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Die Mosaizisten der Antike II : epigraphische Quellen - Neufunde und Nachträge

von Michael Donderer
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Publication date
Table of Contents

Vorwort . . 9
Abkürzungsverzeichnis . . 11
Einleitung . . 15
Terminologie . . 19
Gesellschaftliche Stellung . . 32
Organisation der Werkstätten . . 34
Katalog Nachträge zu: Die Mosaizisten der Antike I (1989) . . 105
Abbildungsnachweise . . 159

Indices . . 165
A Inschriften-Konkordanzen . . 165
B Eigennamen . . 166
C Ethnika und Geographica . . 167
D Verba notabiliora . . 167
E Schriftquellen . . 168
F Fundorte . . 169
G Aufbewahrungsorte . . 170
H Allgemeiner Sachindex . . 171
Tafelteil . . 173

(Erlanger Forschungen. Reihe A, Geisteswissenschaften ; Bd. 116)

Prassi ecdotiche : esperienze editoriali su testi manoscritti e testi a stampa : Milano, 7 giugno e 31 ottobre 2007

a cura di Alberto Cadioli e Paolo Chiesa
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Table of Contents

Premessa . . 11

La tradizione filologica della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia . . 13
I romanzi greci. Nuove edizioni e nuove prospettive ecdotiche . . 27
Prova latente e 'normalizzazione' dei lemmi. Problemi filologici nelle Interpretationes Vergilianae di Tiberio Claudio Donato . . 37
L'edizione di un testo minore riccamente tradito, la Passio Anastasiae. Problemi e vantaggi . . 65
Tradizioni attive e testi scolastici. Il caso del repertorio Miramur di Alberico di Montecassino . . 95
Descriptt contaminati a catena e altre perturbazioni. L'esperienza del Policraticus di Giovanni di Salisbury . . 117
Pubblicare testi latini on-line. Obiettivi, metodi e strategie . . 137
L'edizione di testi modulari. Il caso del Luddario di Sancho IV di Castiglia . . 155
San Tommaso in India. L'aonorto della tradizione indiretta alla costituzione dello stemma del Milione . . 171
Giovanni Della Casa. Dai manoscritti alle stampe . . 185
Pubblicare un'edizione d'autore. Il caso di Berardino Rota . . 199
Un problema editoriale. Gli scritti di Francesco Algarotti . . 219
Metastasio lirico. Questioni editoriali . . 237
Dal Mattino al Mezzogiorno. Bilancio di un'indagine sulle prime stampe dei poemetti pariniani . . 257
Per l'edizione critica dell'Epistola sui Sepolcri di Giovanni Torti . . 277
Per l'edizione del Foscolo "inglese" . . 299
Di qualche esperienza manzoniana e d'altro ancora . . 337
Olindo Guerrini. Maschere, falsi e tradizione popolare . . 353

Indice dei manoscritti . . 367
Indice degli autori, degli studiosi e delle opere anonime . . 377

(Quaderni di Acme ; 103)

Inuit art : a history

by Richard C. Crandall
Place of publication
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Table of Contents

Preface . . 1
Place Names . . 5
Abbreviations . . 7
Introduction . . 9

1. Prehistoric Inuit Art . . 13
2. The Historic Period of Inuit Art . . 21
3. Contemporary limit Art: An Introduction . . 46
4. The Early Years of Contemporary Inuit Art: August 1948 to December 1950 . . 62
5. The Development of Inuit Art: 1951-1953 . . 83
6. The Expansion and Legitimization of Inuit Art: 1954-1956 . . 102
7. Expanding the Base: 1957-1961 . . 119
8. Continuous Expansion: 1962-1969 . . 145
9. Decade of Exhibitions, Part I: 1970-1974 . . 183
10. Decade of Exhibitions, Part II: 1975-1979 . . 209
11. Phe Plateau: 1980-1984 . . 238
12. Change, Part I: 1985-1987 . . 265
13. Change, Part II: 1988-1989 . . 297
14. Evolution, Part I: 1990-1993 . . 318
15. Evolution, Part II: 1994-1997 . . 347

References . . 367
Index . . 407

La révolution géographique en Belgique : départementalisation, administration et représentation du territoire de la fin du XVIIIe au debut du XIX siècle

Sébastien Dubois
Place of publication
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Table of Contents

Introduction . . 7
Sigles et abréviations . . 21

Chapitre I: L'organisation du territoire sous l'Ancien Régime . . 23
Chapitre II: Premiers projets de réforme . . 47
Chapitre III: La formation des neuf départements . . 79
Chaoitre IV: Les réactions de l'opinion . . 119
Chapitre V: Perception et organisation de l'espace . . 167
Chapitre VI: Entre modernité et tradition . . 199
Conclusion . . 259

Sources inédites . . 277
Sources imprimées et ouvrages anciens . . 293
Sources éditées . . 313
Bibliographie . . 317
Index des noms de lieux et de personnes . . 325

(Mémoire de la Classe des Lettres. Collection in-8°, 3e série ; t. 48)

Modes of religiosity in Eastern Christianity : religious processes and social change in Ukraine

Vlad Naumescu
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Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Illustrations . . vii
Preface by Chris Hann . . ix
Acknowledgements . . xiii
Note on Transliteration . . xv

1 Introduction . . 1
2 The Ukrainian Orthodox Imaginary . . 43
3 Soviet Realities and the Post-Soviet Making of Churches . . 69
4 Making Orthodoxy in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church . . 107
5 Religious Routine and the Continuity of a Religious Tradition . . 139
6 A Monastic Splinter Group and Its Imagistic Practice of Exorcism . . 165
7 The Religious Imaginaries of Western Ukraine . . 205
8 Conclusion . . 227

Bibliography . . 233
Appendix: Frequency of Individual Participation in Ritual Practices . . 247
Index . . 251

(Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia ; Vol. 15)

Zeit und Geschichte im Werk Kafkas

Beda Allemann ; hrsg. von Diethelm Kaiser und Nikolaus Lohse
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Publication date
Table of Contents

Zum Geleit . . 9
Hinweise zur Benutzung . . 13
Stehender S Zeit und Geschichte im Werke Kafkas (1962) . . 15
Kafka. Der Prozeß (1963) . . 37
Noch einmal: Kafkas Process (1992) . . 101
Kafka: Von den Gleichnissen (1964/1985) . . 115
Kafkas Kleine Fabel (1975) . . 127
Kafka und die Mythologie (1975) . . 151
Kleist und Kafka. Ein Strukturvergleich (1980) 169
Scheinbare Leere. Zur thematischen Struktur von Kafkas 'Schloß' -Roman (1983/1986) . . 189
Fragen an die judaistische Kafka-Deutung am Beispiel Benjamins (1987) . . 221
Publikationsnachweise . . 256

(Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung Darmstadt ; Veröff. 75)

Le nouvel art du temps : centre le stress

Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber
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Table of Contents

Introduction . . 11
1. Perdre son temps . . 17
2. Courir apres le temps . . 49
3. Rythmer son temps . . 79
4. Redécouvrir son temps . . 107
5. Maîtriser son temps . . 131
6. S'offrir du temps . . 153
7. Apprendre le temps . . 185
8. Le temps du nouveau siecle . . 211
Conclusion : L'art. Du temps . . 233
Table . . 239

Les territoires de l'intime : l'individu, le couple, la famille

Robert Neuburger
Place of publication
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Table of Contents

CHAPITRE PREMIER: La conquete de l'intimité individuelle . . 19
CHAPITRE II: L'intimité du couple : l'invention d'un territoire intime . . 71
CHAPITRE III: La création du territoire familial . . 107
CHAPITRE IV: La mort de l'intimité . . 151
CONCLUSION : Le rapport d'opacité : du reve fusionnel a l'idéal d'autonomie . . 179

At the Crossroads : The World Trading System and the Doha Round

Stefan Griller (ed.)
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Table of Contents

I. WTO-Law: Evolution and Context
How to Win a WTO Dispute Based on Non-WTO Law? Questions of Jurisdiction and Merits . . 1
Comments onJoost Pauwelyn's Paper: 'How to Win a WTO Dispute Based on Non-WTO Law?' . . 54
The Quest for Consistency: Principles Governing the Interrelation of the WTO Agreements . . 101
Treaty Conflicts in WTO Law - A Comment on William J. Davey's Paper 'The Quest for Consistency' . . 129
Protectionism or Reasonable National Regulation? The Protection of Non-Economic Interests as Barriers to the Free Movement of Goods: A Comparison of EC Law and WTO Law . . 147
Trade and Non-Economic Policies in the EU and in the WTO. A Comment on Peter-Christian Muller-Graff's Paper 'Protectionism or Reasonable National Regulation?' . . 169
Decision-making and the Balance of Powers in WTO Negotiations: Towards Supplementary Weighted Voting . . 181

II. Items on the Agenda Does the 'Development Round' Foster Development? . . 231
Agriculture after Cancun . . 315
Canciin and beyond - A European Perspective of Agricultural Issues . . 339
GATS and Domestic Regulation - A Threat to Democracy? . . 369
Post Cancun WTO TRIPs - A Bumpy Road . . 385

Abbreviations . . 401
The Authors of this Volume . . 407

(European Community Studies Association of Austria (ECSA Austria) Publication Series ; Vol. 8)