Przejdź do treści

Introduction to precise numerical methods

Oliver Aberth
Miejsce wydania


Rok wydania
Spis treści

Preface . . xi
Acknowledgments . . xiii
1 Introduction . . 1
2 Computer Arithmetics . . 9
3 Classification of Numerical Computation Problems . . 25
4 Real-Valued Functions . . 37
5 Computing Derivatives . . 41
6 Computing Integrals . . 57
7 Finding Where a Function f(x) is Zero . . 69
8 Finding Roots of Polynomials . . 79
9 Solving n Linear Equations in n Unknowns . . 97
10 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Problems . . 109
11 Problems of Linear Programming . . 137
12 Finding Where Several Functions are Zero . . 159
13 Optimization Problems . . 181
14 Ordinary Differential Equations . . 191
15 Partial Differential Equations . . 217
16 Numerical Methods with Complex Functions . . 235
The Precise Numerical Methods Program PNM . . 248
Index . . 249

The Concise Encyclopedia of Ethics in Politics and the Media

ed. Ruth Chadwick
Miejsce wydania
San Diego


Rok wydania
Spis treści

Contributors . . xiii
Guide to Encyclopedia . . xv
Preface . . xvii

Applied Ethics, Overwiew . . 2
Broadcast Journalism . . 8
Campaign Journalism . . 16
Censorship . . 27
Civil Disobedience . . 31
Civilian Populations in War, Targeting of . . 40
Collective Guilt . . 56
Computer and Information Ethics . . 64
Confidentiality of Sources . . 71
Courtroom Proceedings, Reporting of . . 77
Discrimination, Concept of . . 84
Distributive Justice, Theories of . . 94
Election Strategies . . 107
Electronic Surveillance . . 115
Ethics and Media Quality . . 125
Freedom of the Press in the USA . . 134
Gun Control . . 144
Indigenous Rights . . 178
Internet Protocol . . 186
Media Depiction of Ethnic Minorities . . 194
Media Ownership . . 209
National Security Issues . . 218
Objectivity in Reporting . . 224
Political Obligation . . 233
Pornography . . 241
Privacy versus the Public's Right to Know . . 251
Professional Ethics . . 264
Sexual Content in Films and Television . . 275
Tabloid Journalism . . 283
Terrorism . . 291
Truth Telling as Constiutive of Journalism . . 303
Viloence in Films and Television . . 310
Warfare, Strategies and Tactics . . 323

Index . . 327