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(1774-1806, 1811-1813, 1816-1818).
Content bibliography of periodic / Zeitschrifteninhaltsbibliographie

Edyta Kotyńska, Tomasz Kalota

Edition I
ISBN-10: 83-921013-3-2
ISBN-13: 978-83-921013-3-8

Wrocław 2006

Format of publication: PDF
Number of pages: 454

Accessible in Digital Library of Wroclaw University

Periodic "Bunzlausche Monathschrift zum Nutzen und Vergnügen" published in Boleslawiec's Orphanage in years 1774-1806, 1811-1813, 1816-1818 is part of learning-amusement (half-scientific) periodicals and is believed to be one of most representative of Silesian periodicals. Monthly publication was published for 39 years, despite strong competition, in rate of edition from two thousands to four thousands – this numbers speaks for themselves about significance of this periodic. "Bunzlausche Monatsschrift" is historical and documentary collection of information, universal in character, and its content shape minds of Silesian people for many years. Content of periodical is interesting source for researches about history of the region.

Periodic was meant to serve general public. For long time it has been fulfilling needs of receivers throughout popular articles aiming to widen knowledge and to use this knowledge in practice with religious and laic morality. To popular articles were added literature and regional news. Monthly was read mainly by teachers and priests from Silesia and Lausitz regions, they were also largest group of senders of materials to print. Success of periodic was also created by devotion of editors, especially of pastor Erdmann Friedrich Buquoi vel Bucquoi (1750-1821), that for many years supervised publication and wrote articles. Engagement of editors, "freshness" and actuality of content, allowed periodic to stretch beyond frame of ordinary journal and took important position among Renaissance periodicals of Silesia region, becoming example for other Silesian half-science periodicals.

Although „Bunzlausche Monatsschrift” was in its function, profile, methods of editorial works and gaining readers typical instruct-amusement periodic, but during 39 years it could constantly encourage readers for reading and buying it. Author of published in 1995 monograph of splendid Silesian periodic Schlesische Provinzialblätter, Michael R. Gerber, noticed, that people of Silesian region needed title, that will be central organ fulfilling intellectual and spiritual needs of province and that expectations were met for some time by periodic from Boleslawiec. But because of location of the city, on cultural outer rims of Lower Silesia region, it never could became most important periodic for region.

Aim of this work is to give readers tool, that will ease quick search for interesting contents within 457 volumes of periodic. Content bibliography of „Bunzlausche Monatsschrift” faithfully represents structure of this periodic: years were divided into fascicles (Stück), and within them into sections and further for titles of articles. Editors marked annotations with stars (*). Markers <> dignified names and pseudonyms of authors, and in square brackets were taken information from beyond the text, e.g. [wiersz=poem / Gedicht], [notatka=note / Notiz], [piosenka=song / Lied]. Original spelling was left and that causes, that some names and forms of spellings are different. Spotted inconsistencies in spelling of individual names and mistakes in text were marked with exclamation mark [!].

In additional appendix is available list of authors and their pseudonyms. Whole is completed by scanned original indices of curious names and things („Register der merkwürdigsten Nahmen und Sachen”) that were added by editors to years 1774-1798, 1800, 1804 of periodic. Whole material, along with original indices, could be searched in full text mode by Adobe Reader build in search tool. Precise reaching for searched information could be achieve in advance search mode. Full text search of indices is possible due to usage of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) method. As example of typographical workshop of Boleslawiec's Orphanage was presented, in form of copy, first volume of periodic.

In Wroclaw University Library's collections is held almost complete set of volumes of this periodic and single volumes of it could be found in many Polish and foreign libraries as well as in archives and in private hands.

This publication is supplement to author's dissertation, information regarding "Bunzlausche Monatsschrift" periodic were also published in collective work edited by Marek Hałub and Anna Mańko-Matysiak in first volume of series "Śląska Republika uczonych".