Przejdź do treści
Gary S. Cross, Robert N. Proctor
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

1 The Carrot and the Candy Bar . . 1
2 Containing Civilization, Preserving the Ephemeral, Going Tubular . . 19 
3 The Cigarette Story . . 61 
4 Superfoods and the Engineered Origins of the Modern Sweet Tooth . . 89 
5 Portable Packets of Sound: The Birth of the Phonograph and Record . . 131 
6 Packaging Sight: Projections, Snapshots, and Motion Pictures . . 167 
7 Packaging Fantasy: The Amusement Park as Mechanized Circus, Electric Theater, and Commercialized Spectacle . . 207 
8 Pleasure on Speed and the Calibrated Life: Fast Forwarding through the Last Century . . 241 
9 Red Raspberries All the Time? . . 271 

Notes . . 289
Index . . 341