Direkt zum Inhalt
Karen Offen

Preface xi
Chronology: A Framework for the Study of European
Feminisms xix

Prologue: History, Memory, and Empowerment 1

I. Thinking About Feminism in European History 19

PART I: The Eighteenth Century 27
1. Reclaiming the Enlightenment for Feminism 31
3. Challenging Masculine Aristocracy: Feminism and the
French Revolution 50

PART II: The Nineteenth Century 77
4. Rearticulating Feminist Claims, 1820-1848 87
5. Birthingthe "Woman Question" 1848-1870 108
6. Internationalizing Feminism, 1870-1890 144
7. Feminist Challenges andAntifeminist Responses, 1890-1914 182
8. Nationalizing Feminisms and Feminizing Nationalisms,
1890 - 1914 213

PART III: TheTwentiethCentury 251
9. Feminism Under Fire: World War I, the Russian Revolution,
and the Great Backlash, 1914-1930 S 257
10. Feminist Dilemmas in Postwar National Political Cultures:
England, Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Germany 277

11. More Feminisms in National Settings: Portugal, Ireland,
Spain, and Sweden 311
I 2. Globalizing and Politicizing European Feminist International
Activity, 1919-1945 341

Epilogue: Reinventing the Wheel? 379

Notes 399
Bibliography 509
Index 521