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(Institutions of Higher Education in Wrocław 1945-2005)

Author: Ryszard Czoch (Wrocław University of Technology – Institute of Architecture, Art and Techniques History)

Edition I
ISBN-10: 83-921013-4-0
ISBN-13: 978-83-921013-4-5

Wrocław 2007

Format of publication: PDF
Number of pages: 63

Accessible in Digital Library of Wroclaw University


Institutions of Higher Education in Wroclaw (1945-2005)

Institutions of Higher Education in Wroclaw in post-war period were recreation of Lviv’s (według googli taka wersja jest częstsza) institutions: Jan Kazimierz University, University of Technology, Veterinary Medical Academy and Foreign Trade Academy in structure and names of departments, subjects taught, programs of studies and members of academic staff. Through this, we anchored in Lviv's academic society traditions.

Wroclaw was one of latest of delivered academic cities and one of the most destroyed during the process. In May of 1945, when Wroclaw surrendered, institution of higher education were already active in Warsaw, Cracow, Gliwice, Lodz and Gdansk.

In April 1945 in Cracow process of organizing of forthcoming authorities of Wroclaw has begun. Committee was created, which task was to: "prepare organization team for president dr Drobner and achieve all matters related with practical overtaking of administration of city of Wroclaw". In Scientific-Cultural Team was assembled at Jagiellonian University, and has arrived to Wroclaw on 9th and 10th of May 1945, three days after capitulation of city.

First Scientific-Cultural Team consisted of several professors, medics, museums personnel, two priests (Catholic and Evangelical) and few forthcoming administration employees. Leader of this Team was prof. Stanisław Kulczyński, Plenipotentiary of Education Ministry, former rector of Jan Kazmierz University in Lviv. Task of Team was to secure properties of pre-war institution of higher education in Wroclaw.

Meanwhile, in Cracow were operating plenipotentiaries of Team, that were preparing further transports of personnel and students to Wroclaw's institutions of higher education. In Cracow newspaper "Dziennik Polski" were printed appeals for departure to Wroclaw of architects and administration personnel "familiarized with university’s administration".

Professors, assistants and postgraduates from Lviv were – in this pioneer period – core of built Polish institutions of higher education in Wroclaw.