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We inform our Users that in accordance with the Ordinance No. 53/2020 of the Rector of the University of Wrocław from April 28th, 2020 on counteracting the spread of COVID-19 among members of the University of Wroclaw community, Wroclaw University Library will be closed from 12.03.2020 to 24.05.2020 (inclusive).
Because of difficulties in access to the Wroclaw University Library (WUL) departments providing services to the Users, we would like to inform you that during the Library closing period, i.e. from March 12th this year:

  • no statutory penalties will be charged for returning of borrowed books after due date of their return and their borrowing periods will be extended to 3 months. Users can also make remote prolongation of the borrowed books via their library account - in accordance with the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library.

  • UoW students and employees can use remote access to e-sources (online magazines, electronic books, databases) via the PROXY server from home computers, provided that the license agreement allows it. Registration of the proxy service ( After entering the link, UoW students should choose the category "UoW students - temporary account".

  • Users who have placed orders to the Interlibrary Lending Department should wait for contact from the Department's employee who will inform them about the method of using the ordered library materials.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.