Przejdź do treści
Petros C. Mavroidis
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

Table of Cases . . xxi
Table of Conventions, Instruments, and Legislation . . xxvi
List of Abbreviations . . xxxvii

1. From GATT to the WTO . . 1
2. Disciplining Trade Instruments in the GATT . . 56
3. Most Favoured Nation and Exceptions . . 129
4. Demesne Instruments . . 231
5. Deviating from WTO Obligations . . 324
6. Agreements Dealing with Customs Procedures . . 382
7. Antidumping . . 408
8. Subsidies . . 520
9. Safeguards . . 605
10. Technical Barriers to Trade: Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Measures . . 668
11. Agreement on Agriculture; Agreement on Textiles and Clothing . . 743
12. Government Procurement . . 798
13. Transparency . . 816
Conclusions . . 840

References . . 846
Index . . 891