Direkt zum Inhalt
ed. by Robert Blackburn and Jörg Polakiewicz

Preface by the Editors    ix
Foreword by the President of the European Court of Human Rights    xiv
The Contributing Authors    xv
Table of ECHR Cases    xxv
Table of Legislation and Treaties    xxxvn
PART I - Introductory: International and Comparative Aspects of
the ECHR and its Member States
1 The Institutions and Processes of the Convention    3
Robert Blackburn
2 The Status of the Convention in National Law    31
Jorg Polakiewicz
3 The Execution of Judgments of the European Court of
Human Rights    55
Jorg Polakiewicz
4 Current Developments, Assessment, and Prospects    77
Robert Blackburn

PART II - The Effect of the ECHR on the Legal and Political
Systems of Member States
5 AUSTRIA    103
Hannes Tretter
6 BELGIUM    167
Silvio Marcus-Helmons and Philippe Marcus-Helmons
7 BULGARIA    191
Alexander Arabadijew
8 CYPRUS    217
Andreas Nicolas Loizou
Dalibor Jflek and Mahulena Hofmann
10 DENMARK    259
Peter Germer
11 ESTONIA    277
Rait Maruste
12 FINLAND    289
13 FRANCE        313
Catherine Dupre
14 GERMANY        335
Andreas Zimmermann
15 GREECE        355
Krateros Ioannou
16 HUNGARY        383
Hanna Bokor-Szego und Monika Weller
17 ICELAND        399
Gudrun Gauksdottir
18 IRELAND        423
Donucha O'Connell
19 ITALY        475
Enzo Meriggiola
20 LITHUAN IA        503
Vilenas Vadapalas
21  LUXEMBOURG    531
Dean Spielmann
22    MALTA    559
Joseph Said Pullicino
23 NETHERLANDS        595
Leo F. Zwank
24 NORWAY        625
Erik Mose
25 POLAND        657
Andrew, Drzemczewski and Marek Antoni Nowicki
26 PORTUGAL        681
Joao Madureira
27 ROMANIA        711
Renate Weber
28 RUSSIA        731
Maxim Ferschtman
29 SLOVAKIA        755
Milan Blasko
30 SLOVENIA        781
Arne Mavcic
31 SPAIN        809
Guillermo Escobar Roca
32 SWEDEN        833
Ian Cameron
33 SWITZERLAND        855
Marco Borghi
34 TURKEY        879
Yasemin Ozdek and Emine Karacunglu
35 UKRAINE        915
Victor Potapenko and Pavlo PushEar
Rohert Blackburn
a) Speech by the Secretary General at the Commemorative
Ceremony for the 50th Anniversary of the European
Convention on Human Rights    1009
b) Resolutions and Declaration for the Future at the European
Ministerial Conference, 4 November 2000    1012

Select Bibliography    1020
Index    1039