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Arabic manuscripts : a vademecum for readers

by Adam Gacek
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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . vii
Introduction . . ix
Transliteration Table . . xiii
Note on Transcriptions . . xv
Illustrations and Credits . . xvii

Main Alphabetical Sequence (A-Z) . . 1

Works Cited and Abbreviations . . 299
Appendix I: Non-specific (General) Abbreviations Encountered in Arabic Manuscripts . . 313
Appendix II: Major Arabic Letterforms Based on Mamluk and Ottoman Texts on Calligraphy . . 318
Appendix III: Alphabetical Table of Qur'anic Suras . . 321
Appendix IV: Bibliographic Guide . . 325
Appendix V: Describing the Manuscript .. 333
Chart 1: Muslim-Christian Calendar . . 339
Chart 2: Major Historical Periods . . 340
Chart 3: Major Muslim Dynasties . . 341

Animals as disguised symbols in Renaissance art

by Simona Cohen
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Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Illustrations . . ix
Acknowledgements . . xv
Colour Plates . . xvii
Introduction . . xxxiii

Chapter One. Medieval Sources of Renaissance Animal Symbolism . . 3
Chapter Two. Renaissance Naturalists and Animal Symbolism: Fact and Fantasy . . 23
Chapter Three. Emblematic Literature and Related Sources . . 35

Chapter Four. The Birds and Animals of Carpaccio's Miles Christianus . . 53
Chapter Five. The Enigma of Carpaccio's Venetian Ladies . . 95
Chapter Six. Animals in the Paintings of Titian: A Key to Hidden Meanings . . 135
Chanter Seven. Titian's London Allegory and the Three Beasts of his Selva Oscura . . 165
Chapter Eight. Animal Heads and Hybrid Creatures: The Case of the San Lorenzo Lavabo and its Sources . . 195
Chapter Nine. Andrea del Sarto's Madonna of the Harpies and the Human-Animal Hybrid in the Renaissance . . 241
Chapter Ten. The Ambivalent Scorpio in Bronzino's London Allegory . . 263

Epilogue . . 291
Select Bibliography . . 297
Index . . 305

(Brill's Studies in Intellectual History ; vol. 169. Brill's Studies on Art, Art History and Intellectual History ; 2)

Maoist model theatre : the semiotics of gender and sexuality in the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)

Rosemary A. Roberts
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Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Tables . . xi
List of Illustrations . . xiii
Acknowledgements . . xxi
List of Abbreviations . . xxiii

Chapter One Introduction: Gender and the Model Works . . 1
The Cultural Revolution and the Yangbanxi . . 1
Origins of the Yangbanxi . . 2
Ideological Foundations of the Yangbanxi . . 7
Chinese Language Scholarship on the Yangbanxi . . 11
English Language Scholarship on the Yangbanxi . . 13
Research on Gender in the Cultural Revolution . . 15
On the Masculinisation of Women and the Erasure of Femininity . . 17
Semiotics of the Theatre as a Tool for Gender Analysis of the Yangbanxi . . 23
Story Synopses:
The Red Lantern (Hong dengji) . . 31
Shajiabang . . 34

Chapter Two Role Assignment and Gender: Resetting the Paradigms . . 39
The Role Distribution of the Central Heroic Characters . . 40
Linguistic Systems . . 46
Props . . 57
Kinesics: Facial Mime, Gesture, Movement . . 66
Music: Vocal Techniques . . 67
Makeup, Hairstyles and Costumes . . 69
Subverting Tradition Through Radicalized Conservatism . . 72
Concluding Remarks . . 74
Story Synopses:
Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy (Zhi qu weihu shan) . . 77
Raid on White Tiger Regiment (Qixi Baihutuan) . . 81

Chapter Three Costume in the Yangbanxi: Gendering the Revolutionary Body . . 85
Fashion Theory and the Yangbanxi: Some Theoretical Issues . . 85
Bodies and Faces . . 87
Hair and Female Beauty . . 90
Costume . . 92
Costume Fabrics and Designs . . 102
Concluding Remarks . . 111
Story Synopses:
On the Docks (Haigang) . . 113
The Red Detachment of Women (Hongse niangzi jun) . . 116

Chapter Four Gender and the Kinesics of Yangbanxi Ballet . . 119
The Classical Ballet Tradition . . 120
The Yangbanxi Ballets . . 121
Gender in Dance Performance: a Methodology for Analysis . . 123
Yangbanxi Ballet Kinetic Analysis . . 125
Roles and Individual Dance Movements . . 128
Interactive Dance Movement . . 131
On Bodies and Sensuality . . 134
Concluding Remarks . . 137
Story Synopses:
The White-haired Girl (Baimao nu) . . 141
Song of the Dragon River (Long jiang song) . . 144

Chapter Five Feminising Leadership in Song of the Dragon River . . 149
The Creation of Song of the Dragon River . . 150
Major Characters and the Plot of Song of the Dragon River . . 151
Semiotic Systems and Codes for Analysis . . 152
Femininity, Masculinity and Leadership in Maoist Culture . . 153
Hairstyle and Costume . . 160
Verbal Linguistic Systems . . 162
Gender Differences in Relationship Management . . 165
Non-Verbal Language Systems . . 170
Props . . 173
Sexuality, Motherhood and Female Leadership in a Masculine Environment . . 175
Conclusions: Female Leadership and the Yangbanxi . . 179
Story Synopses:
Azalea Mountain (Dujuan shan) . . 183
Fighting on the Plains (Pingyuan zuozhan) . . 187

Chapter Six The Yangbanxi Heroine and the Historical Tradition of the Chinese Woman Warrior . . 191
The Woman Warrior in Chinese Historical Records and Traditional Culture . . 192
Mulan as a Model for Women in the Twentieth Century . . 196
Gender, Sexuality and the Woman Warrior . . 198
Women Warriors of the Yangbanxi . . 199
The Cultural Model and Gendered Audience Response . . 210
Story Synopses:
Boulder Bay (Panshi wan) . . 215
Ode to Yimeng (Yimeng song)—ballet
Red Cloud Ridge (Hong yungang) or Red Sister (Hong sao)—Beijing Opera . . 219
Sons and Daughters of the Grasslands (Caoyuan er nu) . . 221

Chapter Seven Gendering the Counter-Revolution: The Feminisation of Villainy . . 223
Symbolic Gendering through Yin-Yang Symbolism . . 225
Cultural Attitudes to Homosexuality in Chinese Culture . . 232
Negative Stereotypes of Homosexual Males in Theatre and Film . . 233
Visual and Aural (Ef )feminisation of the Counter-Revolution . . 234
Hair . . 237
Vocal Feminisation . . 239
Costume . . 239
Kinesics and Proxemics . . 242
The Gendering of Personal Qualities of the Yangbanxi Villains . . 246
Conclusions . . 255

Chapter Eight The Yangbanxi and Gender Identities in Post-Maoist China . . 259

Bibliography . . 267
Yangbanxi Filmography . . 277
Index . . 279

(Women and Gender in China Studies ; Vol. 2)

General maps of Persia 1477-1925

by Cyrus Alai
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Publication date


Table of Contents

Key to Special Abbreviations . . VII
Acknowledgements . . IX
Foreword . . XI
Preface . . XIII

Introduction . . 1

Historical Background . . 13
Ptolemy's Life and His Mapping of Persia . . 13
The Fifth Map of Asia Depicting Persia . . 16
Group PTOL-1, Bologna . . 18
Group PTOL-2, Rome . . 18
Group PTOL-3, Florence . . 21
Group PTOL-4, Ulm . . 24
Group PTOL-5, Early Venice . . 25
Group PTOL-6, Schott, Strasbourg . . 25
Group PTOL-7, Grueninger, Strasbourg . . 26
Group PTOL-8, Basel . . 35
Group PTOL-9, Gastaldi, Venice . . 37
Group PTOL-10, Ruscelli, Venice . . 37
Group PTOL-11, Mercator Plates, Cologne . . 41
Group PTOL-12, The Netherlands . . 41
Group PTOL-13, Magini, Venice; Cologne; Arnhem; Padua . . 44
Group PTOL-14, Sessa, Venice . . 46

Historical Background . . 47
Section One: Italian Maps . . 56
Section Two: Maps from the Low Countries . . 62
Section Three: French Maps . . 100
Section Four: Germanic Maps . . 134
Section Five: British Maps . . 177
Section Six: Russian Maps . . 253
Section Seven: American Maps . . 258
Section Eight: Persian Maps . . 271
Section Nine: Turkish Maps . . 275
Section Ten: Spanish and Portuguese Maps . . 279
A Curiosity Map, Persia as a Persian Cat . . 285

List of Consulted Map Collections . . 287
List of Figures . . 288
List of Plates . . 289
Bibliography, Excluding Maps, Atlases and Old Books (pre-1925) . . 295
Chronological Index of Map Entries . . 299
Index of Personal and Institutional Names . . 307
Index of Geographical Names . . 314

Addenda . . 319

(Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1, The Near and Middle East ; vol. 80)

Expectations of the end : a comparative traditio-historical study of eschatological, apocalyptic and messianic ideas in the Dead Sea scrolls and the New Testament

by Albert L. A. Hogeterp
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Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . xi
Abbreviations . . xiii

Chapter One. Toward Comparative Study of Eschatological Ideas in Qumran and in Emerging Christianity . . 1
1. Definition of Eschatology and Problems of Comparative Study . . 2
2. Jesus, Emerging Christianity and Eschatology . . 7
3. Concluding Observations and Prospect . . 15

Chapter Two. Integrating Qumran Eschatology into Late Second Temple Judaism . . 19
1. Eschatology and Scripture . . 19
2. Eschatology in Non-Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 31
3. Eschatology in Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 43
4. The Umwelt to Qumran Eschatology: Comparative Texts and Traditions . . 76
5. Evaluation and Conclusions . . 106

Chapter Three. Emerging Christianity and Eschatology . . 115
1. The Sources and Their Order of Discussion . . 115
2. First-Century Christian Eschatological Ideas and Scripture . . 117
3. The Gospel of Mark . . 127
4. The Sayings Source Q . . 154
5. The Gospel of Matthew . . 163
6. The Gospel of Luke . . 174
7. Eschatological Jesus-Traditions in the Gospel of Thomas . . 186
8. The Gospel of John . . 194
9. Eschatology in the Pauline Letters . . 206
10. Eschatology in the Acts of the Apostles . . 230
11. Evaluation . . 242

Chapter Four. Resurrection of the Dead in the Dead Sea Srolls and the New Testament . . 247
1. Introduction . . 247
2. Scriptural Foundations for the Belief in Life after Death . . 255
3. Resurrection in Non-Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 265
4. Resurrection in Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 285
5. Resurrection Beliefs in the Pre-70 CE Jesus-Movement . . 293
6. Post-70 CE New Testament Texts and Pre-70 CE Traditions on Resurrection . . 323
7. Summary and Evaluation . . 326

Chapter Five. Apocalypticism in Qumran and the New Testament . . 335
1. Introduction . . 335
2. Early Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and Scripture . . 342
3. Qumran Apocalyptic Texts and Early Jewish Apocalypticism . . 357
4. The Beginnings of the Jesus-Movement and Apocalypticism . . 382
5. Jesus and Apocalypticism . . 391
6. The Synoptic Gospels and Apocalypticism . . 400
7. Paul and Apocalypticism . . 410
8. Post-Pauline Letters . . 413
9. Apocalypse of John . . 414
10. Evaluation . . 417

Chapter Six. Messianism in Qumran and the New Testament . . 423
1. Introduction . . 423
2. Early Jewish Messianism and Biblical Tradition . . 434
3. Messianic Texts in Second Temple Jewish Literature . . 442
4. Messianic Beliefs and Christology in Early Christianity . . 458
5. Evaluation . . 470

Bibliography . . 473
Index . . 511

(Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah ; Vol. 83)

Between betrothal and bedding : marriage formation in Sweden 1200-1600

by Mia Korpiola
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . xiii
List of Illustrations . . xv

Introduction . . 1
Medieval and Early Modern Swedish Society . . 9

Chapter One - The Process: Traditional Marriage Formation in Medieval Sweden . . 19
1.1 The Swedish Process of Marriage Formation in Secular Custom and Law . . 19
1.2 Betrothal and the Consent of the Marriage Guardian . . 23
1.3 The Wedding and the Bedding: Enforcing the Contract . . 48
1.4 The Marriage Process and Property Consequences . . 66
1.5 Summary . . 86

Chapter Two - The Act: The Making of Marriage in Medieval Canon Law . . 89
2.1 Matrimony, Sacramentality and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction: Defining and Supervising Marriage . . 89
2.2 The Church's Policy of Consent: Guaranteeing Individual Choice . . 101
2.3 The Church's Policy of Ecclesiastical Solemnization of Marriage . . 122
2.4 The Paradoxical Status of Consummation in Canon Law . . 135
2.5 Summary . . 145

Chapter Three - The Challenge: Controlling Marriage Formation in Medieval Sweden . . 149
3.1 Marriage and the Church in Medieval Sweden: Imposing Indissolubility and Combating Incest . . 149
3.2 The Secular Reaction to Free Consent: Securing the Guardian's Rights . . 154
3.3 Increasing Ecclesiastical Control of the Betrothal . . 183
3.4 The Growing Importance of Solemnization . . 204
3.5 Legitimacy of Children and The Marriage Process . . 229
3.6 Summary . . 256

Chapter Four - Ecclesiastical Control vs. Traditional Marriage Formation in Reformation Sweden . . 263
4.1 The Reformation and Matrimonial Law . . 263
4.2 The Lutheran Church and the Control of Marriage: The Net Tightens . . 272
4.3 Love or Duty: Free Choice and Parental Consent in Reformation Sweden . . 283
4.4 Trothplight, Betrothal and Consummation: Return to Formality . . 297
4.5 Increasing Insistence on Ecclesiastical Solemnization . . 323
4.6 The Marriage Process and Sexual Crime: Policing Illicit Intercourse . . 347
4.7 'Preserving the Difference': The Church, Children and their Parents . . 370
4.8 Summary . . 383

Chapter Five - Conclusion . . 389
5.1 Marriage Formation in Sweden, 1200—1600 . . 389
5.2 Why did the Traditional Swedish Marriage Process Persist for So Long? . . 397

Abbreviations . . 403
Sources and Bibliography . . 407
Index . . 429

(Northern World ; Vol. 43)

Roman Gods : a conceptual approach

Michael Lipka
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . vii
List of Illustrations . . ix

Introduction . . 1

Chapter One - Constituent Concepts . . 11
1. Space . . 11
2. Time . . 30
3. Personnel . . 51
4. Function . . 66
5. Iconography . . 88
6. Ritual . . 103

Chapter Two - Conceptualization . . 117
1. Adoption . . 117
2. Deification . . 127
3. Differentiation .  132
4. Dissolution . . 142

Chapter Three - A Test Case: The Secular Games of 17 B.C. . . 147
1. Celebrations . . 147
2. Carmen Saeculare . . 159

Chapter Four - Concepts and Society . . 167
1. The Elite . . 168
2. The Underprivileged . . 177
3. Women . . 181

Chapter Five - Conclusions . . 187

Bibliography . . 195
Index . . 211

(Religions in the Graeco-Roman World ; Vol. 167)