Scientific Information Department
General information
Wroclaw University Library
Scientific Information Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wroclaw
phone: +48 71 37 57 596
Opening hours of Informatory and Library's Information Point
October - June Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. |
July, September Monday, Thursday: 12:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. |
August Informatory: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Library's Information Point is closed |
Department duties
Main duty of the Department is providing information services to users, in particular:
creating and making available information workshop,
accomplishing information queries (including ones regarding Silesia-Lusatian topics),
co-creating Library’s web page,
maintaining the Polish Standards database,
subscribing electronic periodicals and databases services (in cooperation with the Serials Department),
duties in the Information Centre and in free access areas,
training of users and coordinating library practices,
bibliographical and documentary activities.
Sections of Department
Section for Scientific Information
organizing own information workshop (reference collection, access to databases, access to internet for users),
catalog, bibliographic and subject information service,
fulfilling queries on basis of Library’s general collections,
localizing hard to find materials in domestic and foreign libraries,
fulfilling orders for xerography copies and microfilms,
co-creating Library’s web page,
creating electronic News Bulletin of foreign acquisitions,
organizing thematic and occasional exhibitions,
hosting tour groups and foreign guests,
training of information users,
coordinating library’s practices for students and librarians,
gathering and processing data for University of Wrocław’s bibliography,
maintaining Main Library’s alphabetical catalog,
maintaining Central Catalogs for Departmental Libraries.
Section for Bibliographic-Documentation Duties
gathering and processing data for Bibliography of Academic Staff Publications of University of Wrocław,
maintaining authority files register for employees of UoW,
preparing statistical analysis of academic staff publications of UoW for Rector and Direction of Library,
participation in catalog duties.
First and Last Name | tel. number / email | |
Dep. manager mgr Piotr Rossa | +48 71 3757 597piotr [kropka] rossa [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Sekcja Informacji Naukowej | ||
Sec. manager mgr Luiza Bakalarczyk | +48 71 3757 597luiza [kropka] bakalarczyk [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Jarosław Dybała | +48 71 3757 596jaroslaw [kropka] dybala [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Łukasz Jodłowski | +48 71 3752 418lukasz [kropka] jodlowski [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Magdalena Małachowska | +48 71 3752 418magdalena [kropka] malachowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Barbara Piątkowska-Chodasewicz | +48 71 3752 418barbara [kropka] piatkowska-chodasewicz [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Marcin Rychel | +48 71 3757 596marcin [kropka] rychel [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr inż. Dorota Stańczak | +48 71 3752 418dorota [kropka] stanczak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Dorota Trąbka | +48 71 3757 596dorota [kropka] trabka [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Sekcja Prac Bibliograficzno-Dokumentacyjnych | ||
Sec. manager mgr Aleksandra Zawadzka | +48 71 - aleksandra [kropka] zawadzka [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Anna Łobodziec | +48 71 3463 115anna [kropka] lobodziec [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |