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hrsg. von Bert G. Fragner [et al.]
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Geleitwort . . VII
Vorwort/Preface . . IX

Einführung/Introductory Essays . . 1
Asiens Pferdeökonomie aus der Sicht der historischen Forschung über den Vorderen Orient . . 3
Functional Traits in Early Horse Breeds of Mongolia, India and China from the Perspective of Animal Breeding . . 9
Die iranische Welt und Westasien/The Iranian World and Western Asia . . 17
Mythos und Reittier: Pferd und Pferdewirtschaft in der Überlieferung des Schahname . . 19
Some Considerations apropos of a Proto-Iranian Myth about Horses and its Significance for Ancient Iranian Socio-Cultural History . . 27
The Horses of the Shah: Some Remarks on the Organization of the Safavid Royal Stahles, Mainly Based on Three Persian Handbooks of
Administrative Practice . . 33
No Horses for the Enemy: Ottoman Trade Regulations and Horse Gifting . . 43
Muhammad zu Pferde im Kampf: Ein Beispiel für das Genre der Furusiyya an-nabawiyya während der Mamlukenzeit (1250-1517) . . 51
Zentralasien, die Seidenstraße und die Mongolen/Central Asia, the Silk Route, and the Mongols . . 61
From Pasture to Manger: The Evolution of Mongol Cavalry Logistics in Yuan China and its Consequences . . 63
Some Remarks on Horses on the Ancient Silk Roads Depicted on Monuments of Art between Gandhara and the Tarim Basin (3rd-8th Century) . . 75
Policies of Acquiring Horses in Early Yuan China: A Short Note on the Case of Dongping (1238) . . 83
Horses in the Hast-West Trade between China and Iran under Mongol Rule . . 87
The Mongols and their Magie Horses: Some Remarks on the Role of the Horse in Mongol Epic Tales . . 99
Der Indische Ozean, Südostasien und die maritime Welt/The Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, and the Maritime World . . 109
On Horses and Chariots in Ancient Indian and Iranian Personal Names . . 111
Horse Exports from the Persian Gulf until the Arrival of the Portuguese . . 129
Portuguese Involvement in Sixteenth Century Horse Trade through the Arabian Sea . .  137
Equestrian Demand and Dealers: The Early Indian Scenario (up to c. 1300) . . 145
The Horse in Southeast Asia prior to 1500 CE: Some Vignettes . . 161
China, das Chinesische Meer und Nordostasien/China, the East Asian Seas, and Northeast Asia . . 179
Horses of the Xianbei, 300-600 AD: A Brief Survey . . 181
Vom Roß zur Schindmähre: Bilder des Pferdes in den Künsten der Tang-Zeit (618-907) . . 195
Negotiation and Bartering on the Frontier: Horse Trade in Song China . . 203
Hainan and the Trade in Horses (Song to Early Ming) . . 219
Horses in Late Imperial China and Maritime Hast Asia: An Introduction into Trade, Distribution, and other Aspects (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries) . . 229

Tafelnachweis/Provenance of Plates . . 253
Tafeln/Plates . . 257

(Denkschriften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse ; Bd. 378 ; Veröffentlichungen zur Iranistik ; Nr. 46)