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Proxy service registration

Rules for access from outside the UoW computer network to electronic information resources


All information regarding this service and its activation could be obtained in Scientific Information Department of Wroclaw University Library

§ 1

Only authorized Users have the right to access the licensed electronic resources of the Wroclaw University Library:

  1. employees of the University of Wrocław,
  2. PhD students, both intramural and extramural of the University of Wrocław,
  3. students with proven disabilities of all faculties of the University of Wrocław,
  4. students of all faculties of the University of Wrocław,
  5. retired employees of the University of Wrocław,
  6. scholarship holders and participants of international exchange programs studying at the University of Wrocław.

§ 2

Authorization takes place after acceptance of the Rules for access from outside the UoW computer network to electronic information resources (proxy service).

§ 3

Every User receives unique login and password for access to resources. This data should not be passed to the third parties.

§ 4

Each User can have only one proxy account.

§ 5

Service for access from outside the UoW computer network to electronic information resources is activated for a limited period of time. For:

  1. academic teachers - one year from the date of account activation,
  2. PhD students - one year from the date of account activation,
  3. students with proven disabilities - one year from the date of account activation,
  4. students of all faculties of the University of Wrocław - three months from the date of account activation,
  5. retired academic teachers - one year from the date of account activation,
  6. scholarship holders and participants of international exchange programs - three months from the date of account activation.

§ 6

Renewal of the validity of the proxy account for the next period specified in § 5 takes place at the request of an authorized User.

§ 7

The service expires:

  1. after expiration of the time limit,
  2. in the event of the termination of the employment contract concluded with UoW,
  3. in the event of graduation or termination of studies at the UoW,
  4. as a result of a decision of the WUL's Director related to violation of the principles set out in these Rules,
  5. at the User's request.

§ 8

Termination of the proxy account is equivalent to removing the User's personal data from the electronic service system.

§ 9

When using electronic resources it is allowed to:

1. Search and view electronic resources.

2. Use single copies of articles on electronic carrier paper or for didactical and/or research purpose.

3. Creating individual collections of electronic documents needed for ones researches, including printing and saving on electronic carrier (such collections could only be created for time of conducting didactical and scientific researches).

4. Including parts or whole of texts to ones own publication on conditions of license.

§ 10

When using electronic resources it is prohibited to:

1. Creating local archives basing on available electronic resources (printing or saving whole volumes on electronic carriers: hard drive, pendrive, disc, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM).

2. Deleting or modifying information about copyrights, as well as authors or other designations of property displayed on products or screen.

3. Selling, re-selling, lending or passing information in any form to unauthorized persons (exception from this rule is scientific exchange between researches, if it is not systematic cooperation).

4. Using of licensed sources by Users for commercial activities.

§ 11

Employees, PhD students and students of the University of Wrocław, including ones with proven disabilities, are required to create an account with the university domain

Based on the Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC (referred to as "RODO", "ORODO", "GDPR" or "General Regulation on Data Protection"), we would like to inform you that:

  • the administrator of your personal data is University of Wroclaw, Uniwersytecki 1 Sq., 50-137, Wrocław,
  • your personal data will be processed in order to create the proxy account and to allow use of the proxy account,
  • you have the right to access your data and correct or withdraw it.
  • providing personal data is voluntary, but necessary to create the proxy account.
  • more information can be found in the RODO section on our website.

Please fill this form for receiving access to electronic resources from the outside of the UoW’s computer network.

Configuration instructions (PC users)

Configuration instructions (Mac users)