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Library's Information Point

General information

Library's Information Point is maintained by the Scientific Information Department and is located on the ground floor of the University Library at the Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St. in the main hall (level 0, main entrance to the building).

Address for correspondence:
Wroclaw University Library
Scientific Information Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 375 76 24, +48 71 375 75 96

Opening hours:

October - June
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
July, September
Monday, Thursday: 12:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Library's Information Point
is closed

Scope of services

In the Library's Information Point users can:

  • obtain current information regarding Library,

  • pick up previously ordered copies of materials from the Reprographic and Digitization Unit,

  • pay fees for selected library's services,

  • fill in electronic forms to subscribe to the Library and purchase reading rooms' electronic library card (create an account to Reading Rooms).

Scope of accepted payments

In the Library's Information Point users can pay fees for:

  • search for information in licensed online information services,

  • printouts made from licensed databases and websites,

  • services ordered in the Reprographic and Digitization Unit,

  • reading rooms' electronic library cards (10-days and 2-days) and their prolongation,

  • duplicate of library cards without photos,

  • services ordered in the Reprographic and Digitization Unit are paid by the users at the time of collecting of ordered materials (photocopies, microfilms, DVDs with recorded scans),

  • loosing reading rooms' ticket,

  • loosing coatroom's ticket,

  • not returing key for the self-lock locker on time, losing it or damaging lock in self-lock locker in the coatroom.

All fees paid at the Library's Information Point can be made in cash only.

User as confirmation of transactions made at the Library's Information Point receives a fiscal paragon or a receipt - depending on the type of charge.


At the user's request Plenipotentiary of WUL’s Director for Financial Matters may issue an invoice.

The invoice is issued only for the services subject to VAT.

The will to receipt of the invoice must be reported to the librarian at the Library's Information Point.

Oryginał faktury można odebrać w Punkcie Informacyjnym Biblioteki w godzinach jego pracy.

The original of the invoice can be picked up at the Library's Information Point during its working hours.

The original of the invoice can be sent to the postal address. In this case, postal fees are added to the bill.

The date of sending of the invoice is specified by the Plenipotentiary.

Computer workstations

In the main hall of the Library there are computer terminals available for:

  • filling in electronic forms to subscribe to the Library,

  • illing in electronic forms to purchase reading rooms' electronic library card for usage of Reading Rooms and Informatory,

  • checking availability of library materials in the collections of the Wroclaw University Library.

Terminals located in the main hall of the Library may not be used for purposes other than those listed above.