Ugly Ducklings? : studies in the English translations of Hans Christian Andersen's tales and stories
Abbreviations 7
Preface 9
I. Introductory 13
Whose Ducklings Are They Anyway? 15
The German Connection 18
Hans Christian Andersen and Translatology 21
Tradition(s) in Andersen Scholarship 43
Andersen and Tradition: Folk Background and Children's Literature 57
II. Andersen Translations 1846-1907: Howitt to Braekstad 77
MaryHowitt 79
Charles Boner 90
Peachey's Andersen 98
A Picture-Book without Pictures: Meta Taylor, Hanby Crump and others 116
Mme de Chatelain - Writer and Translator 122
MrsBushby 139
Alfred Wehnert 151
Large-Scale Translations: Dr Dulcken 164
The Translator as Editor: Mrs Paull 185
Horace Scudder as Editor and Translator 199
Plesner, Ward and Others 220
Fanny Fuller 226
Carl Siewers 233
A. Gardiner 237
R. NisbetBain 241
Oskar Sommer 244
W.Angeldorff 250
Mrs Lucas 253
H.L. Braekstad 259
III. 20th-century Translations 263
IV. General Translation Problems: Pragmatics,
Syntax, Vocabulary and Phraseology 297
6 Ugly Ducklings?
V. Conclusion 351
Translators and SL 358
Chronological List of Tales and Stories 359
English Titles 364
Select Bibliography 369
Index of Names 381
Summary in Danish o Dansk Resume 387