Przejdź do treści
Theresa A. Kestly
Miejsce wydania
New York
Rok wydania
Spis treści

Introduction . . XIII

Part I: Concepts of Play 
Chapter 1 Creating Safety and Connection for Play . . 3
Chapter 2 Early Play Experiences . . 20
Chapter 3 "Why Can't Bobby Behave?" . . 37
Chapter 4 Complexity and Neural Integration on the Road to Mental Health . . 55
Chapter 5 Becoming Part of Our Children . . 71

Part II: Playing with the Brain in Mind 
Chapter 6 Bridging Theories of Play and Practical Applications . . 95
Chapter 7 Play Sanctuaries . . 98
Chapter 8 Playing Together: The Collaborative Relationship . . 109 
Chapter 9 Storytelling Play . . 117
Chapter 10 The Interpersonal Neurobiology of Storytelling Play . . 134
Chapter 11 Mindfulness Play . . 152

Part III: Collaborating with Parents, Teachers, and Colleagues 
Chapter 12 When Did We Stop Playing and How Do We Begin Again? . . 163

Part IV: Appendix: Handouts . . 187

References . . 203
Index . . 209