Przejdź do treści
ed. by Luc E. Weber, James J. Duderstadt
Miejsce wydania


Rok wydania
Spis treści

The First Decade of the New Millennium: Glion Colloquia in Perspective . . 1

INTRODUCTION Respice, Prospice Higher Education: A Decennial Review . . 3

Part I General Discussion of Innovation . . 35
CHAPTER 1 . . The Next decade, a Challenge for technological and societal Innovations . . 37
CHAPTER 2 Technological Innovation in the 21st Century . . 51
CHAPTER 3 Community Engagement as Social Innovation . . 63

Part II Agents of Innovation . . 77
CHAPTER 4 Curiosity and the Transformative Impact of Fundamental Scientific Research . . 79
CHAPTER 5 Industry as a Catalyst of Innovatio . . 93
CHAPTER 6 National Innovation Policies: Governments as innovation agents of higher education and research . . 107

Part III National and Regional Innovation Strategies . . 125
CHAPTER 7 Innovation strategies of European universities in the triangle of education, research and innovation . . 127
CHAPTER 8 Team Players to Shape our Future: Do our Students Learn the Right Skills? . . 137
CHAPTER 9 The Innovation Society: Canada's Next Chapter . . 145
CHAPTER 10 Singapore: successful in research, striving for innovation . . 161
CHAPTER 11 KAUST: An International, Independent, Graduate Research University . . 177
CHAPTER 12 Transforming an Economy through Research and Innovation . . 185
CHAPTER 13 Research and Innovation in Latin America . . 199

Part IV Innovation Strategies at the Institutional Level . . 209
CHAPTER 14 The Research University as Comprehensive Knowledge Enterprise: A Prototype for a New American University . . 211
CHAPTER 15 The German Excellence Initiative: Changes, Challenges and Chances for German Research Universities . . 227
CHAPTER 16 New University Paradigms for Technological Innovation . . 237
CHAPTER 17 Hi-Tech Industry and Universities: A Perspective on Dating for Joint Innovation . . 251
CHAPTER 18 The Challenge of Establishing World-Class Research Universities in Developing Countries . . 271

Part V Paradigm Shifts . . 287
CHAPTER 19 On Innovation Strategies: an Asian Perspective . . 289
CHAPTER 20 BILDUNG and Innovation — a contradictio in adjecto for today's university education in a globalized world? . . 303
CHAPTER 21 Injecting Relevance to make Innovation more Impactful at Universities . . 315
CHAPTER 22 Learning in/for a World of Constant Flux: Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber &. Homo Ludens revisited . . 321

Part VI Summary and Second Glion Declaration . . 337
CHAPTER 23 Summary of the Colloquium . . 339
CHAPTER 24 Universities and the Innovative Spirit Glion declaration II (June 2009) . . 353

(Glion Colloquium Series ; no. 6)