Cyrano de Bergerac . . 242
« L'An 2440. Rêve s'il en fut jamais » de Louis-Sébaàen Mercier . . 248
Les autres rites funéraires dans les utopies . . 253
Conclusion . . 257


Des premiers bûchers à la crémation des sociétés crématistes. La crémation en Occident : fin XVIIIe-XIXe siècle

Naissance de l'idée crématiste . . 261
Fin du XVIIIe siècle : la France remet en honneur la crémation des morts . . 270
La crémation au XIXe siècle :une lente marche vers la législation.
  L'exemple de la France et de l'Italie . . 275
La crémation en débat : arguments pour et contre ce rite . . 286
Conclusion . . 333


Les textes pontificaux

Premières condamnations . . 335
La crémation dans le « Code de droit canonique » et dans les documents postérieurs . . 351
La franc-maçonnerie et la crémation . . 361
La situation après-guerre . . 373
Conclusion . . 389


La crémation dans l'Occident contemporain . . 391
Comment célébrer les funérailles chrétiennes ? . . 403
Conclusion . . 417

Bibliographie . . 421
Index thematologique . . 483
Index scriptuaire . . 489

(Sciences Humaines et Religions)

The inner life of women in medieval romance literature : grief, guilt, and hypocrisy

ed. by Jeff Rider and Jamie Friedman
Place of publication
New York


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Illustrations . . xi
Acknowledgments . . xiii

1. The Inner Life of Women in Medieval Romance Literature . . 1
2. Order, Anarchy, and Emotion in the Old French Philomena . . 27
3. What Was She Thinking? Ysolt on the Edge . . 53
4. Moral Posturing: Virtue in Christine de Pisan's Livre de Trois Vertus . . 85
5. Gesture, Emotion, and Humanity: Depictions of Melusine in the Upton House Bearsted Fragments . . 107
6. Is She Angry or Just Sad? Grief and Sorrow in the Songs of the Trobairitz . . 129
7. Between Concealment and Eloquence: The Idea of the Ideal Woman in Medieval Provencal Literature . . 147
8. Spiritual and Biological Mothering in Berceo's Vida de Santa Oria . . 159
9. Writing as Resistance: Self and Survival in Leonor López de Cordoba and Teresa de Cartagena . . 179
10. Between Boccaccio and Chaucer: The Limits of Female Inferiority in the Knight's Tale . . 203
11. In Laura's Shadow: Casting Female Humanists as Petrarchan Beloveds in Quattrocento Letters . . 223

Notes on Contributors . . 249
Index . . 253

(The New Middle Ages)

Women and disability in medieval literature

Tory Vandeventer Pearman
Place of publication
New York


Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgments . . xiii

Introduction: Medieval Authoritative Discourse and the Disabled Female Body . . 1
1 (Dis)pleasure and Disability: The Topos of Reproduction in Dame Sirith and the ''Merchant's Tale" . . 19
2 Physical Education: Excessive Wives and Bodily Punishment in the Book of the Knight and the "Wife of Bath's Prologue" . . 45
3 Refiguring Disability: Deviance, Punishment, and the Supernatural in Bisclavret, Sir Launfal, and the Testament of Cresseid . . 73
4 Embodied Transcendence: Disability and the Procreative Body in the Book of Margery Kempe . . 113
Conclusion . . 151

Notes . . 155
Bibliography . . 187
Index . . 201

(The New Middle Ages)

Balanced scorecard step-by-step for government and nonprofit agencies

Paul R. Niven
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Preface . . ix
Acknowledgments . . xv

Chapter 1 Introduction to the Balanced Scorecard . . 1
Chapter 2 Adapting the Balanced Scorecard to Fit the Public and Nonprofit Sectors . . 25
Chapter 3 Before You Begin . . 46
Chapter 4 Training and Communication Planning for Balanced Scorecard Success . . 82
Chapter 5 Mission, Values, and Vision . . 105
Chapter 6 Strategy: The Core of Every Balanced Scorecard . . 130
Chapter 7 Strategy Maps . . 150
Chapter 8 Performance Measures, Targets, and Initiatives . . 209
Chapter 9 Creating Alignment by Cascading the Balanced Scorecard . . 256
Chapter 10 Linking Resource Allocation to the Balanced Scorecard . . 276
Chapter 11 Reporting Results . . 286
Chapter 12 The City of Charlotte: A Balanced Scorecard Success Story . . 312
Chapter 13 Sustaining Balanced Scorecard Success . . 330

Appendix The Importance of Terminology and a Balanced Scorecard Glossary . . 343
Index . . 353

Battle for the castle : the myth of Czechoslovakia in Europe, 1914-1948

Andrea Orzoff
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Introduction: The Golden Republic . . 3
1 Myth and Wartime . . 23
2 The Castle . . 57
3 Battles of the Legend Makers . . 95
4 Difficulties Abroad . . 136
5 A Time of Iron and Fire . . 174

Epilogue . . 215
Abbreviations and Definitions . . 221
Notes . . 223
Index . . 279