Biblioteka Wydziału Nauk Biologicznych - Biologia Roślin
Genetics and Genomics of Rice
1 A Reference Rice Genome Sequence in the 10K Genome Era . . 1
2 The Wild Relative of Rice: Genomes and Genomics . . 2
3 Natural Variation and Sequencing-Based Genetics Studies . . 27
4 Genome Mapping, Markers and QTLs . . 35
5 Transposable Element Dynamics in Rice and Its Wild Relatives . . 55
6 Molecular Cytogenetics of Rice and Its Wild Relatives . . 71
7 Mutant Resources for Functional Analysis of the Rice Genome . . 81
8 Transcriptome Profiling . . 117
9 Epigenomics . . 129
10 Noncoding Regulatory RNAs . . 145
11 Disease Resistance . . 161
12 Insect Resistance . . 177
13 Abiotic Stress Resistance . . 193
14 Nitrogen and Phosphorus Uptake and Utilization . . 217
15 Yield . . 227
16 Grain Quality . . 237
17 Heterosis . . 255
18 Flowering . . 269
19 Panicle Development . . 279
20 Root Development . . 297
21 Reproductive Isolation Between indica andjaponica Subspecies . . 317
22 Genomics-Based Breeding Technology . . 329
23 Utilization of Exotic Germplasm . . 349
24 Transformation and Transgenic Breeding . . 363
Perspective Rice 2020 Revised: An Urgent Call to Mobilize and Coordinate Rice Functional Genomics Research Worldwide . . 387
Index . . 391
Genetics and genomics of papaya
Part I Natural History and Genetic Diversity
1 Papaya (Carica papaya L.): Origin, Domestication, and Production . . 3
2 Biology of the Papaya Plant . . 17
3 Phenotypic and Genetic Diversity of Papaya . . 35
4 Vasconcellea for Papaya Improvement . . 47
5 The Phylogeny of the Caricaceae . . 81
Part II Classical and Molecular Genetics and Breeding
6 History and Future of the Solo Papaya . . 95
7 Hawaii's Transgenic Papaya Story 1978-2012: A Personal Account . . 115
8 Molecular Genetic Mapping of Papaya . . 143
9 Molecular Cytogenetics of Papaya . . 157
10 Physical Map of Papaya Genome . . 169
Part III The Papaya Genome
11 Sequencing and Assembly of the Transgenic Papaya Genome . . 187
12 Syntenic Sequence Conservation Between and Within Papaya Genes . . 205
13 Papaya Repeat Database . . 225
14 Genomics of Papaya Fruit Development and Ripening . . 241
15 Genomics of Papaya Disease Resistance . . 277
16 Genomics of Papaya Sex Chromosomes . . 309
Part IV Early Applications and Future Prospect
17 Physical Mapping of Papaya Sex Chromosomes . . 329
18 Cloning Major Genes Controlling Fruit Flesh Color in Papaya . . 341
19 Molecular Markers in Papayas . . 355
20 Papaya Nutritional Analysis . . 377
21 Papaya as a Medicinal Plant . . 391
22 Allele Discovery Platform (ADP) in Papaya (Carica papaya L.) . . 409
Index . . 423
Field guide to Wisconsin grasses
Acknowledgments . . VII
Morphology: Grass Structure . . 3
Agrostology: The Study of Grasses . . 23
Grasses in Wisconsin Plant Communities . . 33
Keys to the Grass Genera of Wisconsin . . 61
Field Guide to Wisconsin Grasses . . 91
Glossary . . 321 References . . 327
Illustration Credits .. 331
Taxonomic Index . . 335
Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change : Ecological and Socio-economic Valuations
Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change: Ecological and socio-economic valuations - an introduction . . 1
Part I Agroforestry management in an ecological and socio-economic context
Biodiversity patterns and trophic interactions in human-dominated tropical landscapes in Sulawesi (Indonesia): plants, arthropods and vertebrates . . 15
The potential of land-use systems for maintaining tropical forest butterfly diversity . . 73
Insect pollinator communities under changing land-use in tropical landscapes: implications for agricultural management in Indonesia . . 97
Structure and management of cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Sulawesi across an intensification gradient . . 11
Land tenure rights, village institutions, and rainforest conversion in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) . . 141
Rural income dynamics in post-crisis Indonesia: evidence from Central Sulawesi . . 161
Gender division of labor in agroforestry activities within households: a case of Wonogiri - Central Java - Indonesia . . 177
The robustness of indicator based poverty assessment tools in changing environments - empirical evidence from Indonesia . . 191
Demography, development, and deforestation at the rainforest margin in Indonesia . . 213
Part II Climate change effects on tropical rainforests and agroforests
Functional biodiversity and climate change along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical mountain rainforest . . 239
Spatiotemporal trends of forest cover change in Southeast Asia . . 269
Comparison of tree water use characteristics in reforestation and agroforestry stands across the tropics . . 293
A comparison of throughfall rate and nutrient fluxes in rainforest and cacao plantation in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia . . 309
Effects of "ENSO-events" and rainforest conversion on river discharge in Central Sulawesi (Indonesia) . . 327
Adaptation to climate change in Indonesia - livelihood strategies of rural households in the face of ENSO related droughts . . 351
Terrestrial herb communities of tropical submontane and tropical montane forests in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia . . 377
The hydraulic performance of tropical rainforest trees in their perhumid environment - is there evidence for drought vulnerability? . . 391
Part III Integrated concepts of land use in tropical landscapes
Principle and practice of the buffer zone in biosphere reserves: from global to local - general perspective from managers versus local perspective from villagers in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia . . 413
Institutions for environmental service payment programmes - evidence of community resource management arrangements in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia . . 431
Agricultural expansion in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso; implications for C stocks and greenhouse gas emissions . . 447
Contribution of agroforestry to biodiversity and livelihoods improvement in rural communities of Southern African regions . . 461
Human ecological dimensions in sustainable utilization and conservation of tropical mountain rain forests under global change in southern Ecuador . . 477
Linkages between poverty and sustainable agricultural and rural development in the uplands of Southeast Asia . . 511
Index of keywords . . 529