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MIT Press

Scientific collaboration on the Internet

ed. by Gary M. Olson, Ann Zimmerman and Nathan Bos
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Foreword . . ix
Preface . . xi
Introduction . . 1

I The Contemporary Collaboratory Vision . . 13
1 E-Science, Cyberinfrastructure, and Scholarly Communication . . 15
2 Cyberscience: The Age of Digitized Collaboration? . . 33

II Perspectives on Distributed, Collaborative Science . . 51
3 From Shared Databases to Communities of Practice: A Taxonomy of Collaboratories . . 53
4 A Theory of Remote Scientific Collaboration . . 73
5 Collaborative Research across Disciplinary and Organizational Boundaries . . 99

Ill Physical Sciences . . 119
6 A National User Facility That Fits on Your Desk: The Evolution of Collaboratories at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory . . 121
7 The National Virtual Observatory . . 135
8 High-Energy Physics: The Large Hadron Collider Collaborations . . 143
9 The Upper Atmospheric Research Collaborator/ and the Space Physics and Aeronomy Research Collaboratory . . 153
10 Evaluation of a Scientific Collaboratory System: Investigating Utility before Deployment . . 171

IV Biological and Health Sciences . . 195
11 The National Institute of General Medical Sciences Glue Grant Program . . 197
12 The Biomedical Informatics Research Network . . 221
13 Three Distributed Biomedical Research Centers . . 233
14 Motivation to Contribute to Collaboratories: A Public Goods Approach . . 251

V Earth and Environmental Sciences . . 275
15 Ecology Transformed: The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis and the Changing Patterns of Ecoloairal Research . . 277
16 The Evolution of Collaboration in Ecology: Lessons from the U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research Program . . 297
17 Organizing for Multidisciplinary Collaboration: The Case of the Geosciences Network . . 311
18 NEESgrid: Lessons Learned for Future Cyberinfrastructure Development . . 331

VI The Developing World . . 349
19 International AIDS Research Collaboratories: The HIV Pathogenesis Program . . 351
20 How Collaboratories Affect Scientists from Developing Countries . . 365

Final Thoughts: Is There a Science of Collaboratories? . . 377
Contributors . . 395
Index . . 399

(Acting with Technology)

Principles of neural design

Peter Sterling and Simon Laughlin
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Preface . . IX
Acknowledgments . . XI 
Introduction . . XIII 

1 What Engineers Know about Design . . 1 
2 Why an Animal Needs a Brain . . 11 
3 Why a Bigger Brain? . . 41 
4 How Bigger Brains Are Organized . . 57 
5 Information Processing: From Molecules to Molecular Circuits . . 105 
6 Information Processing in Protein Circuits . . 125 
7 Design of Neurons . . 155 
8 How Photoreceptors Optimize the Capture of Visual Information . . 195 
9 The Fly Lamina: An Efficient Interface for High-Speed Vision . . 235 
10 Design of Neural Circuits: Receding Analogue Signals to Pulsatile . . 265 
11 Principles of Retinal Design . . 277 
12 Beyond the Retina: Pathways to Perception and Action . . 323 
13 Principles of Efficient Wiring . . 363 
14 Learning as Design/Design of Learning . . 399 
15 Summary and Conclusions . . 433 

Principles of Neural Design . . 445 
Notes . . 447 
References . . 465 
Index . . 519 

The silent epidemic : coal and the hidden threat to health

Alan H. Lockwood
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Rok wydania
Spis treści

Preface and Acknowledgments . . IX
1 Introduction . . 1 
2 Coal . . 9 
3 The Pollutants . . 17 
4 From Mine to Ash . . 47 
5 Mitigation of Pollutants from Burning Coal . . 67 
6 Pathophysiology: How Pollution Damages Cells and Tissues . . 85 
7 Basic Health Considerations . . 99 
8 Diseases of the Respiratory System . . 111 
9 Diseases of the Cardiovascular System . . 131 
10 Diseases of the Nervous System . . 141 
11 Health Effects on the Horizon . . 155 
12 Coal, Global Wanning, and Health . . 165 
13 Energy and Health Care Economics . . 193 
14 Policy Implications . . 207 

Glossary . . 221 
Index . . 225