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Seconda navigazione : omaggio a Giovanni Reale

a cura di Roberto Radice e Glauco Tiengo
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Table of Contents

Presentazione . . IX
Introduzione . . 3

La metafora solare nella concezione neoplatonica del Principio . . 9
Sophia und Logos in der Philosophischen Theologie des Dionysius Areopagita . . 25
Il duplice bene supremo di Aristotele . . 43
Maestri dell'apologià. "Scrivere in difesa della fede, senza perdere occasioni" . . 67
Port-Royal e la «questione della filosofia» . . 85
Il Logos Eracliteo . . 103
«Vedere il bello delle scienze». Eros, bellezza e matematiche nel Simposio di Fiatone . . 109
Henologia e oblio dell'Essere. A proposito di una figura speculativa centrale in Heidegger . . 123
Aristo tele e i miti pitagorici . . 147
La recezione delle argomentazioni etiche di Eudosso di Cnido tra l'Accademia e il Liceo . . 157
Ruoli e funzioni della donna nelle Leggi di Platone . . 201
Asimmetria e non-reversibilità nella metafisica di Platone . . 219
Politik und philosophische Erziehung . . 233
Pensiero greco e messaggio evangelico nell'interpretazione di Giovanni Reale, a partire da una riletura del Commento al Vangelo di Giovanni di Agostino . . 245
Medioevo e Filosofia . . 277
Ritornare ad Atene. Gli ottantenni di Giovanni Reale . . 285
Disputas sobre las sombras de la eikasia y las estatuas de la pistis . . 293
Jenseits von Sein unci Nichtsein: Wie kann man fur Transzendenz argumentieren? . . 311
Nochmals: Für die Frühdatierung des platonischen Vertrags „Über das Gute" bei Aristoxenos . . 325
Legge ed essere. Il Minosse e il pensiero politico platonico . . 355
Platone nel Liber Metaphysicus di Vico . . 365
In margine a un paradigma delle interpretazioni di Platone: Schleiermacher tra ermneutica e dialettica . . 381
Presupuestos semànticos en la defensa aristotèlica del Principio de no contradicción en Metafisica . . 399
Il principio del disordine nei dialoghi finali di Platone . . 415
La sofferenza, l'eros e l'Odisseo di Platone . . 415
Tra etere e motore immobile: Teofrasto testimone di Aristotele . . 469
Una particolare ricezione della tradizione metafisica greca nel realismo platonizzante cristiano: Giovanni Duns Scoto e la logica non-classica . . 497
Dalla persuasione socratica alla dialettica platonica: Apologia, Gorgia e Fedro a confronto . . 515
Ontologia della finitezza. Sul rapporto tra Platonismo e Cristianesimo . . 535
La Storia della filosofia antica di Giovanni Reale come programma di ricerca . . 573
Il filosofare di Parmenide . . 587
Limiti del metodo storico-critico: i principi dell'ermeneutica di Reale e l'Aristoteles di Jaeger . . 617
Platone e la visione alfabetica . . 635
Zum Kontext Der Platonischen ... Die Ausbildung Der 'Philosophenkonige' und des 'Nachtlichen Rates' im Vergleich . . 643
Uscire dalla caverna. La metafora della luce dalla metafisica all'illuminismo . . 661
L'uomo come enigma esistenziale. Personalismo sperimentale e ontologia della relazionalità . . 677
Geometria more ethico nel Corpus Aristotelicum. Il caso di Etica Nicomachea, VI 5, e Problemi, XXX 71 . . 727
Alcune considerazioni sulla sospensione del giudizio : il silenzio nella tradizione ebraica scettica . . 745

(Temi Metafisici e Problemi del Pensiero Antico. Studi e Testi ; 137)

The tragic pages of Lithuanian history 1940-1953

Vladas Terleckas ; [transl. by Aušra Reklaityt ; introd. by Françoise Thom]
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Publication date
Table of Contents

Einführung . . 7
1. Der Preußische Osten als geteilter Raum . . 7
2. Räume, Grenzen, Menschen . . 10

I. Überblick
1. Polen und Preußen zwischen Tilsit und Wien . . 19
2. Deutsche und polnische Nation nach dem Wiener Kongress . . 26
3. Restauration und Reformen . . 32
4. Von der Völkerfreundschaft zum nationalen Antagonismus . . 37
5. Zwischen staatlicher Integration und nationaler Autonomie . . 59
6. Moderner Staat - moderne Nationen . . 70
7. Der Erste Weltkrieg als Epochenwende . . 82

II. Fragen und Perspektiven
1. Deutsche und polnische Gesellschaft: Verflechtungen und Divergenzen . . 103
2. Nationale Identitäten und kulturelle Verflechtungen . . 129
3. Nation, Staat und Öffentlichkeit . . 154
4. Grenzregionen und transkulturelle Räume . . 184
5. Perspektiven der Forschung und Ausblick . . 202

Literaturverzeichnis . . 209
Register . . 215

Strangers in the wild place : refugees, Americans, and a German town, 1945-1952

Adam R. Seipp
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgments . . ix

   Introduction . . 1
1. The Wild Place, 1933-1945 . . 20
2. The Seigneurs of Wildflecken, 1945-1947 . . 55
3. Keeping Refugees Occupied, 1945-1948 . . 97
4. These People, 1947-1949 . . 142
5. A Victory for Democracy, 1949-1952 . . 181
   Conclusion . . 223

Notes . . 233
Bibliography . . 259
Index . . 271

Getting past capitalism : history, vision, hope

Cynthia Kaufman
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . ix
Introduction . . xi

1 What Is Capitalism and Why It Is a Problem . . 1
2 Ways Not to Think About Getting Past Capitalism . . 39
3 The Reproduction of Capitalist Processes . . 59
4 Getting Past Capitalism... or How to Fight a Hydra in a Fog . . 89
5 Alternatives to Capitalism . . 101
6 Practical Steps for Building a Movement to Get Past Capitalism . . 127

Bibliography . . 159
Index . . 167

(Critical Studies on the Left)

Inequality in Asia and the Pacific : trends, drivers and policy implications

edited by Ravi Kanbur, Changyong Rhee and Juzhong Zhuang
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of figures . . x
List of tables . . xiv
List of boxes . . xvii
Notes on contributors . . xviii
Foreword . . xx
Preface . . xxi
Abbreviations . . xxiv

1 Introduction . . 1
Asia's rising inequality amid rapid economic growth . . 1
Inequality of outcome versus inequality of opportunity . . 2
Why rising inequality matters . . 5
Summary of key findings . . 11

PART I - Regional overview and synthesis . . 19

2 Asia's income inequalities: recent trends . . 21
Data sources and estimation methods . . 21
Recent trends of income inequality in developing Asia . . 23
Asia's inequality in a global context . . 31
Summary . . 35

3 What drives Asia's rising inequality? . . 37
A framework of thinking about income inequality . . 37
Key drivers of rising inequality in Asia . . 38
Increasing skill premiums . . 42
Declining share of labor income . . 44
Spatial inequality . . 48
Summary . . 55

4 Inequality of human opportunities in developing Asia . . 58
Introduction . . 58
Human Opportunity Index . . 59
Contribution of individual circumstance variables . . 60
Empirical analysis . . 61
Contribution of circumstance variables to inequality of opportunity . . 64
Conclusions . . 74

5 Confronting Asia's rising inequality: policy options . . 79
Introduction . . 79
Efficient fiscal policy . . 81
Reducing regional inequality . . 89
Making growth more employment-friendly . . 92
Toward inclusive growth in Asia . . 97

PART II - Background studies . . 101

6 Inclusive growth and gender inequality in Asia's labor markets . . 103
Introduction . . 103
Links between economic growth and gender inequality . . 104
Gender inequality in Asian labor markets: macro-level evidence . . 108
Drivers of women's labor force participation: micro-level evidence . . 116
Conclusions and policy implications . . 126

7 Structural change and inequality: a conceptual overview with reference to developing Asia . . 134
Introduction . . 134
Conceptual overview of the relationship between inequality and structural change . . 136
Inequality-structural change nexus in the advanced economies . . 141
Analytical review of the inequality-structural change nexus in developing Asia . . 145
Concluding observations and policy implications . . 150

8 Institutions and economic inequality in Asia: disentangling policy and political structure . . 156
Introduction . . 156
Democracy and Inequality . . 159
Labor/wage rules and inequality . . 162
Asian inequality . . 163
The special case of land reform and inequality . . 166
The urban-rural gap . . 167
Unexamined assumptions . . 168
Conclusion and future challenges . . 169

9 Government fiscal policies and redistribution in Asian countries . . 173
Introduction . . 173
Review of the literature on the effectiveness of redistributive fiscal policies . . 173
Empirical estimates of the impact of fiscal policies on income inequality in Asia . . 181
Improving the effectiveness of fiscal policies in Asia . .186
Conclusions and policy lessons . . 197

10 Commitment to equity: a diagnostic framework to assess governments' fiscal policy . . 202
Introduction: what is the Commitment to Equity Assessment? . . 202
A diagnostic framework . . 203
Definitions and data requirements . . 209
An assessment of fiscal policies and redistribution in Brazil . . 214
Conclusion . . 222

11 Growth policy/strategy and inequality in developing Asia . . 228
Introduction . . 228
Inclusive growth policy/strategy: a comparison of the People's Republic of China and India . . 229
In-depth analysis of inequality-growth nexus in the case of the Repubic of Korea . . 240
Concluding observations and policy implications . . 252

12 A note on the middle class in Latin America . . 257
Introduction . . 257
Why another note on the middle class . . 258
What constitutes a middle-class society? . . 261
Some characteristics of the Latin American and Caribbean middle class . . 267
Concluding reflections . . 283

13 Urbanization and inequality in Asia . . 288
Introduction . . 288
Inequality index, data, and basic trends . . 289
Accounting for changes in national inequality . . 292  
Urbanization and the turning point . . 295
Summary and conclusions . . 301

14 Inequality in Southeast Asia . . 303
Introduction . . 303
Recent trends of inequality in Southeast Asia . . 304
Dimensions of inequality . . 306
Structural and policy drivers of inequality in Southeast Asia . . 312
Recent policy developments . . 321
Policy lessons . . 325

15 Income inequality and redistributive policy in the People's Republic of China . . 329
Introduction . . 329
Data and methodology . . 330
Dimensions of the People's Republic of China's income inequality . . 332
Determinants of inequality: regression-based decomposition . . 335
Recent government policies addressing income inequality . . 337
Conclusions and policy implications . . 347

16 Drivers of inequality in Pakistan . . 351
Introduction . . 351
Recent trends of income and non-income inequality . . 351
Decomposition of inequality . . 357
Structural and policy drivers of inequality . . 360
Recent policy developments in reducing inequality . . 365
Policy lessons . . 370

17 Accounting for inequality in India: evidence from household expenditures . . 373
Introduction . . 373
Data . . 376
Poverty and inequality in India: 1983 to 2004 . . 377
Accounting for inequality between 1993 and 2004 . . 381
Concluding remarks . . 402

Index . . 408

Humanismus v rozmanitosti pohledů : farrago festiva Iosepho Hejnic nonagenario oblata

k vydání připravili Anežka Baďurová [et al.]
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

English abstracts . . 8
Tabula Gratulatoria . . 13

Homo erectus und aufrechter Gang. Anatomische Orthostase und sittliche Haltung . . 17
"To catch eels". Erasmus, religion, and political education . . 33
Wie sollten tschechische Schüler im 16. Jahrhundert mustergültig Entscheidungsfragen stellen? . . 51
Od jedinečnosti k reprezentativnosti (Malá úvaha nad epigrafickými pracemi Josefa Hejnice) . . 69
Magnoald Ziegelbauer OSB jako interpres Regiae voluntatis (Ziegelbauerův výklad koncepce vzdělání šlechtické mládeže v Tereziánské koleji v Praze) . . 77
Gelebter Humanismus und theoretische Humanismuskonzeption im 20. Jahrhundert: Der Fall des Burckhardt-Biographen Werner Kaegi (1901-1979) . . 103

Textová tradice výkladu o měsících a měsíčních pracích v Knize dvacatera umění mistra Pavla Zídka . . 131
Rukopis Historie české Eneáše Silvia Piccolominiho v knihovně Casanatense v Římě . . 165
Badatelské a ediční dozvuky jubilea Eneáše Silvia Piccolominiho . . 183
Březanův rukopis „Krátký vejtah fundací, vyzdvižení a nadání koleje jesuitské v městě Krumlově" . . 195
„Sententiae" v rukopise A 84 Mitrovského knihovny v Archivu města Brna . . 203

Jan Cyaneus a jeho báseň ke svatbě Viléma z Rožmberka a Polyxeny z Pernštejna . . 213
K německé satirické hře na pád Jiřího Popela z Lobkovic roku 1593 . . 227
Ptačí svět podle Jiřího Galliho Chrudimského . . . 245
Komenského spis Annales Fratrum? . . 253

Humanistická bohemika mezi typografickými jednolisty 15. století . . 269
Neslavné začátky slavného tiskaře Jiřího Melantricha . . 285
Doctor subtilis v chrámu Moudrosti aneb příklad migrace ilustrací v bohemikálních tiscích barokního období . . 297
Knihkupecké a nakladatelské vztahy Brna a Moravy k Vídni v 18. století . . 327

Spor o knihy z pozůstalosti prachatického měšťana Chrysostoma Berounského z roku 1590 . . 361
Theodor Beza a moravský rod Zástřizlů . . 367
Budovcův exemplář knihy Symphonia catholica v Univerzitní knihovně v Lundu . . 393
Die Bibliothek der tschechischen Emigranten in Zittau (17.-19. Jahrhundert) . . 401
Několik poznámek k osudům arciděkanské knihovny v Plzni . . 415
Zámecká knihovna Oselce . . 423

Liceat nobis festam lucem placidis docti poetae verbis concelebrare . . 433
Bohemistik und Humanismus. Erinnerung an Josef Hejnic . . 434
Gratiarum actio excellentissimo et doctissimo amico Bibliothecae Musaei nationalis . . 439
Spolupráce PhDr. Josefa Hejnice s Knihovnou Akademie véd ČR . . 441
Bibliografie prací Josefa Hejnice 1984-2013 . . 445

Seznam literatury . . 455

Quanzhen Daoists in Chinese society and culture, 1500-2010

ed. by Xun Liu and Vincent Goossaert
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Contributors . . ix
Acknowledgments . . xi
Conventions . . xiii
Introduction . . 1

1 Quanzhen, What Quanzhen? Late Imperial Daoist Clerical Identities in Lay Perspective . . 19
2 The Invention of a Quanzhen Canon: The Wondrous Fate of the Daozang jiyao . . 44
3 A Late Qing Blossoming of the Seven Lotus: Hagiographic Novels about the Qizhen . . 78
4 Globalizing Daoism at Huashan: Quanzhen Monks, Danwei Politics, and International Dream Trippers . . 113

5 Quanzhen and Longmen Identities in the Works of Wu Shouyang . . 141
6 Being Local through Ritual: Quanzhen Appropriation of Zhengyi Liturgy in the Chongkan Daozang jiyao . . 171
7 Quanzhen Daoism and Ritual Medicine: A Study of "Thirteen Sections of Zhuyou Medicine from the Yellow Emperor Inscription" . . 208

8 A Local Longmen Lineage in Late Ming-Early Qing Yunnan . . 235
9 Quanzhen Proliferates Learning: The Xuanmiao Temple, Clerical Activism, and the Modern Reforms in Nanyang, 1880s-1940s . . 269
10 Temple and Household Daoists: Notes from North China . . 308

Bibliography . . 335
Index . . 369

(China Research Monograph ; 70)

Mozi : a study and translation of the ethical and political writings

John Knoblock and Jeffrey Riegel
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Tables . . x
Preface . . xi
Abbreviations and Conventions . . xvi

Introduction . . 1
I. Portrayals of Mozi . . 1
   1. Dates and Birthplace . . 1
   2. Master Mo and Master Kong . . 2
   3. Master Mo and the Xia Legacy . . 2
   4. Mozi as a Baseborn Artisan . . 4
   5. Mozi the Magician . . 5
II. The Mohist School . . 7
   1. The Three Branches of Mohism . . 7
   2. The First-Generation Disciples . . 9
   3. The Grand Master . . 9
   4. The "Law" of the Mohist Community . . 11
III. The Creation of the Text of the Mozi . . 14
IV. Mohism's Fate . . 16
   1. Mohism in the Han . . 16
   2. Mozi's Daoist Persona . . 18
   3. Knowledge of Mozi during the Tang and Song . . 21
   4. The Ming and Qing Reassessment . . 23
   5. Mozi in the Twentieth Century .. 24
V. The Philosophy of the Political and Ethical Chapters . . 26
   1. The Chapters of Group 2 . . 27
   2. The Chapters of Group 1 . . 36
   3. The Chapters of Group 4 . . 39

Group 1: The Syncretic Writings
   Chapter 1: Cherishing Gentlemen . . 41
   Chapter 2: Cultivate the Self . . 47
   Chapter 3: On Dyes . . 56
   Chapter 4: On the Proper Model . . 56
   Chapter 5: Seven Worries . . 61
   Chapter 6: Avoiding Excess . . 67
   Chapter 7: Three Disputes . . 75

Group 2: The Ten Doctrines
Exalt the Worthy . . 79
   Chapter 8: Exalt the Worthy (Upper) . . 82
   Chapter 9: Exalt the Worthy (Middle) . . 87
   Chapter 10: Exalt the Worthy (Lower) . . 100
Exalt Conformity . . 108
   Chapter 11: Exalt Conformity (Upper) . . 112
   Chapter 12: Exalt Conformity (Middle) . . 116
   Chapter 13: Exalt Conformity (Lower) . . 129
Impartial Love . . 139
   Chapter 14: Impartial Love (Upper) . . 145
   Chapter 15: Impartial Love (Middle) . . 149
   Chapter 16: Impartial Love (Lower) . . 155
Condemn Aggression . . 169
   Chapter 17: Condemn Aggression (Upper) . . 171
   Chapter 18: Condemn Aggression (Middle) . . 174
   Chapter 19: Condemn Aggression (Lower) . . 180
Moderate Consumption . . 192
   Chapter 20: Moderate Consumption (Upper) . . 193
   Chapter 21: Moderate Consumption (Middle) . . 196
Moderate Burials . . 201
   Chapter 25: Moderate Burials (Lower) . . 203
Heaven's Will . . 219
   Chapter 26: Heaven's Will (Upper) . . 223
   Chapter 27: Heaven's Will (Middle) . . 229
   Chapter 28: Heaven's Will (Lower) . . 241
Explaining Ghosts . . 252
   Chapter 31: Explaining Ghosts (Lower) . . 254
Condemn Music . . 273
   Chapter 32: Condemn Music (Upper) . . 275
Condemn Fatalism . . 284
   Chapter 35: Condemn Fatalism (Upper) . . 289
   Chapter 36: Condemn Fatalism (Middle) . . 297
   Chapter 37: Condemn Fatalism (Lower) . . 302

Group 4: Condemn the Ru and the "Mohist Analect"
   Chapter 39: Condemn the Ru (Lower) . . 312
   Chapter 46: Master Gengzhu . . 326
   Chapter 47: Valuing Righteousness . . 340
   Chapter 48: Master Gongmeng . . 352
   Chapter 49: The Lord of Lu Asks a Question . . 369
   Chapter 50: Master Gongshu . . 387

Appendix A . . 391
Appendix B . . 393
Appendix C . . 396
Additional Notes . . 401
Bibliography . . 479
Index . . 491

(China Research Monograph ; 68)

Deutsch-polnische Erinnerungsorte. Bd. 5, Erinnerung auf Polnisch : Texte zu Theorie und Praxis des sozialen Gedächtnisses

Robert Traba, Peter Oliver Loew (Hg.)
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Erinnern auf Polnisch. Theorie und Praxis . . 9

Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in der Kultur . . 41
Das kulturelle Erbe einer sozialen Gruppe und seine äußeren Korrelate . . 51
»Lebendige Geschichte«. Das Geschichtsbewusstsein, seine Erscheinungsformen und die Methoden ihrer Erforschung . . 57
Tradition . . 73
Die Übermittlung des Gedächtnisses der Vergangenheit . . 87
Die gesellschaftliche Funktion von Symbolen . . 101
Lokale Gemeinschaften und kollektives Gedächtnis . . 121
Die vier Funktionen eines restituierten Gedächtnisses . . 143
Das Verhältnis der Polen zur Zeit - global und lokal betrachtet . . 165
Der Begriff des Geschichtsbewusstseins . . 173
Die Motive des historischen Interesses . . 189
Die »gesellschaftliche Funktion von Geschichte« - Analyse von Bedeutungskontexten des Begriffs . . 203
Die Identität des Ichs . . 213

Der Kampf mit den Denkmälern und um die Denkmäler . . 231
Der Holocaust im allgemeinen Bewusstsein der Polen. Zustand und Bildungsziele . . 253
Öffentliche Symbole und polnische Identität. Wandel und Uneindeutigkeit im Kalender der staatlichen Feiertage in der Dritten Republik . . 267
Symbole der Erinnerung: Der Zweite Weltkrieg im kollektiven Bewusstsein der Polen. Eine Skizze . . 289
Der Zweite Weltkrieg - Erinnerung und Gedenken . . 307
Der Aufbau autobiografischer Stegreiferzählungen über die Kriegserfahrung am Beispiel einer Analyse von »Kresy«-Narrationen . . 327
»Repatriierte« und Vertriebene. Wechselseitige Vorurteile in autobiografischen Berichten . . 351
Agenten und Denkmäler. Die kommunistische Vergangenheit in Polen . . 391

Zu den Autoren und Herausgebern . . 405
Personenregister . . 417