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(valid from October 1st, 2020)

1. General notices

  1. Users are recommended to order library materials remotely, and locally, in the WUL’s building - only at marked terminals.

  2. From from October 12th, 2020 until further notice, opening hours of the Library will be changed. The full text of the announcement on this subject is available on the Current affairs page.

  3. From October, users can use self-service lockers on Level 0 and a cloakroom, which are disinfected after each use.

  4. All users and Journalism students entering the Library building are required to disinfect their hands with disinfectants and/or wear disposable gloves, as well as use masks covering the nose and mouth or visors (in individual work cabins in the Main Reading Room, protective masks/visors are not required). If you bring your own computer equipment (e.g. laptops, tablets) or mobile phones - these devices should be disinfected at the Library Information Point.

  5. Everyone staying in the Library building should maintain an appropriate social distance between people - 1,5 m.

  6. The toilets and elevators in the WUL’s building are marked with information in Polish and English, which define the limits of people who can use them simultaneously. These rules of usage must be obey.

  7. We recommend users to disinfect their hands frequently. Containers with disinfectant liquid are available in the entire generally available library area intended for the user and in toilets.

2. Rules for the use of the WUL's Local Lending Department

  1. Books returned by Users are quarantined for 4 days and will be marked in the computer catalog with the status: "in quarantine". Books with the status "available" can be ordered through a user account in the online catalog.

  2. Due to the ongoing epidemiological threat, taking care of the safety of both Users and the Library's employees, please exercise extreme caution when moving around in the WUL's building and comply with the following rules:

    • users who go only to the Local Lending Department are not obliged to leave their outerwear and bags/backpacks etc. in self-service lockers.

    • using protective masks and disinfecting your hands as soon as you enter the building is obligatory (gloves are also recommended).

    • in the Local Leanding Department there will be 2 service points marked as follows:
      1. Only LEANDING (1 point)
      2. RETURNS AND LEANDING (1 point)

    • Users approach the counter singly, go to the right point and follow the instructions of the librarian. User place returned books personally in a separate box, which, after filling, is put away for mandatory quarantine.

In order to ensure the comfortable use of the University Library's departments, we ask all users to follow the above recommendations.