Przejdź do treści
by Albert L. A. Hogeterp
Miejsce wydania


Rok wydania
Spis treści

Acknowledgements . . xi
Abbreviations . . xiii

Chapter One. Toward Comparative Study of Eschatological Ideas in Qumran and in Emerging Christianity . . 1
1. Definition of Eschatology and Problems of Comparative Study . . 2
2. Jesus, Emerging Christianity and Eschatology . . 7
3. Concluding Observations and Prospect . . 15

Chapter Two. Integrating Qumran Eschatology into Late Second Temple Judaism . . 19
1. Eschatology and Scripture . . 19
2. Eschatology in Non-Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 31
3. Eschatology in Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 43
4. The Umwelt to Qumran Eschatology: Comparative Texts and Traditions . . 76
5. Evaluation and Conclusions . . 106

Chapter Three. Emerging Christianity and Eschatology . . 115
1. The Sources and Their Order of Discussion . . 115
2. First-Century Christian Eschatological Ideas and Scripture . . 117
3. The Gospel of Mark . . 127
4. The Sayings Source Q . . 154
5. The Gospel of Matthew . . 163
6. The Gospel of Luke . . 174
7. Eschatological Jesus-Traditions in the Gospel of Thomas . . 186
8. The Gospel of John . . 194
9. Eschatology in the Pauline Letters . . 206
10. Eschatology in the Acts of the Apostles . . 230
11. Evaluation . . 242

Chapter Four. Resurrection of the Dead in the Dead Sea Srolls and the New Testament . . 247
1. Introduction . . 247
2. Scriptural Foundations for the Belief in Life after Death . . 255
3. Resurrection in Non-Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 265
4. Resurrection in Sectarian Qumran Texts . . 285
5. Resurrection Beliefs in the Pre-70 CE Jesus-Movement . . 293
6. Post-70 CE New Testament Texts and Pre-70 CE Traditions on Resurrection . . 323
7. Summary and Evaluation . . 326

Chapter Five. Apocalypticism in Qumran and the New Testament . . 335
1. Introduction . . 335
2. Early Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition and Scripture . . 342
3. Qumran Apocalyptic Texts and Early Jewish Apocalypticism . . 357
4. The Beginnings of the Jesus-Movement and Apocalypticism . . 382
5. Jesus and Apocalypticism . . 391
6. The Synoptic Gospels and Apocalypticism . . 400
7. Paul and Apocalypticism . . 410
8. Post-Pauline Letters . . 413
9. Apocalypse of John . . 414
10. Evaluation . . 417

Chapter Six. Messianism in Qumran and the New Testament . . 423
1. Introduction . . 423
2. Early Jewish Messianism and Biblical Tradition . . 434
3. Messianic Texts in Second Temple Jewish Literature . . 442
4. Messianic Beliefs and Christology in Early Christianity . . 458
5. Evaluation . . 470

Bibliography . . 473
Index . . 511

(Studies on the Texts of the Desert of Judah ; Vol. 83)