Biennale WRO 2015 in WUL
On 15th April 2015 in the new building of the Wroclaw University Library the press conference on the 16th great exhibition of contemporary art MEDIA ART Biennale WRO 2015 took place. This exhibition is planned in that location from May 13 to June 30 this year.
The conference was attended by representatives of the University of Wroclaw: Vice-Rector for research and international relations - prof. dr hab. Adam Jezierski and Director of the University Library - Grażyna Piotrowicz, the Biennial’s art director Piotr Krajewski, representatives of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw: prof. Jacek Szewczyk - Dean of the Faculty of Visual and Media Arts and prof. Ireneusz Olszewski from the Intermedia Graphics Laboratory as well as Mr. Edwin Bendyk - curator of the program for Hacking of the Social Operation System conference, conference "Polityka" journal.
The conference was opened by Krzysztof Dobrowolski representing the WRO Art Center in contacts with the media, who then gave the floor the Director of the WUL - Grażyna Piotrowicz, who, as a host of the facility, welcomed gathered guests and outlined vision for the future development of the Library in the new building. She stressed the importance for the development of this academic institution in the context of the creation of library space saturated with technology, acting as an interface that connects physical space with virtual one, guaranteeing contact between users and books as well as other persons, access to all types of media and information accessible locally or remotely, place that creates the possibility of creative individual and group work, space - where the information is transformed into knowledge. She also stressed that in the future the new building of the Library will not only served as a center of knowledge, but also a center of intellectual and cultural life of the University and the whole academic community. She added that hosting of this year 16th WRO MEDIA ART Biennial within the walls and space of the new Library fits perfectly in the context of its future function.
The next speaker was the Rector Adam Jezierski, who stressed that the settlement of the new WUL’s building will create a whole new level of quality for the entire academic community of Wroclaw. He referred to the great works of modern art and the names of the artists whose works will be presented in the WUL’s building, stressing that the Wroclaw University is honored that can co-create this important cultural and artistic event.
Then the Biennial’s artistic director - Piotr Krajewski, was asked to speak, who thanks the University of Wrocław and the Wroclaw University Library for their cooperation in the organization of the Biennial and also listed other major partners of the project, i.e. National Museum in Wroclaw, DH Renoma, Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw, National Forum of Music / Musica Electronica Nova, Polish Theatre in Wroclaw and Pokoyhof Passage. He then discussed in details the program of the Biennial and listed artists who will participated with their works in it (details in the attached Program - Polish version only).
their works in it (details in the attached Program).
Next were asked to speak visitors from AoFA. Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts - prof. Szewczyk, told about planned first edition of the diplomas media art competition, in which 8 AoFAs from Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow, Katowice, Gdansk, Szczecin, Poznan and Wroclaw decided to organize a competition for the best diploma. Evaluation and selection of the best works will be done by the special jury. Prof. Ireneusz Olszewski associated with the Faculty of Graphic Arts, but also with the cathedral of Media Art and Intermedia Graphics Laboratory devoted his speech to the topic of media, that work so well with the nature of the Biennial.
Finally spoke Mr. Edwin Bendyk, journalist and publicist who specializes in, among others, civilizational issues and the impact of new technologies on the social life. In a very interesting way he announced the Hacking of the Social Operation System System conference that should take place with the participation of international experts during this year's Biennial and will close it and at the same time with its theme and character will open City of the Future Festival and other events related to the celebration of the next year's Wrocław 2016 -the European Capital of the Culture.