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pod red. A. Arbatova i V. Dvorkina



About the Authors . . 7
Acknowledgement . . 9
Abbreviations . . 10
Introduction . . 14

Part I. Post-Cold War Nuclear Weapons and Strategies . . 21
Chapter 1. Deterrence and Strategic Stability . . 23
Chapter 2. Modern Arsenals of Nuclear States . . 46

Part II. The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons . . 75
Chapter 3. Nuclear Energy Prospects . . 77
Chapter 4. The Iranian Problem . . 87
Chapter 5. The North Korean Precedent . . 104
Chapter 6. The South Asian Standoff . . 117
Chapter 7. Missile Technology . . 138
Chapter 8. Nuclear Terrorism . . 155

Part III. Reductions of Nuclear Weapons . . 169
Chapter 9. Strategic Offensive and Defensive Arms . . 171
Chapter 10. Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons . . 198
Chapter 11. The Threat of Accidental Nuclear Exchanges . . 212
Chapter 12. Nuclear Warheads and Weapon-Grade Materials . . 225

Part IV. Enhancing Nonproliferation Regimes . . 249
Chapter 13. A Systemic Analysis of Nonproliferation . . 251
Chapter 14. IAEA Safeguards . . 259
Chapter 15. NPT: The Right to Withdraw . . 280
Chapter 16. Nuclear Fuel Cycle . . 291
Chapter 17. Nonproliferation Institutions . . 311

Part V. At the Junction of Disarmament and Nonproliferation . . 335
Chapter 18. The Dialectics of Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation . . 337
Chapter 19. Security Assurances . . 351
Chapter 20. Nuclear Testing . . 367
Chapter 21. Fissile Material Production . . 404
Chapter 22. Precision-Guided Conventional Weapons . . 420
Chapter 23. Space Weapons and the Problems Related to Their Prohibition . . 445
Chapter 24. Global Partnership . . 478

Conclusion . . 495
Summary (In English) . . 507
About the Carnegie Endowment . . 510