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International encyclopedia of information and library science

ed. by John Feather and Paul Sturges
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Publication date
Table of Contents

List of consultant editors . . VII
List of contributors . . VIII
List of illustrations . . XV
Preface . . XVII
Acknowledgements . . XXI
How to use this book . . XXII
List of abbreviations . . XXIII
Entries A-Z . . 1
lndex . . 662

Unintended outcomes of social movements : the 1989 Chinese student movement

Fang Deng
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Publication date
Table of Contents

List of illustrations . . ix
Preface . . xi
Acknowledgments . . xiii

1 Understanding unintended outcomes of social movements . . 1
An unintended outcome of the 1989 Chinese student movement . . 2
Two reasons why the Tiananmen tragedy has not been presented as an unintended outcome . . 11
The advantages of applying a game theoretical approach . . 23
An important assumption . . 26
A theory of interaction between social movements and state . . 28

2 A brief history of the Chinese student movement for democracy
  (15 April 1989 to 4 June 1989) . . 31

3 Anti-threat resistance: a game with incomplete information . . 66
Preference structure: the mechanics of interaction . . 67
A model of movement development . . 68
Private information and a changed preference structure . . 73
A game with incomplete information . . 77
Conclusion . . 86

4 State's sub-optimal strategies: a two-level game . . 89
A two-level game 90 . . 90
The complexity of choosing a strategy in the two-level game . . 94
Incentives for consistency between the two games . . 95
A supplementary theory of consistency and sub-optimal strategies . . 96
Significant impacts of the state's sub-optimal strategies on movement development . . 100
Conclusion . . 101

5 Short-term gain and long-term loss for the participants:
  the dynamics of repeated games . . 103
The participants' changing beliefs: diminishing dangers . . 106
The participants' increasing payoff, X3 . . 110  
The participants' constant payoff, X2 . . 114
Decreasing the probability of the state choosing the sub-optimal strategy . . 115
Short-term gain and long-term loss for the participants . . 119
Conclusion . . 122

6 Information gap and bloody confrontation: the final game . . 124
State's threats: interdependent or independent . . 125
State's interests: the tangible interests of the present or
the intangible interests of the future . . 128
The foundation for the formation of the participants'
beliefs: past experience or a correct understanding of the current situation . . 133
Conclusion . . 13S

Appendix . . 138
Bibliography . . 140
Index . . 146

(International Library of Sociology)

Mapping modernity in Shanghai : space, gender, and visual culture in the sojourners' city, 1853-98

Samuel Y. Liang
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Hybrid journalism . . 32
Literature of urban consumption . . 37
Knowing historical experience . . 40
Wang Tao and courtesan literature . . 43
The new literati-journalists . . 47
Han Bangqing and his novel . . 49

3 Ephemeral households, marvelous things . . 53
Merchant residences and courtesan houses . . 53
The "family" business . . 56
The public boudoir: banquets and tea parties . . 60
Shifting gender roles . . 64
Magical and fashionable objects . . 71
Interior settings . . 76
Destruction and disillusionment . . 80

4 The meeting of courtyard and street . . 84
Changing views of the pleasure quarter . . 84
Joint production . . 87
Fluid space . . 93  
Diverse functions . . 100
Distinct neighborhoods . . 106

5 Ultimate ingenuity, amorphous crowds . . 113
The challenge of human ingenuity . . 113
Marvels on the Bund . . 118
Flowers of Chessboard Street . . 121
Streetscapes of Fourth Avenue . . 125
Spectatorship of street events . . 131
Markets in the teahouses . . 136
Shops on First Avenue . . 140

6 The mingling of magnates and masses . . 144
Restaurants . . 144
Opium houses . . 148
Storytelling houses . . 151
Theaters . . 156
Street parades . . 164
Carriages and rickshaws . . 171
Gardens . . 174

Conclusion . . 181

Glossary of frequently-used Chinese terms . . 183
List of Chinese characters . . 185
Notes . . 192
References . . 204
Index . . 213

(Asia's Transformations)

Encounters with Tadeusz Kantor

Krzysztof Miklaszewski ; ed. and transl. by George Hyde
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Plates . . ix
Introduction to the Series . . xi
Acknowledgements . . xii
Translator's Preface . . xiii
Introduction . . 1

1 The Legislator and the Renovator of Radical Ideas . . 5
2 Towards the Impossible Theatre (Conversation, June 1972) . . 9
3 Tadeusz Kantor's Cloahroom (Film script, 1973-1974) . . 14
4 Lovelies and Dowdies (Critical Commentary, 1974) . . 30
5 Dead Class, or a New Treatise on Mannequins (Conversation, October 1975) . . 34
6 A Gripping Seance: Dead Class . . 42
7 Around the World with Dead Class . . 47
  Kantor in the British Isles (1976) . . 48
  In the Eyes of the French (1977) . . 52
  Shiraz (1977) . . 57
  New York (1979) . . 59
  Toga-mura and Tokyo (1982) . . 64
8 Kantor in Opposition to Himself (Conversation, July 1980) . . 68
9 Between Absolute Form and the Revelation of Feeling: Wielopole, Wielopole . . 73
10 On the State of Things, the Avant-garde, Innovation, Luck, Truth, and Success (Conversation, June 1981) . . 82
11 Cricotage under Villon's Banner: Ou Sont les Neiges d'Antan? . . 90
12 The Theatre is Art, First and Foremost (Conversation, November 1983) . . 100
13 Let the Artists Die! (Notes from the year 1985) . . 110
14 I - The Master: A Documentary on the Making of Kantor's Let the Artists Die! by Krzysztof Miklaszewski (1985-1986) . . 120
15 A Sixteen-minute Pre-premicre Ovation . . 125
16 Did I Help or Did I Hinder? (Conversation, July 1986) . . 128
17 Exegi Monumentum, or The Machine of Love and Death (Description in dialogue form, July 1987) . . 132
18 ". . . Nothing Further . . ." (Notes from conversations, March 1988) . . 135
19 Between Love and Death (Kantor's Farewell, 15 December 1990) . . 143

Afterword: Kantor's Ascension . . 147
Postscript: Kantor's Theatre, without Kantor (1999) . . 150
Tadensz Kantor (1915-1990): A Chronicie of his Life and Works . . 155
Tadeusz Kantor: World Bibliography . . 164
Authors and their Works . . 168
Index of Names . . 170

(Routledge Harwood Polish and East European Theatre Archive ; vol. 8)

Media reform : democratizing the media, democratizing the state

ed. by Monroe E. Price, Beata Rozumilowicz, and Stefaan G. Verhulst
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of tables . . vii
List of contributors . . viii
Acknowledgements . . xi

Introduction . . 1
1 Democratic change: a theoretical perspective . . 9
2 China: media liberalization under authoritarianism . . 27
3 Uzbekistan . . 47
4 Indonesia: media and the end of authoritarian rule . . 69
5 Bosnia-Hercegovina and post-conflict media restructuring . . 89
6 Media reform in Jordan: the stop-go transition . . 107
7 The partial transition: Ukraine's post-communist media . . 133
8 The current state of media reform in Uganda . . 155
9 The disenfranchised voter: silences and exclusions in Indian media . . 180
10 Media in transition: the case of Poland . . 203
11 Media reform in Uruguay: a case study in mature transition . . 232
12 Conclusion . . 254

Index . . 269

(Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies ; 9)

The break-up of Yugoslavia and international law

Peter Radan
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of maps . . vii
Acknowledgements . . ix

Introduction . . 1
1 Nationalism and self-determination . . 8
2 The 'nation' as a 'people' . . 24
3 The principle of uti possidetis in Latin America . . 69
4 The principle of uti possidetis in Asia and Africa . . 118
5 The national question and internal administrative borders in Yugoslavia, 1918-91 . . 135
6 The international response to and course of the Yugoslavia secessions . . 160
7 The Badinter Commission: secession, self-determination and uti possidetis . . 204
8 Conclusion . . 244

Appendix: table of cases . . 254
Select bibliography . . 257
Index . . 262

(Routledge Studies in International Law ; 2)

Eastern Europe at the turn of the twenty-first century : a guide to the economies in transition

Ian Jeffries
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of tables . . xii
Acknowledgments . . xiii
Introduction and overview . . 1

Part I The coutries of Eastern Europe . . 65

1 Albania . . 67
2 Bulgaria . . 116
3 The Czech Republic . . 156
4 Hungary . . 202
5 Poland . . 240
6 Romania . . 297
7 Slovakia . . 348

Part II General issues . . 381

8 General issues in the transition from command to market economies . . 383

Postcript . . 408
Bibliography . . 416
Index . . 433

(Routledge Studies of Societies in Transition ; 19)

The Biblical World. Vol. 2

ed. by John Barton
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of illustrations vii

Volume II


27 The Hebrew and Aramaic languages 3
John Huhnergard and Jo Ann Hackett
28 The Greek language 25
John Muddiman
29 Warfare 33
Thomas M. Bolin
30 The arts: architecture, music, poetry, psalmody 53
Susan Gillingham
31 Law and administration in the New Testament world 75
J. Dunran Derrett
32 Religion in pre-exilic Israel 90
Rainer Albertz
33 Religion in Israel during and after the exile 101
Rainer Albertz
34 Judaism at the turn of the era 125
Jarl Fossam
35 The first charches: social life 137
Justin J. Meggitt
36 The first churches: religious practice 157
Justin J. Meggitt

37 Israel's ancestors: the patriarchs and matriarchs 175
George W. Ramsey
38 Moses 194
John Van Seters
39 David and Solomon 208
Gwilym H. Jones
40 Jesus 223
Robert Morgan
41 Panl 258
Darid G. Horrell


42 Salvation in Jewish thought 287
Dan Cohn-Sherbuk
43 Salvation in Christian thought 317
Andrew Chester
44 Interpretations of the identity and role of Jesus 332
Catrin H. Williams
45 Death and afterlife 357
John J. Collins
46 Purity 378
Gordon Wenham

47 Jewish Bible translation 397
LeonardJ. Greenspoon
48 Christian Bible translation 413
Henry Wanstrough
49 Modern biblical interpretation 427
William R. Teliord
Index of biblical references 451
Index of modern authors 495
Subject index 507

The Biblical World. Vol. 1

ed. by John Barton
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of ilustrations ix
List of contributors xii
John Barton xix
List of abbreviations xx

Introduction 1
John Barton

Volume I
I The Old Testament/Hebrew Bible 5
Rex Mason
2 The Apocrypha 15
Adele Reinhartz
3 The New Testament 28
Christopher Tuckett

4 Near Eastern myths and legends 41
Stephanie Dalley
5 Historiography in the Old Testament 65
A. D. H. Mayes
6 Prophecy 88
Graeme Auld
7 Wisdom 107
Katharine Dell
8 Apocalypticism 129
Christopher Rowland
9 The Jewish novel 149
Lawrence M. Wills
10 The Gospels 162
John Muddiman
11 Letters in the New Testament and in the Greco-Roman world 188
Harry Gamble

12 Text and versions: the Old Testament 207
Carmel McCarthy
13 Text and versions: the New Testament 229
David Parker
14 The Dead Sea Scrolls 250
GeorgeJ. Broobe
15 Hebrow inscriptions 270
Graham Davies
16 The Cairo Genizah 287
Stefan C. Reif
17 The gnostic gospels 305
Alastair H. B. Logan
18 Early Jewish biblical interpretation 323
Alison Salvesen
19 Early Christian biblical interpretation 333
Mark Edwards


20 Biblical archaeology 345
Felicity J. Cobbing
21 Palestine during the Bronze Age 3
J. Maxwell Miller
22 Palestine during the Iron Age 391
Keith W. Whitelam
23 The age of the exile 416
Joseih Blenkinsopp
24 Israel under Persia and Greece 440
Lester L. Grabte
25 Judaea under Roman rule, 63 BCE - I35 CE 458
Sarah Pearce
26 Israel's neighbours 492
Bustenay Oded
45 Death and afterlife 357
John J. Collins
46 Purity 378
Gordon Wenham