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Plowed under : food policy protests and performance in new deal America

Ann Folino White
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents


Introduction . . 1
1 The New Deal Vision for Agriculture • USDA Exhibits at the 1933-34 Chicago World's Fair . . 24
2 Milk Dumping across America's Dairyland • The May 1933 Wisconsin Dairymen's Strike . . 64
3 Playing "Housewife" in Polonia • The 1935 Hamtramck (Michigan) Women's Meat Boycott . . 112
4 Hunger on the Highway in the Cotton South • The 1939 Missouri Sharecroppers'Demonstration . . 152
5 Staging the Agricultural Adjustment Act • The Federal Theatre Project's Triple-A Plowed Under (1936) . . 196
Epilogue . . 232

NOTES . . 241
INDEX . . 295

The first victory : the Second World War and the East African campaign

Andrew Stewart
Place of publication
New Haven
Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Maps and Illustration Credits . . VI
Acknowledgements . . VII
Introduction: A Forgotten Campaign . . X

1 Strategic Miscalculation . . 1
2 Hoping for the Best . . 21
3 War Comes to East Africa . . 48
4 Imperial Defeat: The Surrender of British Somaliland . . 71
5 Preparing for the Counter-offensive . . 95
6 The Advance from Kenya . . 121
7 Second Front: Striking from the Sudan . . 148
8 Triumph in the Mountains: The Battle of Keren . . 165
9 A Third Front: The Patriots . . 191
10 Winning the War, Worrying about die Peace . . 204
Conclusion: The British Empire's First Victory . . 232

Notes . . 249
Bibliography . . 285

Coastal ecosystems and economic strategies at Cerro Azul, Peru : The study of a late intermediate kingdom

edited by Joyce Marcus
Place of publication
Ann Arbor
Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Illustrations . . VIII
List of Tables . . XVI
Acknowledgments . . XIX

Part I: An Introduction to the Kingdom of Huarco and its Ecosystems 
1 The Ecosystems of the Kingdom of Huarco . . 3
2 Provenience and Context of the Plant and Animal Remains at Cerro Azul . . 20

Part II: How Cerro Azul Made Use of Trophic Levels 2,3, and 4 
3 The Collection of Shellfish . . 35
4 The Collection of Crustaceans . . 54
5 Crayfish Trapping . . 65
6 The Fish Resources of Cerro Azul in the 1980s . . 72
7 Fishing Strategies and Fishing Gear . . 98
8 The Drying of Fish for Export . . 116
9 The Archaeological Fish Remains from Cerro Azul . . 120
10 The Hunting of Birds and Mammals . . 158
11 The Bird Life of Canete and the Avifauna of Cerro Azul . . 172
12 The Hunting of Marine Mammals . . 186

Part III: The Use of Plants at Cerro Azul 
13 Edible, Ritual, and Medicinal Plants . . 201
14 Comments on the Late Intermediate Maize . . 232
15 Phaseolus and Erythrina from Cerro Azul . . 254
16 Industrial Plants . . 262

Part IV: The Domestic Animals, Their Skeletal Remains, and Their Byproducts 
17 Camelids and Ch'arki at Cerro Azul . . 287
18 Domestic Dogs . . 318
19 The Raising of Guinea Pigs . . 324
20 Macrofossil and Palynological Analysis of the Coprolites from Cerro Azul . . 334

Part V: The Interface of Ecology and Economy 
21 The Economy of the Kingdom of Huarco . . 340

Appendix A: Artisanal Fishing at Cerro Azul, 1984-1986 . . 352
References Cited . . 359
Index . . 371

(Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology ; No 59. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology ; Vol. 12)

Deportation and the confluence of violence within forensic mental health and immigration systems

Ameil J. Joseph
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Figures . . ix
Acknowledgments . . x

1 Introduction: Outlining the Problem - The Confluence of Mental Health, Criminal Justice, and Immigration in the Authorization of Deportation . . 1
2 The Necessity of an Attention to Colonization: An Addition to Mental Health Literature . . 18
3 The Canadian Forensic Mental Health System: An Overview . . 43
4 Conceptualizing the Violence of Deportation at the Confluence of Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Immigration Systems . . 55
5 Colonial Continuities and Colonial Technologies of Difference . . 83
6 A Postcolonial Document Analysis of Confluence . . 113
7 Historical Data - Archival Artifacts: Deportation and the Enforcement of Undesirability . . 124
8 Case Studies - The Appeals Division of the IRB: Stories of Resistance . . 146
9 Confluence: The Untreatable, the Unrehabilitatable, and the Undeserving Alien . . 157
10 Conclusion: (Re)Producing (Neo)Colonial Relations of Authority and Racial and Eugenic Systems of Violence . . 227

Appendix: Correspondence from Citizenship and Immigration Canada Regarding the Identification of People by the CBSA for Removal/Deportation . . 232

Notes . . 234
References . . 239
Index . . 253

Quantitative evaluation of safety in drug development : design, analysis and reporting

edited by Qi Jiang, H. Amy Xia
Place of publication
Boca Raton


Publication date
Table of Contents

Preface . . IX
Editors . . XI
Contributors . . XII

Section I Study Design 
1. Incorporating Quantitative Safety Evaluation into Risk Management . . 3
2. Bayesian Meta-Experimental Design for Evaluating Cardiovascular Risk . . 13
3. Non-Inferiority Study Design and Analysis for Safety Endpoints . . 39 

Section II Safety Monitoring 
4. Program Safety Analysis Plan: An Implementation Guide . . 55 
5. Why a DMC Safety Report Differs from a Safety Section Written at the End of the Trial . . 69
6. Safety Surveillance and Signal Detection Process . . 93 

Section III Evaluation/Analysis 
7. Bayesian Adaptive Trials for Drug Safety . . 109
8. Observational Safety Study Design, Analysis, and Reporting . . 125
9. Emerging Role of Observational Health-Care Data in Pharmacovigilance . . 141
10. Roadmap for Causal Inference in Safety Analysis . . 173
11. Safety Graphics . . 195
12. Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis for Safety Evaluation . . 223
13. Regulatory Issues in Meta-Analysis of Safety Data . . 237
14. Bayesian Applications for Drug Safety Evaluation . . 251
15. Risk-Benefit Assessment Approaches . . 267
16. Detecting Safety Signals in Subgroups . . 289
17. Overview of Safety Evaluation and Quantitative Approaches during Preclinical and Early Phases of Drug Development . . 321

Index . . 339 

(Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)

Ten, kur kviečia tėvynės meilė ir pareiga : Mykolo Kleopo Oginskio 250-osios gimimo metinės : parodos katalogas

[sudarytojai Daiva Narbutienė, Ramunė Šmigelskytė-Stukienė, Nijolė Šulgienė, Alfonsas Tamulynas, Viktorija Vaitkevičiūtė ; tekstus vertė Kristina Gudavičienė]
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Pratarmė . . 7
 Žinomas ir nepažintas Mykolas Kleopas Oginskis . . 9

I. KILMĖ . . 31
   Šeima, genealogija . . 32
   Žemėvalda . . 68
   Šeimos korespondencija . . 100
II. VEIKLA . . 125
    Politinė ir diplomatinė veikla . . 126
    Visuomeninė mecenatinė veikla . . 198
III. KŪRYBA . . 211

Santrumpos . . 236
Asmenvardžių rodyklė . . 237

Diablovi spojenci : Hitlerov pakt so Stalinom 1939-1941

Roger Moorhouse ; z angličtiny preložil Igor Otčenáš
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Mapy . . 9
Chronológia . . 15
Zoznam ilustrácií . . 19
Po'dakovanie . . 21

Úvod . . 23
Prológ: Stretnutie na hranici mieru . . 29
1 Diablov elixír . . 37
2 Pokrvné spojenectvo . . 67
3 Delenie lupu . . 99
4 Prekrucovanie . . 133
5 Márne kurizovanie . . 167
7 Súdruh s kamenným zadkom v brlohu fašistickej beštie . . 229
8 Jazda na nacistickom tigrovi . . 253
9 Keď zlodej okradne zlodeja . . 291
Epilóg: Život po smrti . . 329

Dodatok: Text nacisticko-sovietskeho paktu o neútočení . . 337
Poznámky . . 341
Bibliografia . . 387
Register . . 401

Heikle Balancen : die Weimarer Klassik im Prozess der Moderne

hrsg. von Thorsten Valk
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Heikle Balancen - Zu einer Denkfigur der Weimarer Klassik . . 9

I. Antike und Moderne
Die Erfindung einer modernen griechischen und römischen Literaturgeschichte Gewinne und Verluste . . 23
Agon mit den Alten Figuren der Konkurrenz und des Ausgleichs in Schillers Rezeption der attischen Tragödie . . 47
An den Grenzen der klassizistischen Autonomieästhetik Die Parze Atropos von Asmus Jakob Carstens . . 69
Irritationen des Sinns und der Einbildungskraft Die modernen Antiken der goethezeitlichen Reproduktionsdruckwerke . . 95

II. Normativität und Historizität
Normativität und Historizität, Idealität und Empirie Überlegungen zu einigen Antinomien Winckelmanns . . 117
Mythos und Ironie. Goethes Relativitätspoesie . . 139
Zum Verständnis des Klassischen in der Weimarer Klassik . . 161
Im Blick der Medusa Rondanini. Aporien klassizistischer Theoriebildung in Zeichnungen von Johann Heinrich Meyer und Friedrich Bury . . 179
Johann Heinrich Meyers Gemälde Der Genius des Ruhms Klassizistische Norm und zeithistorischer Appell . . 199

III. Empirie und System
»Erfahrung der höhern Art« - Goethe, die experimentelle Methode und die französische Aufklärung . . 221
Systematisches Nicht-Wissen. Poetologie der Hypothese zwischen Wissenschaft und Literatur . . 251
Der Autor im Selbstversuch. Wissenschaft und Autobiographik um 1800 . . 269
Das Allgemeine im Anschaulichen. Morphologische Reihen in Goethes Sammlungen . . 287

Abbildungsverzeichnis . . 311
Register . . 319

(Schriftenreihe des Zentrums für Klassikforschung ; Bd. 1)