Book Storage and Free Access Department
General information
The Book Storage and Free Access Department is responsible for maintaining the Wroclaw University Library’s monographs and periodicals published after 1800 and the book collection of the Silesian and Lusatian collections (collections of the former Silesian-Lusatian Cabinet). The collections are universal in scope and represent all fields of knowledge, with a particular focus on specialization in silesiacs and lusatics prints, and after World War II – also polonica.
Rules and conditions of usage of the collections are determined in the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library.
Wrocław University Library
Book Storage and Conservation Department
Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
50-383 Wrocław
phone: +48 71 375 75 27, +48 71 375 76 22, +48 71 375 75 19
e-mail: opz.bu[w] (opz[dot]bu[at]uwr[dot]edu[dot]pl)
Department sections
Department duties
Main duties of the Book Storage and Free Access Department include taking care of general collections and the Silesian-Lusatian collections:
handling the process of ordering/reservation/circulation of the library materials from the general collections and the Silesian-Lusatian Collection in the Local Lending Department and in the Circulation Department’s reading rooms as well as in the Free Access areas,
registering movement of collections,
keeping registers,
registering circulation of collections,
storage works,
protection of collections,
cooperation with other departments of the University Library,
updating data in the VIRTUA computer system and in the Doublet Exchange Platform database
preparing collections for circulation,
preparing and realizing selection process of the book collection,
controlling and updating correctness of placement and storage of collections,
realizing information services,
supporting the process of ordering/reservation and making available Individual Work Cabins and Group Work Rooms in the FA1 and FA2 in the Free Access areas,
handling internal and external trainings and apprenticeships in the scope of performed tasks and possessed permissions,
First and Last Name | tel. number / email | |
Dep. manager mgr Renata Nowak | +48 71 3757 527renata [kropka] nowak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Sekcja Przechowywania Zbiorów | ||
Sec. manager mgr Adrian Nowak | +48 71 3757 519adrian [kropka] nowak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Przemysław Bęben | +48 71 3757 519przemyslaw [kropka] beben [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Ewelina Jurska-Grabowska | +48 71 3757 519ewelina [kropka] jurska-grabowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Dominik Olbryt | +48 71 3757 519dominik [kropka] olbryt [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Małgorzata Olszewska | +48 71 3757 519malgorzata [kropka] olszewska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Sławomir Opasek | +48 71 3757 519slawomir [kropka] opasek [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Halina Petryk | +48 71 3757 519halina [kropka] petryk [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Adrian Piętak | +48 71 3757 519adrian [kropka] pietak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Bartosz Przepióra | +48 71 3757 519bartosz [kropka] przepiora [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Magdalena Siewierska | +48 71 3757 519magdalena [kropka] siewierska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Sylwia Tersa | +48 71 3757 519sylwia [kropka] tersa [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Żaneta Zajączkowska | +48 71 3757 519zaneta [kropka] zajaczkowska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Sekcja Wolnego Dostępu | ||
Sec. manager mgr Grzegorz Czopnik | +48 71 3757 608grzegorz [kropka] czopnik [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Michał Białowąs | +48 71 3753 181michal [kropka] bialowas [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Marzena Domańska | +48 71 3757 622marzena [kropka] domanska [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Oskar Dumiński | +48 71 3757 622oskar [kropka] duminski [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Alicja Gomółka | +48 71 3757 622alicja [kropka] gomolka [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Artur Kowalkowski | +48 71 3757 622artur [kropka] kowalkowski [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Jolanta Lamla | +48 71 3757 622jolanta [kropka] lamla [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Bartosz Ney-Czyż | +48 71 3757 622bartosz [kropka] ney-czyz [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Natalia Pelc | +48 71 3757 622natalia [kropka] pelc [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
Karolina Rosiak | +48 71 3757 622karolina [kropka] rosiak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Joanna Tanaka | +48 71 3757 622joanna [kropka] tanaka [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl | |
mgr Karolina Woźniak | +48 71 3757 622karolina [kropka] wozniak [w] uwr [kropka] edu [kropka] pl |