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ed. by Heather Urbanski
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Table of Contents

Preface . . 1
Introduction: Blurring Rhetorical Borders . . 3

I. React: Maintaining a Fan Community
1. The Inter(Active) Soap Opera Viewer: Fantastic Practices and Mediated Communities . . 19
2. Going Deep: What Online Sports Culture Teaches Us About the Rhetorical Future of Social Networks . . 33
3. Spoiling Heroes, Enhancing Our Viewing Pleasure: NEC's Heroes and the Re-Shaping of the Televisual Landscape . . 45
4. History, the Trace, and Fandom Wank . . 58
5. Writing Wonder Women: How Playful Resistance Leads to Sustained Authorial Participation at Sequential Tart . . 70
6. What the Frell Happened? Rhetorical Strategies of the Farscape Community . . 83
7. The Realtime Forum Fan . . 86
8. "As Seen on The Colbert Report": Or, Why I Love Reality TV . . 90

II. Re-Mix: Participating in Established Narratives
9. Making Our Voices Heard: Young Adult Females Writing Participatory Fan Fiction . . 95
10. Dungeons and Dragons for Jocks: Trash Talking and Viewing Habits of Fantasy Football League Participants . . 106
11. Alternate Universes on Video: Ficvid and the Future of Narrative . . 117
12. Dean, Mal and Snape Walk into a Bar: Lessons in Crossing Over . . 132
13. Stars of a Different Variety: Stealth Teaching Through Fanfic . . 135

III. Re-Create: Creating Narratives within Established Frames
14. Writing and Rhetoric for a Ludic Democracy: YouTube, Fandom, and Participatory Pleasure . . 141
15. World of Rhetcraft: Rhetorical Production and Raiding in World of Warcraft . . 152
16. Rekindling Rhetoric: Oratory and Marketplace Culture in Guild Wars . . 162
17. Virtual Guerrillas and a World of Extras: Shooting Machinima in Second Life . . 174
18. Remix, Play, and Remediation: Undertheorized Composing Practices . . 186
19. Conf(us)(ess)ions of a Videogame Role-Player . . 198
20. Born Again in a Fictional Universe: A Participant Portrait of EVE Online . . 201
21. A Place to Call Home: The Experience of One Guild Chat in World of Warcraft . . 204
22. Magic Canvas: Digital Building Blocks . . 207

IV. Teaching the Digital Generation
23. Encouraging Feedback: Responding to Fan Fiction at Different Colored Pens . . 213
24. MetaSpace: Meatspace and Blogging Intersect . . 226
25. Meeting the Digital Generation in the Classroom: A Reflection on the Obstacles . . 239
26. Making Dorothy Parker My MySpace Friend: A Classroom Application for Social Networks . . 252
27. Novel Cartographies, New Correspondences . . 255

About the Contributors . . 259
Index . . 265