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General information

The Section for Collections' Storage is located in 6 storage rooms, where are located monographs and periodicals from general collections and the Silesian-Lusatian Collection, as well as a fumigation chamber.

Address for correspondence:
Wrocław University Library
Book Storage and Conservation Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wrocław
phone: +48 71 375 75 19
e-mail: opz.bu[w]

Hours of order fulfillment

October - June
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
July, September
Monday, Thursday: 12:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Section is closed

Circulation of collection

The general collections and the Silesian-Lusatian Collection are available in the reading rooms and lending departments of the University Library's Circulation Department. Rules and conditions of usage of the collections are determined in the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library.

Duties of the Section for Collections' Storage

Main duties of the Section for Collections' Storage include taking care and circulating of monographs and periodicals from general collections and the Silesian-Lusatian collections, and in particular:

  • handling the process of ordering/reservation of the library materials from the general collections and the Silesian-Lusatian Collection,

  • registering circulation of collections and movement of collections between departments of the Library,

  • transferring selected library materials to other departments of the University Library,

  • updating item records of monographs and volume records of periodicals in the VIRTUA computer system within the scope of the possessed permissions,

  • co-editing of the Doublet Exchange Platform database,

  • selecting publications for conservation and bookbinding,

  • preparing documentation for binding, repair and maintenance of library collections,

  • realizing the so-called small maintenance and technical preparation of library materials, sticking supralibros and call numbers on books, periodicals and electronic documents,

  • cooperation with other departments of the Library in the field of receiving acquisitions, melioration of collections, transfer of selected materials for cataloging, to be used in projects and for checking of collections by Autonomous Section for the Collection Condition Inspection,

  • preparing and realizing selection process of the book collection,

  • controlling and updating correctness of placement and storage of collections,

  • handling internal and external trainings and apprenticeships in the scope of performed tasks and possessed permissions,

  • disinfection collections in fumigation chamber.

  • Storage of books, phone: +48 71 375 75 19
  • Storage of newspapers and periodicals, phone: +48 71 346 31 32
  • Storage of periodicals, phone: +48 71 346 31 82
  • Storage of Silesian and Lusatian collections, phone: +48 71 375 75 82