Przejdź do treści
ed. by Karl Cordell
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

Acknowlegements ix
Prefatory Remarks x
Place-Names xi
Notes on Contributors . . xix
Chronology of Silesia . . xxi
Maps . . xxiii-xxix
Introduction . . 1

1 Nationalism and the Nation-State in Central Europe . . 6
2 Ethnic Conflict and Conciliation in Central Europe Today . . 26
3 The Germans and Central Europe in the Pre-Modern Era . . 50
4 Silesia and the Dawning of the Modern Era . . 66
5 Upper Silesia 1918-45 . . 92
6 Polish and Czech Silesia under Communist Rule: A Comparison . . 131
7 The Articulation of Identity in Silesia since 1989 . . 161
8 The Future of Silesia . . 188

Conclusion . . 204
Index . . 208