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ed. by Christopher Meyers
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Table of Contents

Contributors . . xix

Section One: Theoretical and Conceptual Foundations

Part I: Ethics Theory and Decision Making
Introduction . . 3
1. An Explanation and a Method for the Ethics of Journalism . . 9
2. Moral Development and Journalism . . 25

Part II: History and Justification
Introduction . . 35
3. Press Freedom and Responsibility . . 39
4. The Moral Justification for Journalism . . 53
5. The Search for Global Media Ethics . . 69

Part III: What Is Journalism? Who Is a Journalist?
Introduction . . 85
6. Why Journalism Is a Profession . . 91
7. Who Is a Journalist? . . 103
8. Norms and the Network: Journalistic Ethics in a Shared Media Space . . 117

Part IV: Objectivity
Introduction . . 131
9. Inventing Objectivity: New Philosophical Foundations . . 137
10. Is Objective News Possible? . . 153

Section Two: The Practice of Journalism

Part V: The Business of Journalism
Introduction . . 167
11. Journalism's Tangled Web: Business, Ethics, and Professional Practice . . 171
12. The Decline of the News Business . . 185
13. Covering a World That's Falling Apart, When Yours Is Too . . 193

Part VI: Privacy
Introduction . . 197
14. The Ethics of Privacy . . 203
15. Understanding and Respecting Privacy . . 215

Part VII: Approaching the News: Reporters and Consumers
Introduction . . 231
16. Conflicting Loyalties and Personal Choices . . 237
17. A Robust Future for Conflict of Interest . . 249
18. Respecting Sources' Confidentiality: Critical but Not Absolute . . 271
19. The Ethical Obligations of News Consumers . . 283

Part VIII: Getting the Story
Introduction . . 297
20. The Ethos of "Getting the Story" . . 301
21. Mitigation Watchdogs: The Ethical Foundation for a Journalist's Role . . 311

Part IX: Image Ethics
Introduction . . 325
22. Visual Ethics: An Integrative Approach to Ethical Practice in Visual Journalism . . 331
23. Ethics and Images: Five Major Concerns . . 351

Index . . 359

(Practical and Professional Ethics Series)