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From October 1st, Local Lending Department located in the building on Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St., will be subscribing users, issuing paid library cards, collecting borrowed books and prolonging terms of their return as well as library accounts, and will settle obligation cards for students and circulation cards of University employees.
Borrowing library materials (general collections) will be possible after moving the entire book collection from the Wroclaw University Library on Karola Szajnochy 7/9 St. to the new location of the Library on Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St.
It will not be possible to order interlibrary loans form the WUL's general collection, which is in the process of moving, with the exception of the specialized collections of the WUL's departments located on F. Joliot-Curie 12 St. and collections of the departmental libraries of the University of Wrocław.

New phone contacts to Circulation Departments (active from October 1st 2019):
Local Lending Department - phone: +48 71 375 76 01
Interlibrary Lending Departments - phone: +48 71 375 76 02, +48 71 375 76 00

We will inform Users about all current changes through the University Library website (
We apologize for inconvenience.