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Patrick Cramsie
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Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . 7

INTRODUCTION - Graphic Design & Style . . 9
1. DESIGN AND SIGN - The Origin of the Alphabet, c.34,000-1,100 BC . . 17
2. A CLASSICAL EDUCATION - Ancient Greece & Rome, c.2000BC-c.AD350 . . 29
3. SPREADING THE WORD - Illuminated Manuscripts. C.350-C.1500 . . 47
4. THE BLACK ART - The Birth of Printing & Early German Printing, c. 1455 -c. 1530 . . 65
5. BACK TO THE FUTURE - Renaissance Italy & France, c.1460-c.1600 . . 83
6. POPULAR PUBLISHING - Dutch Renaissance & Popular Prints, c.1530-c. 1700 . . 101
7. PURITY IN PRINT - Rococo, Transitional & Modem, C.1700-C.1820 . . 111
8. THE TOOLS OF TRADE - Display Types & Victorian Design, c. 1800 -c. 1880 . . 123
9. MANUFACTURING THE MIDDLE AGES - Neo-Gothic & the Arts and Crafts. c.1840-c.1910 . . 137
10. THE STYLE OF THE STREET - Art Nouveau. C.1880-C.1914 . . 149
11. THE SIMPLE ART OF WAR - Sachplakat & First World War Graphics, c.1880-c.1920 . . 163
12. THE ISMS OF ART - Futurism, Dada, De Stijl & Constructivism, c.1900-c.1930 . . 175
13. FORM AND FUNCTION - Bauhaus & the New Typography, c.1919-c.1933 . . 189
14. THE WEIGHT OF TRADITION - Traditional Typography, c.1910-c.1947 . . 205
15. GOOD DESIGN IS GOOD BUSINESS - Commercial Modernism, c.1920 - c. 1960 . . 219
16. SYSTEMS AND SIGNS - Swiss Typography, c.1945-c.1972 . . 239
17. HANDMADE AND HOMESPUN - Illustrated Modernism & Psychedelia, C.1950-C.1970 . . 261
18. TEARING IT UP - Punk, c.1975-c.1985 . . 289
19. LESS IS A BORE - New Wave & Postmodernism, c.1970-0.1990 . . 297
20. PRINTING WITH PIXELS - Digital Expressionism & Postscript: The Digital Future, c.1984- . . 311

Endnotes . . 330
Bibliography . . 335
Picture List . . 340
Index . . 346