Przejdź do treści
ed. by Michael Snodin
Miejsce wydania
New Haven
Rok wydania
Spis treści

Prefaces . . VII
List of Contributors . . X
List of Lenders . . XI
Editor's Note . . XII

Karl Friedrich Schinkel: A Universal Man . . 1
Schinkel the Artist . . 9
Schinkel's Buildings and Plans for Berlin . . 16
Schinkel and Durand: the Case of the Altes Museum . . 27
Royal Residences on the Havel . . 36
Schinkel's Architectural Theory . . 47
Art And Industry 57

Schinkel's Buildings in Photographs 1890-1940 . . 64
A Universal Man Cat. 1-4 . . 88
Architectural Education Cat. 5-12 . . 91
The Romantic Impulse Cat. 13-26 . . 97
The Theatre Cat. 27-32 . . 107
Early Interiors Cat. 33-9 . . 113
Classical Berlin Cat. 40-56 . . 117
Royal Residences Cat. 57-100 . . 133
Church Architecture Cat. 101-8 . . 166
The British Journey and the Constructional Style Cat. 109-27 . . 172
Art and Industry Cat. 128-53 . . 185
Utopian Visions Cat. 154-60 . . 201