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ed. by Hartmut Walravens
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Table of Contents

Preface . . IX

«The present becomes the past: harvesting, archiving, presenting today's digitally produced newspapers»

Opening address . . 1
Harvesting of online newspapers at the National Library of Sweden . . 3
Newspapers as New Media . . 5
Standards from the other side: An overview of the News Industry Text Format (NITF) and its kin . . 11
The British Library Newspaper Strategy: developing collaboration with publishers to digitise back runs and to ingest born digital newspapers . . 21
Preserving and accessing born digital newspapers. A perspective from California . . 31
The National Library of Singapore's service development model for digitised newspaper content . . 37
Newspapers going digital - in a national infrastructure context . . 45
Closing remarks . . 53

«Legal deposit of newspapers for libraries: challenges of the digital environment»

Electronic database of the state bibliography (Russian National Bibliography) . . 55
Work with newspapers at the Russian Book Chamber . . 63
Legal deposit of newspapers - an outlook . . 81
Copyright, access policy, and copyright enforcement for digital newspaper collections . . 91
Newspapers, data formats, and acronym stew: Preservation and distribution of born-digital newspapers using METS/ALTO, NITF, and PDF-A . . 115
Book chambers and national bibliographies in Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova since 1991 . . 129
Newspaper editions of Chuvashia are the national property . . 135
Status and prospects of processing and storage of mandatory copies of newspapers in the National State Book Chamber of Kazakhstan . . 143
Provision of preservation for digital heritage: problems and solutions . . 153
Legal deposit of newspapers at the British Library: past, present and future . . 161
Newspapers in the state bibliographic system of Belarus . . 173
Bibliotheque nationale de France: Legal deposit of electronic files yielded for printing of newspaper issues; the situation spring 2009 . . 183
Newspaper holdings of the National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova . . 197
The BAN newspaper collection: past and present . . 201
Assuring completeness of the newspapers collection: Problems and perspectives. Experience of the Russian State Library . . 213
Newspaper collection of the State Public Historical Library of Russia . . 229
Investigating digital newspaper repositories: Subscription and Open Access models . . 237

«Newspapers in the Mediterranean and the evolution of the modern state»

«The power of lead» - the role of the nineteenthcentury British Press in keeping the «Italian Question» before 1860 on the British political agenda and in the minds of the British Public . . 253
Les collections de presse a la Bibliotheque Nationale Centrale de Rome: face au defi de la sedimentation et de la transmission d'une memoire collective nationale . . 263
Digitizing the historical periodical collection at the Al-Aqsa Mosque Library in East Jerusalem . . 271
The role of scientific journals following the unification of Italy . . 291

Analytic index to ten volumes of proceedings, IFLA Newspapers Section, 2000-2011 . . 309
Alphabetic index to the contributions in the ten volumes of proceedings of the IFLA Newspapers Section . . 329

(IFLA Publications ; 150)