Przejdź do treści

Same-sex marriage : a reference handbook

David E. Newton
Miejsce wydania
Santa Barbara


Rok wydania
Spis treści

Preface . . xiii

1 Background and History . . 1
Introduction: The Early Days . . 1
Same-Sex Relationships in History . . 3
Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Relationships in Western Culture . . 11
Sodomy Laws in the United States . . 14
The Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights Movement . . 16
Same-Sex Marriage in the United States . . 22

2 Problems, Controversies, and Solutions . . 31
Introduction . . 31
Same-Sex Marriage in Judeo-Christian History . . 33
Rome and the Middle Ages . . 36
"Traditional Marriage" . . 42
Nontraditional Marriage in Western Culture . . 45
Same-Sex Marriage: Arguments Pro and Con . . 49
The Status of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States . . 67
Alternatives to Same-Sex Marriage . . 70
The Future of Same-Sex Marriage in the United States . . 71

3 Worldwide Perspective . . 81
Introduction . . 81
Same-Sex Marriage in History . . 82
Same-Sex Marriage: Recent Developments: Opposition . . 84
Same-Sex Marriage: Recent Developments: Support . . 87
Public Opinion about Same-Sex Marriage . . 100
The Future of Same-Sex Marriage . . 102

4 Chronology . . 111

5 Biographical Sketches . . 133

6 Documents and Data . . 157
Legislation . . 157
House Bill 2007 . . 160
A Bill for an Act . . 160
Reports . . 168
Court Cases . . 174
Data and Statistics . . 194

7 Organizations . . 199
Organizations in Favor of Same-Sex Marriage . . 199
Organizations Opposed to Same-Sex Marriage . . 215
Organizations with an Interest in Marriage, but Who Are Neutral about Same-Sex Marriage . . 224

8 Resources . . 227
Print . . 227
Nonprint . . 254

Glossary . . 269
Index . . 273
About the Author . . 297

(Contemporary World Issues)