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Program jest realizowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków EFS w ramach Programu Operacyjnego „Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój”, Oś Priorytetowa nr 3 „Szkolnictwo Wyższe dla Gospodarki i Rozwoju”, Działanie 3.1 „Kompetencje w Szkolnictwie Wyższym”.

We inform our Users, that starting from August 1st, 2020, the University Library have started the process of implementing the automatic collection identification system based on the use of RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) and preparation for making available approximately 400,000 volumes of the newest library materials in the Free Access Area (FA). The final effect of these activities will significantly shorten the user's waiting time for a book, e.g. thanks to free access to shelves with collections, the possibility of independent borrowing from the FA area and easy returns of these collections 24/7 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) by using a self-service drop box.

In order to efficiently carry out the implementation of the RFID system and to prepare and arrange the book collection intended for free use by users on two levels of the Free Access, the Library suspends the circulation of the books marked with a blue and pink stickers until the implementation process, planned for the end of the calendar year, is fully completed.

In this situation - we kindly ask users to systematically return borrowed books with blue stickers to the WUL's Local Lending Department, in order to facilitate and accelerate the implementation of the above-mentioned process.

We also inform, that it will be still possible to use the rest of the general collections, i.e. borrow them outside or use them locally in the reading rooms - in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Collection Circulation in the Wroclaw University Library.

Other library services will be provided as normal. We ask users for understanding and we apologize for any inconvenience.