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  1. From 30.09.2017 (Saturday) - electronic catalog (OPAC) in Chamo software will be available for users of the Wroclaw University Library - for viewing only - to familiarize oneself with the new catalog structure (facets) and basic functionality (search, availability of items)..

  2. From 2.10.2017 (Monday) - in the University Library and in departmental libraries with a "loan module" - the possibility of: returning books, regulating of user’s liabilities to the Library and stamping of the obligation cards will be launched.

  3. Launching: subscriptions to the Library, borrowing materials and ordering books for reading rooms via the Chamo system are planned for 4.10.2017 (Wednesday).

  4. The other Chamo system functionalities will be gradually recognized and implemented.

We are sorry for these inconveniences.