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IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 83rd IFLA General Conference and Assembly.
19–25 August 2017, Wrocław, Poland

More information about the Congress you can find here:

The main place where the IFLA Congress takes place is the Centennial Hall, but many satelitte meetings, off-side sessions, off-site workshops, etc. will take place in libraries in the city of Wrocław, in the Region of Lower Silesia, in other cities in Poland or abroad (in the neighboring countries).

The Wrocław University Library is connected in the cooperation by the organization of IFLA Congress.

Attention: All Library Visits require pre-registration

In the new building of the Wrocław University Library –WUL (ul. F. Joliot-Curie12) some events associated with the IFLA Congress will be organized (off-site conference and workshops ) according to the following scheme:

Monday 21.08.2017 – Off-site conference Collections and Books [A]cross Borders organized by two IFLA sections jointly: Rare Books and Special Collections Section and Indigenous Matters Section (detailed program)

Tuesday 22.08.2017 – Off-site workshop Understanding Your Library from the Inside Out: A Workshop in Library Ethnography for User Assessment organized by Social Science Libraries Section (detailed program)

Wednesday 23.08.2017 – appointments of WUL’s Direction with : Direction of University Library “St. Clement Ohridski” Bitola, Republic of Macedonia and Leaders of Libraries from Kanton (China);

Thursday 24.08.2017 - appointment of WUL’s Direction with Direction and delegates of National Library of Bielarus and presentation of manuscript and old printed books;

Friday 25.08.2017 – Workshop/disscussion panel Impact of the IFLA Library Reference Model on ISBD, RDA and Other Bibliographic Standards: A Working Meeting (detailed program)

Two organized tours:
between 11o’clock a.m. and 1 o’clock p.m. an excursion organized for 50 persons – Presentation of special collections of Wrocław Univwrsity Library

between 3:15 o’clock p.m. and 4:45 o’clock p.m. an excursion organized for 50 persons - Presentation of Wroclaw University Library (collections, services, agendas, walking through the new library building)