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We inform our Users, that from 30.01.2015 to 31.01.2015 (Friday - Saturday), because of installation of new fiber connections in the building on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St. it will be impossible to use (locally or remotely) electronic catalog (OPAC in VIRTUA system), either to order materials (books) to the Main Reading Room or Lending Department on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St., nor to collect or return previously ordered materials or make settlement with student obligation card.
Please also note that in the above-mentioned period:

  • all departments of the Library on Św. Jadwigi St. and F. Joliot-Curie 12 St. will be open and will work without any imitations,

  • in the Main Reading Room on K. Szajnochy 7/9 St. Readers can use reference collection and previously ordered library materials as well as order materials on basis of traditional card catalogs and traditional order slips for local use.

We are sorry for all inconveniences!