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ed. by Dinesh Gupta and Rejean Savard
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Table of Contents

Preface/Preface . . vii
Foreword/Avant-propos . . xi

Section-I: Web 2.0 and marketing: general concepts

The Library 2.0: origins of the concept, evolutions, perceptions and realities . . 3
Making Web 2.0 work for users and libraries . . 13
Le marketing des bibliotheques supplante par le Web 2.0: mythe ou realite? . . 23

Section-II: Adopting Web 2.0 strategies

Staying free from "Corporate Marketing Machines" library policy for Web 2.0 tools . . 43
Innovation as a framework for adopting Web 2.0 marketing approaches . . 57

Section-III: Marketing with Web 2.0 and the client

Web 2.0 : de nouveaux usagers en bibliotheque? . . 69
Creating and using Personas for library service in the Web 2.0 era: a case study of the Chinese Academy of Sciences . . 79
The impact of CMR 2.0 in the library . . 87

Section-IV: Case studies

How tangible is your library in the digital environment? Implications of social media marketing in reinventing communities' library experiences . . 97
La dimension participative du Web 2.0 : un atout marketing pour la bibliotheque de 1'Ecole Superieure de Banque d'Alger . . 109
Library Marketing 2.0: experiences of the ETH-Bibliothek with social media . . 125

Section-V: International perspectives

Web 2.0 tools and the marketing of libraries: the case of Africa . . 137
Brazilian librarians and Twitter . . 147


Marketing in a Web 2.0 world: a conference perspective . . 157

(IFLA Publications ; 145)