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Food waste and sustainable food waste management in the Baltic Sea region

Walter Leal Filho, Marina Kovaleva
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Publication date
Table of Contents

1 Introduction . . 1
1.1 Scope . . 4
1.1.1 Food Losses . . 5
1.1.2 Food Residuals . . 6
1.1.3 By-Products, Including Animal By-Products . . 6
1.1.4 Food Waste . . 6
References . . 6

2 Literature Review . . 9
2.1 Legislation . . 10
2.2 Waste Management Hierarchy . . 11
2.2.1 Differences and Similarities in the Waste Management Hierarchies . . 14
2.3 Bio-Waste . . 17
2.4 Food Waste . . 20
References . . 26

3 Causes of Food Waste Generation . . 31
3.1 Consumer Behaviour . . 31
3.2 Lack of Awareness . . 34
3.3 Labelling . . 35
3.5 Food Merchandising . . 37
3.6 Legislation/Regulations as an Obstacle . . 38
3.6.1 European Marketing Standards . . 39
3.7 Companies Private Standards and Reputation . . 39
3.8 Overproduction and Excess Stock . . 40
3.9 Food Prices/Financial Incentives . . 41
3.10 Technical Factors . . 43
3.10.1 Storage . . 43
3.10.2 Stock Transportation . . 44
3.10.3 Poor Packaging . . 44
References . . 48

4 Methods of Food Waste Reduction . . 51
4.1 Public Awareness Raising/Education . . 51
4.1.1 Awareness Campaigns and Informativeness . . 52
4.1.2 Guidelines . . 52
4.1.3 Education . . 53
4.2 Food Recovery and Redistribution . . 53
4.3 Legislation—Governmental Interventions . . 55
4.4 Economic Incentives/Financial Instruments . . 57
4.4.1 Negative . . 58
4.4.2 Positive . . 59
4.5 Forecasting and Correct Inventory Management/Planning . . 59
4.6 Packaging . . 61
4.7 Labelling . . 61
4.8 Companies Initiatives . . 62
4.9 Separate Collection of Food Waste . . 64
4.10 Alternative Use . . 65
4.10.1 Energy Recovery . . 65
4.10.2 Novel Added-Value Materials/Products . . 68
References . . 77

5 Research Methods . . 81

6 Overview of the Baltic Region Countries . . 83
6.1 Main Economic Activities . . 83
6.1.1 Belarus . . 83
6.1.2 Estonia . . 85
6.1.3 Germany . . 87
6.1.4 Latvia . . 87
6.1.5 Lithuania . . 87
6.1.6 Poland . . 88
6.1.7 Sweden . . 89
6.2 Renewable Energy . . 90
6.3 Food Consumption and Undernourishment . . 91
6.3.1 Poverty Level . . 91
6.3.2 Undernourishment . . 92
6.3.3 European Food Aid . . 93
6.3.4 Food Expenditures . . 94
6.4 Biodegradable Waste . . 96
6.4.1 Legislation . . 96
6.4.2 Waste Generation and Treatment . . 96
References . . 103

7 The State of the Problem of Food Waste in the Baltic Region Countries . . 107
7.1 Food Waste Generation in the Baltic . . 107
7.1.1 Food Waste Amounts According to the FAO Food Balance Sheets . . 110
7.1.2 Food Waste Generated Based on the FAO Technical Conversion Factors—Extraction Rates . . 124
7.1.3 Belarus . . 125
7.1.4 Estonia . . 129
7.1.5 Germany . . 129
7.1.6 Latvia . . 134
7.1.7 Lithuania . . 135
7.1.8 Poland . . 137
7.1.9 Sweden . . 139
7.2 Food Waste Treatment . . 144
7.2.1 Belarus . . 145
7.2.2 Biological Treatment in Belarus . . 146
7.2.3 Estonia . . 147
7.2.4 Germany . . 149
7.2.5 Latvia . . 154
7.2.6 Lithuania . . 156
7.2.7 Poland . . 158
7.2.8 Sweden . . 161
References . . 170

8 Discussion . . 177
8.1 Food Waste Generation . . 178
8.1.1 Food Waste Amounts According to the FAO Food Balance Sheets . . 180
8.1.2 Food Waste Generated Based on the FAO Technical Conversion Factors—Extraction Rates . . 181
8.1.3 Situation in Individual Countries . . 181
8.2 Food Waste Treatment . . 186
8.2.1 Belarus . . 186
8.2.2 Estonia . . 187
8.2.3 Germany . . 188
8.2.4 Latvia . . 189
8.2.5 Lithuania . . 189
8.2.6 Poland . . 190
8.2.7 Sweden . . 192
References . . 192

9 Conclusions and Recommendations . . 193
9.1 Conclusions . . 193
9.1.1 Belarus . . 194
9.1.2 Estonia . . 195
9.1.3 Germany . . 195
9.1.4 Latvia . . 196
9.1.5 Lithuania . . 197
9.1.6 Poland . . 197
9.1.7 Sweden . . 198
9.2 Recommendations . . 199
9.2.1 Belarus . . 200
9.2.2 Estonia . . 201
9.2.3 Germany . . 201
9.2.4 Latvia . . 202
9.2.5 Lithuania . . 202
9.2.6 Poland . . 203
9.2.7 Sweden . . 203
References . . 204

Appendix A: Questionnaire in English . . 205
Appendix B: Questionnaire in Russian . . 211
Glossary . . 217

(Environmental Science and Engineering. Environmental Science)

Kompendium der Mediengestaltung : [Digital und Print]. 4, Medienproduktion Digital

J. Böhringer [et al.]
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

1 Webdesign
1.1 Einführung . . 3
1.1.1 Interview zum Thema . . 4
1.1.2 Standortbestimmung . . 6
1.1.3 Workflow digitaler Produkte . . 9
1.1.4 Webdesign - Printdesign . . 13
1.1.5 Aufgaben . . 16
1.2 Interfacedesign . . 19
1.2.1 Content versus Design . . 20
1.2.2 Usability . . 24
1.2.3 Informationsdesign . . 29
1.2.4 Interaktionsdesign . . 35
1.2.5 Barrierefreies Webdesign . . 38
1.2.6 Aufgaben . . 43
1.3. Screendesign . . 45
1.3.1 Von der Idee zum Mockup . . 46
1.3.2 Layout . . 50
1.3.3 Farbe . . 59
1.3.4 Typografie und Schrift . . 64
1.3.5 Navigation . . 70
1.3.6 Sound . . 78
1.3.7 Aufgaben . . 80

2 Webseiten . . 83
2.1 HTML5 . . 85
2.1.1 Einführung . . 86
2.1.2 HTML5-Dateien . . 90
2.1.3 Meta-Tags . . 95
2.1.4 Dokument- und Textstruktur . . 96
2.1.5 Tabellen . . 99
2.1.6 Hyperlinks . . 100
2.1.7 Navigation . . 104
2.1.8 Bilder und Grafiken . . 106
2.1.9 Formulare . . 110
2.1.10 Multimedia . . 116
2.1.11 Webbrowser . . 118
2.1.12 Aufgaben . . 120
2.2 CSS3 . . 125
2.2.1 Einführung . . 126
2.2.2 Definition von CSS3 . . 129
2.2.3 Selektoren . . 132
2.2.4 Maßeinheiten . . 137
2.2.5 Farben . . 139
2.2.6 Typografische Gestaltung . . 141
2.2.7 Layouten . . 147
2.2.8 Media-Queries . . 155
2.2.9 Animationen . . 164
2.2.10 Aufgaben . . 170
2.3. Bilder und Grafiken . . 175
2.3.1 Einführung . . 176
2.3.2 Pixelgrafik . . 178
2.3.3 Vektorgrafik . . 183
2.3.4 Aufgaben . . 185
2.4 Online . . 187
2.4.1 Domain-Name . . 188
2.4.2 Rechtliche Aspekte . . 190
2.4.3 Testumgebung . . 192
2.4.4 Webhosting . . 195
2.4.6 Aufgaben . . 197

3 Programmieren . . 199
3.1 Grundlagen . . 201
3.1.1 Einführung . . 202
3.1.2 Variable . . 204
3.1.3 Verzweigungen . . 207
3.1.4 Schleifen .. 209
3.1.5 Felder (Arrays) . . 211
3.1.6 Funktionen (Methoden) . . 212
3.1.7 Objektorientierte Programmierung (OOP) . . 214
3.1.8 Guter Programmierstil . . 218
3.1.9 Aufgaben . . 219
3.2 JavaScript und Ajax . . 223
3.2.1 Einführung . . 224
3.2.2 Fenster . . 227
3.2.3 Formulare . . 230
3.2.4 Spamschutz . . 233
3.2.5 Ajax . . 234
3.2.6 Aufgaben . . 241
3.3 PHP
3.3.1 Einführung . . 244
3.3.2 Datum und Uhrzeit . . 249
3.3.3 Dateizugriff . . 250
3.3.4 Formularzugriff . . 252
3.3.5 Datenbankzugriff . . 256
3.3.6 Textverarbeitung . . 267
3.3.7 Aufgaben . . 270

4 Flash . . 273
4.1. Grundlagen . . 275
4.1.1 Einführung . . 276
4.1.2 Flash-Filme erstellen . . 278
4.1.3 Animationstechniken . . 291
4.1.4 Aufgaben . . 300
4.2 ActionScript 3 . . 303
4.2.1 Einführung . . 304
4.2.2 Zeitleiste steuern . . 306
4.2.3 Dynamischer Text . . 308
4.2.4 Bilder laden . . 311
4.2.5 Sound steuern . . 312
4.2.6 Animationen . . 315
4.2.7 Aufgaben . . 319

5 Content-Managment System . . 321
5.1 CMS Grundlagen . . 323
5.1.1 Was ist ein CMS? . . 324
5.1.2 Prinzip eines CMS . . 325
5.1.3 Aufgaben . . 329
5.2. CMS - Praxis . . 331
5.2.1 Joomla! . . 331
5.2.2 Lokale Entwicklungsumgebungen . . 333
5.2.3 Joomla!-lnstallation . . 335
5.2.4 Kurzes Briefing einer Beispielsite . . 337
5.2.5 Anmeldung und Nutzerverwaltung . . 338
5.2.6 Kategorien und Beiträge . . 339
5.2.7 Menüs . . 342
5.2.8 Templates . . 343
5.2.9 Erweiterungen, Module und Plug-ins . . 345
5.2.10 Umzug auf einen Webserver . . 348
5.2.11 Aufgaben . . 350

6 Mobiles Web . . 353
6.1 Mobiles Webdesign . . 355
6.1.1 (Kurz-)Geschichte . . 356
6.1.2 Medienkonvergenz . . 357
6.1.3 Layout . . 358
6.1.4 Navigation . . 363
6.1.5 Technische Aspekte . . 366
6.1.6 Aufgaben . . 369
6.2 App-Programmierung . . 371
6.2.1 Apps . . 372
6.2.2 Entwicklungsumgebungen . . 374
6.2.3 PhoneGap-App erstellen . . 376
6.2.4 PhoneGap Build . . 379
6.2.5 Aufgaben . . 381

7 Social Media . . 383
7.1 Social-Media-Marketing . . 385
7.1.1 Was ist Social Media? . . 386
7.1.2 Social-Media-Kanäle . . 387
7.1.3 Social-Media-Nutzung . . 391
7.1.4 Social-Media-Strategie . . 394
7.1.5 Social-Media-Monitoring . . 406
7.1.6 Aufgaben . . 409
7.2 Social-Media-Plattformen . . 411
7.2.1 Soziale Netzwerke . . 412
7.2.2 Blogs . . 418
7.2.3 Medien-Plattformen . . 422
7.2.4 Aufgaben . . 427

8 E-Book . . 429
8.1 Grundlagen . . 431
8.1.1 Überblick . . 432
8.1.2 E-Book-Formate . . 437
8.1.3 E-Book-Reader . . 440
8.1.4 E-Book-Nutzung . . 442
8.1.5 Digital Rights Management . . 444
8.1.6 Aufgaben . . 447
8.2 Erstellung und Distribution . . 449
8.2.1 E-Book-Konzeption . . 450
8.2.2 E-Book-Erstellung . . 452
8.2.3 E-Book-Distribution . . 454
8.2.4 Aufgaben . . 457

9 Audiovisuelle Medien . . 459
9.1 Filmgestaltung . . 461
9.1.1 Konzeption . . 462
9.1.2 Aufnahme . . 464
9.1.3 Schnitt . . 468
9.1.4 Aufgaben . . 470
9.2 Animation . . 473
9.2.1 Prinzipien der Animation . . 474
9.2.2 Grundlegende Animationstechniken . . 479
9.2.3 Spezielle SD-Animationstechniken . . 486
9.2.4 Aufgaben . . 489
9.3 Virtuelle Weiten (3D) . . 491
9.3.1 Definition virtuelle Welt (3D) . . 492
9.3.2 3D-Visualisierung von Geoinformationen . . 494
9.3.3 Virtuelle Realität und Panoramafotograe . . 496
9.3.4 Kugelpanorama . . 502
9.3.5 Objektdarstellungen . . 504
9.3.6 3D-Welt und Stereoskopie . . 509
9.3.7 Anwendungsbeispiele virtueller Welten . . 511
9.3.8 3D-Software . . 518
9.3.9 Aufgaben . . 519
9.4 Audiotechnik . . 521
9.4.1 Physiologie des Hörens . . 522
9.4.2 Grundbegriffe . . 523
9.4.3 Digitale Audiotechnik . . 526
9.4.4 Audioformate . . 530
9.4.5 Audiohardware . . 533
9.4.6 Soundbearbeitung . . 540
9.4.7 MIDI . . 544
9.4.8 Aufgaben . . 545
9.5 Videotechnik . . 549
9.5.1 Grundlagen der Fernsehtechnik . . 550
9.5.2 Videosignale . . 553
9.5.3 Videokompression . . 558
9.5.4 Videoformate . . 562
9.5.5 Videohardware . . 565
9.5.6 Postproduktion . . 569
9.5.7 AV-Streaming . . 572
9.5.8 Tonsysteme . . 574
9.5.9 Aufgaben . . 576

10 Anhang . . 579
10.1 Formelsammlung . . 581
10.1.1 I - Konzeption und Gestaltung . . 582
10.1.2 II - Medientechnik . . 584
10.1.3 III - Medienproduktion Print . . 587
10.1.4 IV - Medienproduktion Digital . . 589
10.2 Lösungen . . 593
10.2.1 1 Webdesign . . 594
10.2.2 2 Webseiten . . 600
10.2.3 3 Programmieren . . 610
10.2.4 4 Flash . . 617
10.2.5 5 Content-Management-System . . 619
10.2.6 6 Mobiles Web . . 622
10.2.7 7 Social Media . . 624
10.2.8 8 E-Book . . 627
10.2.9 9 Audiovisuelle Medien . . 631
10.3 Links, Normen, Literatur . . 643
10.3.1 Internetadressen . . 644
10.3.2 DIN-/ISO-Normen . . 649
10.3.3 Literatur . . 652
10.4 Abbildungen . . 657
10.5 Stichwortverzeichnis . . 663


Guide to psychological assessment with Asians

Lorraine T. Benuto, Nicholas S. Thaler, Brian D. Leany editors
Place of publication
New York


Publication date
Table of Contents

1 Guide to Psychological Assessment with Asians: An Introduction . . 1
2 Cross-Cultural Considerations with Chinese American Clients: A Perspective on Psychological Assessment . . 7
3 Cross-Cultural Considerations with Japanese American Clients: A Perspective on Psychological Assessment . . 27
4 Cross-Cultural Considerations with Korean American Clients: A Perspective on Psychological Assessment . . 43
5 Cross-Cultural Considerations with Asian Indian American Clients: A Perspective on Psychological Assessment . . 61
6 The Assessment of Acculturation, Enculturation, and Culture in Asian-American Samples . . 75
7 The Assessment Interview: A Review of Structured and Semi-structured Clinical Interviews Available for Use Among Asian Clients . . 103
8 Protective Testing with Asian Clients . . 121
9 Assessing Personality Using Self-Report Measures with Asians and Asian Americans . . 135
10 IQ Testing and the Asian-American Client . . 153
11 Assessing Effort and Malingering with the Asian Client . . 165
12 Assessing Depression and Suicidality in Asian-Americans . . 181
13 Assessment of Anxiety with Asians . . 199
14 Assessing Substance-Related Disorders in Asian Americans . . 211
15 Assessing Sexual Dysfunction in Asian Clients . . 225
16 Assessing Eating Pathology in Asian Americans . . 243
17 Personality Disorder Assessment in Asian Americans . . 261
18 Assessing Culture-Bound Syndromes Among Asian-Americans . . 279
19 Assessment of Dementia: Screening for Cognitive Decline with Asian Clients . . 291
20 Assessing for Schizophrenia in Asian Americans . . 305
21 Assessing Sleep Disorders in the Asian Client . . 327
22 Assessing Somatization with Asian American Clients . . 347
23 Assessing the Asian Child and Adolescent: Special Considerations . . 361
24 Assessment of Childhood Behavioral Disorders . . 367
25 School-Based Assessment with Asian Children and Adolescents . . 393
26 Neuropsychological Assessment of Asian-American Children and Adolescents . . 407
27 NeuropsychoIogicaJ Assessment with Asian American Clients . . 427
28 Assessing Risk, Recidivism, and Dangerousness in Asians . . 443
29 Forensic Assessment with the Asian American Client . . 453

Index . . 465

Large-scale magnetic fields in the Universe

ed. Rainer Beck [et al.]
Place of publication
New York


Publication date
Table of Contents

Magnetic Fields in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe . . 1
The First Magnetic Fields . . 37
Magnetic Fields in Cosmic Particle Acceleration Sources . . 71
Cosmic Rays in Galactic and Extragalactic Magnetic Fields . . 97
Magnetic Fields in Galactic Haloes . . 133
Magnetic Fields in Massive Stars, Their Winds, and Their Nebulae . . 145
Magnetic Fields, Relativistic Particles, and Shock Waves in Cluster Outskirts . . 187
Magnetic Fields in Galaxies . . 215
Magnetic Fields in Supernova Remnants and Pulsar-Wind Nebulae . . 231
The Role of Magnetic Fields in the Interstellar Medium of the Milky Way Evidence from the Diffuse Polarized Radio Emission . . 263
Galaxies in a Box: A Simulated View of the Interstellar Medium . . 281
Magnetic Fields in the Multiphase Interstellar Medium . . 293
The Magnetic Field of the Milky Way from Faraday Rotation of Pulsars and Extragalactic Sources . . 307
Magnetic Fields in Astrophysical Jets: From Launch to Termination . . 325
Current Status of Turbulent Dynamo Theory From Large-Scale to Small-Scale Dynamos . . 371

(Space Science Series of ISSI ; Vol. 39)

Introduction to metal matrix composites : fabrication and recycling

Yoshinori Nishida
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

1 Introduction . . 1
1.1 Classification and Characteristics of Composites . . 2
1.1.1 Classification of Composites . . 2
1.1.2 Characteristics of Metal Matrix Composites . . 3
1.1.3 Examples of Metal Matrix Composite Products . . 4
1.2 Rule of Mixtures . . 9
1.3 Surface Energy and Interface Energy . . 11
1.4 Thermodynamics on Surfaces . . 16
1.5 Wettability . . 19
1.6 Darcy's Law . . 23
References . . 25

2 Fabrication Processes for Composites . . 27
2.1 Aspects of Fabrication of Composites . . 27
2.1.1 Energy of Fabrication . . 27
2.1.2 Fabrication of Composites by Mechanical Methods . . 31
2.1.3 Mechanical Work and Wetting . . 32
2.2 Classification of Fabrication Methods . . 34
2.3 Comparison of Fabrication Techniques . . 34
2.4 Solid State Fabrication . . 35
2.4.1 Powder Metallurgical Methods . . 35
2.4.2 Mechanical Alloying . . 38
2.4.3 Diffusion Bonding . . 39
2.4.4 Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) . . 40
2.5 Liquid State Fabrication . . 41
2.5.1 Vortex Addition Technique . . 41
2.5.2 Compo-Casting . . 43
2.5.3 Pressureless Infiltration Process . . 44
2.5.4 Ultrasonic Infiltration . . 45
2.6 Gaseous State Fabrication . . 46
2.6.1 CVD . . 46
2.6.2 PVD . . 47
2.7 In Situ Fabrication Process . . 48
2.7.1 Internal Oxidation Process . . 48
2.7.2 Unidirectional Solidification Process . . 49
References . . 50

3 Fabrication by Squeeze Casting . . 53
3.1 Application of Pressure and Fabrication Energy . . 54
3.2 Threshold Pressure . . 56
3.2.1 Case of Random Reinforcement Distribution . . 56
3.2.2 Case of Unidirectional Fiber Distribution . . 57
3.2.3 Measurement of Threshold Pressure . . 58
3.3 Influence of Preheating of Preform . . 58
3.4 Microscopic Analysis of Fluid Flow in Preforms . . 61
References . . 64

4 Theory of Pressure Infiltration . . 67
4.1 Macroscopic Analysis of Fluid Flow in Preforms . . 67
4.1.1 Analysis on the Assumption of Constant Preform Surface Pressure . . 68
4.1.2 Infiltration Velocity Model . . 72
4.2 Infiltration Stop Mechanism . . 88
4.3 Characteristics of Pressure Infiltration Method and Products . . 89
References . . 89

5 Centrifugal Casting of Metal Matrix Composites . . 91
5.1 Infiltration of Molten Metal Using Centrifugal Force . . 91
5.1.1 Pressure Generated at the Surface of Preform . . 92
5.1.2 Infiltration Start Pressure . . 95
5.1.3 Infiltration of Molten Metal into the Preform . . 95
5.1.4 Example Calculations . . 100
5.1.5 Examples of Composites Fabricated Using Centrifugal Force . . 105
5.2 Centrifugal Casting of Particle Dispersed Molten Metal . . 108
References . . 111

6 Properties of Composites . . 113
6.1 Mechanical Properties . . 114
6.1.1 Elastic Modulus . . 114
6.1.2 Strength of Composites . . 120
6.1.3 Fracture of Composites . . 130
6.2 Physical Properties . . 138
6.2.1 Density . . 138
6.2.2 Specific Heat . . 139
6.2.3 Thermal Conductivity . . 140
6.2.4 Thermal Expansion Coefficient . . 142
6.3 Interface . . 147
6.4 New Trends in MMCs . . 148
6.4.1 Carbon/Metal Composites with High Thermal Conductivity . . 148
6.4.2 Smart Composites . . 149
References . . 150

7 Superplasticity of Composites . . 155
7.1 Background for Superplasticity . . 155
7.2 Mechanism of Superplastic Forming . . 156
7.2.1 Superplastic Deformation Mechanism of Alloys . . 157
7.2.2 Superplastic Deformation Mechanism of Composites . . 158
7.3 Production Methods of Superplastic Materials . . 159
References . . 163

8 Materials for the Fabrication of Composites . . 165
8.1 Characteristics of Reinforcements and Matrix Metals . . 166
8.2 Production Processes for Reinforcements . . 168
8.2.1 Ceramic Particles . . 168
8.2.2 Ceramic Fibers and Carbon Fibers . . 169
8.2.3 Ceramic Whiskers . . 175
References . . 178

9 Recycling of Composites . . 181
9.1 Composite Ratio in Products and Re-melting . . 182
9.2 Separation of Fibers or Particles . . 183
9.2.1 State of Composites . . 183
9.2.2 Mechanical Separation of Reinforcements . . 186
9.2.3 Chemical Separation of Reinforcements . . 187
9.3 Separation of Fiber and Metal from Composites . . 189
9.3.1 Chemical Method and Ratio of Separation . . 189
9.3.2 Phenomena Associated with Separation Using Fluxes . . 192
9.4 Entropy of Mixing by the Addition of Reinforcement Particles . . 194
9.4.1 Entropy of Mixing . . 195
9.4.2 Entropy Increase upon the Addition of Particles . . 195
9.5 Assessment of Metal Matrix Composites . . 199
References . . 200

Index . . 201