Przejdź do treści
Julia Hörnle
Miejsce wydania
Rok wydania
Spis treści

List of illustrations . . x
List of tables . . xi
Table of cases . . xii
Table of UK statutes . . xx
Table of UK statutory instruments . . xxiii
Table of European Communities legislation and documents . . xxiv
Table of foreign statutes . . xxvi
Table of treaties and conventions . . xxix
Acknowledgements . . xxx
List of abbreviations . . xxxi

1. Introduction . . 1
2. The concepts of fairness . . 4
2.1 Introduction . . 4
2.2 Definition of fairness in dispute resolution . . 5
2.3 Process values and forms of procedural justice . . 8
2.4 Due process . . 13
2.5 The difference principle: counter-balancing existing inequalities . . 14
2.6 The inherent conflict between due process and effectiveness . . 17
2.7 Conclusion . . 18
3. Internet disputes . . 19
3.1 Introduction . . 19
3.2 Characteristics of the Internet . . 19
3.3 Examples of Internet disputes . . 26
3.4 Contract and tort . . 28
3.5 Power in dispute resolution . . 29
3.6 Definition of relevant disputes in respect of the parties . . 32
3.7 Definition of relevant disputes in respect of the size of the claim . . 37
3.8 Chargebacks and refunds by payment service providers . . 38
3.9 The jurisdictional challenge of the Internet . . 44
3.10 Conclusion . . 45
4. ADR and applicable law . . 47
4.1 Introduction . . 47
4.2 ADR . . 48
4.3 Applicable law . . 60
4.4 Conclusion . . 73
5. ODR and access . . 74
5.1 Introduction . . 74
5.2 Definition of ODR . . 74
5.3 Forms of ODR . . 75
5.4 Technologies used . . 78
5.5 Transformative power of ODR . . 86
5.6 Conclusion . . 90
6. Arbitration and due process . . 91
6.1 Introduction . . 91
6.2 Sources of legal due process . . 91
6.3 Impartiality and independence in adjudication . . 112
6.4 Fair hearing . . 130
6.5 Duty to give reasons . . 140
6.6 Transparency versus confidentiality . . 144
6.7 Right of appeal / judicial review of arbitration awards . . 160
6.8 Conclusion . . 167
7. Internet disputes and fair arbitration . . 169
7.1 Introduction . . 169
7.2 Legal controls on the use of arbitration clauses in consumer contracts . . 171
7.3 UDRP as a model for ODR . . 186
7.4 Proportionate model of dispute resolution . . 214
7.5 Conclusion . . 218
8. A model of dispute resolution for the Internet . . 220
8.1 Introduction . . 220
8.2 Bringing the parties to arbitration . . 221
8.3 Standards for online arbitration of Internet disputes - findings from previous chapters . . 238
8.4 Implementation of the standards . . 244
8.5 Proportionality, costs and state funding . . 249
8.6 The model: resolution of Internet disputes . . 254
8.7 Conclusion . . 260
8.8 Recommendations . . 261

Bibliography . . 264
Index . . 274