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Josef Werndl und die Waffenfabrik in Steyr

Hans Stögmüller
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Einleitung . . 6

1. Josef Werndl - Sein Leben . . 15
2. Die Familie . . 56
3. Werndl als Politiker . . 77
4. Major im Bürgerkorps . . 89
5. Seine sozialen Leistungen . . 97
6. Sein Hausbesitz . . 109
7. Engagement bei Wolfsegg-Traunthaler . . 118
8. Anekdoten . . 122
9. Gedenken an Werndl . . 134

1. Steyr, die alte Waffenschmiede . . 151
2. Die Werndl-Werke (bis 1869) . . 165
3.1. Die Aktiengesellschaft (bis 1880) . . 198
3.2. Die Österreichische Waffenfabriks-Gesellschaft ab 1880 . . 135
5. Das Erbe Josef Werndls . . 284
6. Konstrukteure und leitende Mitarbeiter . . 345
7. Wohnbau für die Arbeiter . . 360
8. Die Rolle der Arbeiter . . 372

Anhang . . 406
Literatur und Quellen . . 433
Bildnachweis . . 444
Nachwort . . 445

Damen, Ritter und Feministinnen : zum Frauenrechtsdiskurs in Polen

Sławomira Walczewska ; mit einem Vorwort von Claudia Kraft und Sigrid Metz-Göckel ; sowie einem Nachwort von der Verfasserin ; aus dem Polnischen von Ursula Kiermeier
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Zur Geschichte der Frauenfrage und feministischer Bewegungen in Polen . . VII

Einführung . . 1

Konstituierung einer neuen Identität . . 9
  Persönliche Freiheit . . 11
  Der Körper - Die Gefühle - Sex und Reproduktion . . 37
  Die Teilhabe am öffentlichen Leben . . 37
  Eigenständigkeit . . 66

Die Neuaushandlung des Geschlechtervertrags . . 91
  Männer und Frauen . . 97
  Der Ehezwang . . 126
Emanzipatorische Strategien . . 155

Abschied von den Damen und Rittern . . 185

Anderthalb Dekaden später . . 187

Literaturverzeichnis . . 193
Verzeichnis der Informationskästen im Text . . 207
Personenverzeichnis . . 209

(Polnische Profile ; Bd. 2)

Chinese antiquities : an introduction to the art market

Audrey Wang
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . 6
Foreword . . 7
Introduction . . 8
Chronology of China . . 15

Part One: A Global Trade . . 19
Chapter 1: Geopolitical Issues for the People's Republic of China . . 20
Chapter 2: Historical Trade in Chinese Material Culture . . 35
Chapter 3: The Global Market Today . . 41

Part Two: Today's Chinese Art Market Sectors . . 59
Chapter 4: Traditional Painting and Calligraphy . . 60
Chapter 5: Chinese Ceramics . . 74
Chapter 6: Decorative Works of Art . . 87

Part Three: The Structure of the Art Market . . 103
Chapter 7: Museums and Public Collections . . 104
Chapter 8: Collectors and the Art of Collecting Chinese Antiquities . . 116
Chapter 9: Chinese Art and Antique Dealers . . 131
Chapter 10: Chinese Art Auctions . . 139

Conclusion . . 152

Notes . . 155
Bibliography . . 160
Appendix A . . 163
Appendix B . . 167
Index . . 171

(Handbooks in International Art Business)

Food waste and sustainable food waste management in the Baltic Sea region

Walter Leal Filho, Marina Kovaleva
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

1 Introduction . . 1
1.1 Scope . . 4
1.1.1 Food Losses . . 5
1.1.2 Food Residuals . . 6
1.1.3 By-Products, Including Animal By-Products . . 6
1.1.4 Food Waste . . 6
References . . 6

2 Literature Review . . 9
2.1 Legislation . . 10
2.2 Waste Management Hierarchy . . 11
2.2.1 Differences and Similarities in the Waste Management Hierarchies . . 14
2.3 Bio-Waste . . 17
2.4 Food Waste . . 20
References . . 26

3 Causes of Food Waste Generation . . 31
3.1 Consumer Behaviour . . 31
3.2 Lack of Awareness . . 34
3.3 Labelling . . 35
3.5 Food Merchandising . . 37
3.6 Legislation/Regulations as an Obstacle . . 38
3.6.1 European Marketing Standards . . 39
3.7 Companies Private Standards and Reputation . . 39
3.8 Overproduction and Excess Stock . . 40
3.9 Food Prices/Financial Incentives . . 41
3.10 Technical Factors . . 43
3.10.1 Storage . . 43
3.10.2 Stock Transportation . . 44
3.10.3 Poor Packaging . . 44
References . . 48

4 Methods of Food Waste Reduction . . 51
4.1 Public Awareness Raising/Education . . 51
4.1.1 Awareness Campaigns and Informativeness . . 52
4.1.2 Guidelines . . 52
4.1.3 Education . . 53
4.2 Food Recovery and Redistribution . . 53
4.3 Legislation—Governmental Interventions . . 55
4.4 Economic Incentives/Financial Instruments . . 57
4.4.1 Negative . . 58
4.4.2 Positive . . 59
4.5 Forecasting and Correct Inventory Management/Planning . . 59
4.6 Packaging . . 61
4.7 Labelling . . 61
4.8 Companies Initiatives . . 62
4.9 Separate Collection of Food Waste . . 64
4.10 Alternative Use . . 65
4.10.1 Energy Recovery . . 65
4.10.2 Novel Added-Value Materials/Products . . 68
References . . 77

5 Research Methods . . 81

6 Overview of the Baltic Region Countries . . 83
6.1 Main Economic Activities . . 83
6.1.1 Belarus . . 83
6.1.2 Estonia . . 85
6.1.3 Germany . . 87
6.1.4 Latvia . . 87
6.1.5 Lithuania . . 87
6.1.6 Poland . . 88
6.1.7 Sweden . . 89
6.2 Renewable Energy . . 90
6.3 Food Consumption and Undernourishment . . 91
6.3.1 Poverty Level . . 91
6.3.2 Undernourishment . . 92
6.3.3 European Food Aid . . 93
6.3.4 Food Expenditures . . 94
6.4 Biodegradable Waste . . 96
6.4.1 Legislation . . 96
6.4.2 Waste Generation and Treatment . . 96
References . . 103

7 The State of the Problem of Food Waste in the Baltic Region Countries . . 107
7.1 Food Waste Generation in the Baltic . . 107
7.1.1 Food Waste Amounts According to the FAO Food Balance Sheets . . 110
7.1.2 Food Waste Generated Based on the FAO Technical Conversion Factors—Extraction Rates . . 124
7.1.3 Belarus . . 125
7.1.4 Estonia . . 129
7.1.5 Germany . . 129
7.1.6 Latvia . . 134
7.1.7 Lithuania . . 135
7.1.8 Poland . . 137
7.1.9 Sweden . . 139
7.2 Food Waste Treatment . . 144
7.2.1 Belarus . . 145
7.2.2 Biological Treatment in Belarus . . 146
7.2.3 Estonia . . 147
7.2.4 Germany . . 149
7.2.5 Latvia . . 154
7.2.6 Lithuania . . 156
7.2.7 Poland . . 158
7.2.8 Sweden . . 161
References . . 170

8 Discussion . . 177
8.1 Food Waste Generation . . 178
8.1.1 Food Waste Amounts According to the FAO Food Balance Sheets . . 180
8.1.2 Food Waste Generated Based on the FAO Technical Conversion Factors—Extraction Rates . . 181
8.1.3 Situation in Individual Countries . . 181
8.2 Food Waste Treatment . . 186
8.2.1 Belarus . . 186
8.2.2 Estonia . . 187
8.2.3 Germany . . 188
8.2.4 Latvia . . 189
8.2.5 Lithuania . . 189
8.2.6 Poland . . 190
8.2.7 Sweden . . 192
References . . 192

9 Conclusions and Recommendations . . 193
9.1 Conclusions . . 193
9.1.1 Belarus . . 194
9.1.2 Estonia . . 195
9.1.3 Germany . . 195
9.1.4 Latvia . . 196
9.1.5 Lithuania . . 197
9.1.6 Poland . . 197
9.1.7 Sweden . . 198
9.2 Recommendations . . 199
9.2.1 Belarus . . 200
9.2.2 Estonia . . 201
9.2.3 Germany . . 201
9.2.4 Latvia . . 202
9.2.5 Lithuania . . 202
9.2.6 Poland . . 203
9.2.7 Sweden . . 203
References . . 204

Appendix A: Questionnaire in English . . 205
Appendix B: Questionnaire in Russian . . 211
Glossary . . 217

(Environmental Science and Engineering. Environmental Science)

Public spectacles in Roman and late antique Palestine

Zeev Weiss
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Preface . . ix

Introduction . . 1
1. The Beginning: The Introduction of Public Spectacles and Competitions into Ancient Palestine . . 11
2. Shaping the City's Landscape: Buildings for Mass Entertainment in Their Urban Context . . 57
3. Entertaining the Crowds: Performances, Competitions, and Shows . . 117
4. Financing, Organization, and Operation . . 171
5. Adopting a Novelty: Jewish Attitudes toward Roman Spectacles and Competitions . . 195
6. Public Spectacles and Sociocultural Behavior in Late Antique Palestine . . 227
Epilogue . . 255

Abbreviations . . 261
Notes . . 263
Source Index . . 347
Subject Index . . 353