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General notices

Extent and term of training depends on type of training or practice, general preparation of employee dispatched to intern and his or her abilities in field of computer usage.
Introduction of training (typical for all departments)

  • organization structure of department

  • basic tasks and functions of department

  • extent of preformed duties

  • valid in department: statutes, instructions, regulations, procedures etc.

  • information workshop of department – reference collection, internal catalogs and indexes, registers etc.

  • statistic of preformed duties and activities

Programmatic content

Collections’ Acquisition Department

  • rules and policies of acquisition

  • types of Library's materials acquisitions

  • procedures for receiving acquisitions (unpacking parcel, checking content of parcel with attached register or creating one and evaluation of materials, writing down calculation to acquisition register, describing calculation, registering periodicals on accession cards)

  • writing down accession number on books and first volumes of periodicals

  • creating card with shorten book's description and including it into acquisition register

  • register of contractors and acquisition register of books from exchange; charging contacts listed on cards

  • familiarizing with auction procedures, central acquisition system of continued publications and foreign periodicals for departmental libraries, accesses to electronic periodicals based on printed subscription; learning about methods of maintaining documentation for accountancy with departmental libraries and bursary

  • familiarizing with rules of administrating of doublets and redundant prints.

Monographs Department

  • training on full processing process
    - creating full descriptions for cataloged books
    - searching and checking for records in local and outside databases
    - coping from outside databases records of authority files and bibliographical records
    - preparation of data for register of authority files
    - preparation of data and creating bibliographical records
    - creating collections’ records and completion of already existing ones
    - computer printout of catalog cards
    - maintaining register books
    - technical proceedings
    - creating item’s records

    Expected preparation of librarian (mainly concerning employed on posts of: senior librarian and custodian librarian)
    - good knowledge of cataloging rules, that also includes rules for selecting subject term and its form
    - usage of computer, including: working under Windows, browsing through internet
    - general knowledge about Virtua system
    - basic searching abilities in OPAC catalog
    - knowledge of library's materials records.

  • training in creating various types of records
    - searching and checking records in local and outside databases
    - coping records from authority files register and bibliographical records
    - preparing data for authority files register
    - preparing and including bibliographical records to database
    - creating item’s records and completing already existing (add-ons)

    Expected preparation of librarian:
    - introducing to Virtua system
    - good knowledge of MARC formats
    - good knowledge of cataloging methods, including rules of creating bibliographical description, regulation and techniques of cataloging, rules of creating authority files registers.

  • training on creation of item’s records
    - verifying abilities to search in OPAC catalog
    - searching for bibliographical records in OPAC catalog
    - rules of adding item's record
    - preparing item to electronic catalog description
    - filling form with description's elements
    - adding notices to item's description
    - setting item's status
    - switching item's records.

    Expected preparation of librarian:
    - good orientation about collections circulation procedures
    - knowledge of functioning of Circulation module
    - good knowledge of library's materials records regulations
    - good knowledge of methods of searching for records in OPAC catalog
    - knowledge of Chameleon program.

Serials Department

  • rules of periodicals cataloging

  • MARC21 format for bibliographical record for periodical publication and item's record

  • creating, including and modifying bibliographical record and authority files register's record in NUKAT database

  • creating collection's record and item's record for periodical publication in local database

  • coping bibliographical record and authority files register's record from NUKAT database to local database.

Book Storage Department

  • rules of deployment of collections within storage
    - typology of library’s materials
    - rules of deployment of collections on shelves
    - topography of storage

  • procedures for realization of traditional (paper) and electronic order slips
    - verifying of data on order slip
    - finding ordered materials
    - updating registers
    - updating VIRTUA system databases
    - sending materials to proper sections of Circulation Department

  • receiving materials from other departments of Library
    - rules of receiving materials
    - updating VIRTUA system databases
    - verifying completeness of receiving materials
    - procedures in relation to materials destined for other departments of Library

  • realization of protocols for: relegation, absolute loses and from Autonomous Section for the Collection Condition Inspection
    - verifying data in protocols
    - technical treatment of transferred materials
    - updating registers and VIRTUA system databases

  • organization and methodology of control conducted in storage
    - verifying tabs from resisters of collections
    - explaining non-compliance

  • sending materials to New Collections’ Conservation Workshop
    - rules of choosing materials for binding, repairing or conservation
    - preparing specifications for bookbinding
    - updating VIRTUA system databases for monographs and serials
    - sending and receiving selected materials
    - technical treatment of returning materials

  • rules for collections selection
    - rules for selection of materials to be excluded from collections
    - creating protocols for selection
    - updating registers and VIRTUA system databases

Circulation Department

  • Local Lending Department
    - subscribing to Library and receiving library card
    - creating user’s record in MARC format
    - conditions and methods for prolongation of library card
    - procedures for lending and prolongation of books in traditional and electronic system
    - procedures for cases of lost or damaged books
    - rules and methods for terminating readers' accounts; deleting records from users database.

  • Interlibrary Loans Department
    - rules for domestic and foreign interlibrary lending
    - fulfilling orders received from domestic and foreign libraries
    - localizing and fetching materials accordingly to orders from users of WUL
    - payment forms for lent books or delivered copies (vouchers, international coupons, cash invoice bills)

  • Main Reading Room
    - rules and methods of completing reference collection of Reading Room
    - systematic arrangement of reference collection
    - processing of materials acquired for reference collection (subject classification; assigning lectorium's call numbers; technical processing of acquisitions and their catalog cards; including lectorium's call numbers into electronic database)
    - reference catalogs of Reading Room
    - types and methods of creating relegation protocols
    - regulations about attendance to users

  • Current and Archive Periodicals Reading Room
    - selection and sources of periodicals acquisition
    - periodicals registration
    - completing and preparing completed volumes of periodicals for processing
    - reference catalogs of reading room
    - periodicals in electronic catalog
    - regulations about attendance to users.

Scientific Information Department (SID)

  • information workshop of Wroclaw University Library
    - presentation of Library's web page
    - electronic catalog (extend; rules for describing library's materials; searching in catalog; selecting results of search; coping searched results)
    - other local electronic catalogs (Underground Periodicals catalog, „Common European heritage" (16th - 18th cent.). Microfilm catalog etc.)
    - digitized card catalogs,
    - traditional catalogs: alphabetical, periodicals, systematic, central catalogs of departmental libraries (extend; structure; information value)
    - catalogs of former City Library
    - databases available in Scientific Information Department Reading Room and in local network (description; search strategies)
    - accessing, searching and usage of electronic periodicals
    - traditional information sources available in reference collection of SID as well as in other departments

  • usage of new technologies and internet in librarian's work
    - maintaining e-mail
    - maintaining scanner
    - office software used in librarian's work
    - internet as search tool (search engines – bookstores and libraries' catalogs – important internet addresses)

  • organization and methodic of work in SID
    - types of information
    - regulations about attendance to users (statute – statistic)
    - methodology for fulfilling queries
    - bibliographical and documentation duties: bibliography of writings about University of Wrocław (UoW), bibliography of UoW employees’ publications (extend of bibliographical duties; methods for acquiring and processing of data; statistics)

  • organization and methodic of work with alphabetical catalog
    - extend and structure of main alphabetical catalog and central departmental libraries catalog
    - order and sorting of catalog cards
    - including cards into catalogs
    - melioration of catalogs
    - realization of protocols

  • tour through Library combined with lecture about its history and collections.