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Aidōs : the psychology and ethics of honour and shame in ancient Greek literature

Douglas L. Cairns
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Abbreviations . . xv

Introduction . . 1
0.1. General
0.2. Aidos and Emotion
0.3. Shame and Guilt
0.4. Shame-Culture and Guilt-Culture

1. Aidos in Homer . . 48
1.1. How Things Look and What People Say
1.2. Aidos in Battle
1.3. Aidos towards Others: The Cement of Homeric Society
1.4. Aidos, Women, and Sex
1.5. Aidos, 'Intelligence', and Excess
1.6. Other Terms
1.7. Conclusion

2. From Hesiod to the Fifth Century . . 147
2.1. Hesiod
2.2. The Homeric Hymns
2.3. Elegiac and Iambic Poets
2.4. Pindar

3. Aeschylus . . 178
3.1. General
3.2. Crucial Passages
3.3. The Rejection of Aides
3.4. Aidos and Sebas

4. Sophocles . . 215
4.1. General
4.2. Ajax, Electra, Philoctetes

5. Euripides . . 265
5.1. Personal Honour and Status
5.2. Friends, Suppliants, and Guests
5.3. Honour, Reputation, Retrospective Shame, and Guilt
5.4. Sexuality and the Sexes
5.5. The Importance of Aidos

6. The Sophists, Plato, and Aristotle . . 343
6.1. Conscience and the Ordinary Athenian
6.2. Protagoras and Moral Education
6.3. Doing Wrong in Secret: Or Shame-Culture versus Guilt-Culture
6.4. Plato
6.5. Aristotle

Epilogue . . 432

References . . 435
Glossary . . 455
Index of Principal Passages . . 459
General Index . . 472

Olive cultivation in ancient Greece : seeking the ancient economy

Lin Foxhall
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . ix
List of Figures . . x
List of Tables . . xv
List of Abbreviations . . xvi

1. Introduction . . 1
2. Wealthy Households: Theory, Sources, Methodology . . 21
3. The Agricultural Holdings of Large-Scale Households . . 55
4. The Domestic Consumption of Olive Oil . . 85
5. Cultivating the Olive . . 97
6. Processing Olives . . 131
7. Arboriculture and Ornamental Gardens in Ancient Greece . . 219
8. Conclusions . . 247

Bibliography . . 261
Index Locurum . . 285
General Index . . 291

Ancient Greek ideas on speech, language, and civilization

Deborah Levine Gera
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Abbreviations . . xiii

1. Polyphemus the Linguist . . 1
1. Languages in Homer . . 1
2. The Cyclopes' Society . . 4
3. Language, Diet, and Laws . . 8
4. Communicating with Animals . . 11

2. Language in the Golden Age . . 18
1. The Nature of Language in the Golden Age . . 18
2. Early Languages . . 36
3. Hesiod, Homer, and the Golden Age . . 46
4. Animals in the Golden Age . . 57

3. Psammetichus' Children . . 68
1. The Experiment and its Background . . 68
2. First Words and First Gestures . . 83
3. Later Variations on Psammetichus' Trial . . 92
4. Ancient Reactions to the Experiment . . 107

4. The Invention of Language . . 112
1. Gods as Inventors of Language . . 113
2. Culture Heroes and First Men: Palamedes, Theuth, and Phoroneus . . 122
3. The Great Myth of the Protagoras . . 127
4. Fire and Language . . 147
5. Men Invent Language Together . . 158

5. Between Language and Speech . . 182
1. Introduction: Language, Speech, and Communication . . 182
2. The Languages of Primitive Peoples . . 184
3. Gestures and Mute Voices . . 195
4. Speaking Animals . . 207

Bibliography . . 213
Index Locorum . . 227
General Index . . 243

From the Norman Conquest to the Black Death : an anthology of writings from England

ed. by Douglas Gray
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Preface . . vii
Abbreviations . . ix
Chronology . . xi
Maps . . xvi

Introduction . . 1
1. Conquest and Conqueror . . 12
2. Early Anglo-Latin Religious Prose . . 21
3. Science, Learning, and Instructive Stories . . 38
4. Early Anglo-Latin Historians, Scholars, Encyclopedists, and Entertainers . . 54
5. 'The Matter of Britain': Geoffrey of Monmouth . . 103
6. Early Anglo-Norman Poetry: Benedeit's Voyage of St Brendan . . 129
7. Anglo-Norman Verse Chronicles . . 146
8. English in the Earlier Period . . 169
9. Science, Learning, and Instruction: Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries . . 177
10. 'The Matter of Britain' in English: Layamon's Brut . . 198
11. Anglo-Latin Poetry: Songs and Satire . . 206
12. Saints' Lives and Visions . . 221
13. Anglo-Norman Romances . . 241
14. Romances and Outlaw Tales . . 262
15. Tales of Antiquity . . 276
16. Short Romances and Lais: Marie de France . . 290
17. Fables and Animal Stories: Marie de France and Others . . 313
18. Debate: The Owl and the Nightingale . . 332
19. Burlesque, Parody, Merry Tale . . 342
20. Early Middle English Religious Prose: the 'Katherine Group', the 'Wooing Group', and Ancrene Wisse . . 356
21. Moral and Religious Verse and Prose . . 374
22. English Romances . . 402
23. Lyrics: Anglo-Norman and Middle English . . 420
24. Drama . . 441
25. Later Chroniclers, Scholars, and Theologians . . 489
26. English Narrative in the Earlier Fourteenth Century: Robert Mannyng . .510
27. Earlier Fourteenth-century Alliterative Poems . . 521
28. Earlier Fourteenth-century Mystical Writing: Richard Rolle . . 541
29. Private Devotion: Henry of Lancaster's Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines . . 548
30. Wonders of the East: Mandeville's Travels . . 552

Bibliographical Notes—Further Reading . . 563
Index of headings and main sub-headings . . 583
Index of first lines of poems and verse extracts . . 587
Index of works . . 589
Index of authors . . 591

The Devil in disguise : deception, delusion, and fanaticism in the early English Enlightenment

Mark Knights
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

List of characters . . ix
Chronology . . xi
List of Figures . . xv
List of Abbreviations . . xix
Note to the Reader . . xxi


Dead Bodies Float . .  14
Scientific Reputations . . 18
An Anatomy of London Doctors . . 22
Dead Dogs and Public Science . . 25
False Man's Cruelty . . 30
Summing up . . 34
Zara's story . . 37

The Whigs . . 46
The Tories . . 54
Hertford Tories . . 59
Popular Politics and Party Rivalries . . 63

3. QUAKERS . . 70
Persecution . . 71
Spiritual Warfare . . 77
The Lustful Quaker . . 82
The Trial Verdict and its Aftermath . . 89
Consequences . . 95

Rethinking Religion . . 100
Rethinking Marriage . . 109
The Quakers, Marriage, and Morality . . 113
Sarah Cowper and the Slavery of Marriage . . 116
Will Bigamy . . 125
Justifying Polygamy . . 132
Manley and the New Atalantis . . 138

Sacheverell and his Sermons . . 144
The Trial . . 148
Hypocrisy . . 160
Sacheverell and Print Fever . . 166
Censorship and Censuring . . 181
Fanaticism . . 186
Sacheverell's Longer-term Legacy . . 190

Melancholic Despair and Suicide . . 197
The Despair of the Deist and Atheist . . 202
Shifting Attitudes . . 206
Animal Spirits . . 207
A Political Witch-hunt . . 213
Jane Wenham . . 220
The Debate over the Impossibility of Witchcraft . . 228
Vindicating Jane Wenham . . 237


Glossary . . 247
Endnotes . . 253
Further Reading . . 267
Index . . 273

Tales of Imperial Russia : the life and times of Sergei Witte, 1849-1915

by Francis W. Wcislo
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Abbreviations . . xi
Map of Russian Empire, 1912 . . xiv
Introduction. The Storyteller and His Story . . 1

1. Transcaucasia: Boyhood and Family on an Imperial Frontier, 1849—1865 . . 18
'On Ancestors [O predkakh]': Men and Masculinity . . 21
Frontier Women and Imperial Imagination . . 37
Conclusion: A Grandmother's Tale . . 48

2. Imperial Identity: Corning of Age in New Russia, 1865-1881 . . 57
The University and 'Studenthood' . . 61
Odessa and St Petersburg: The Railway Man in an Age of Empire . . 69
Conclusion: A New Russian . . 86

3. Kiev: Dreaming in the Victorian 1880s . . 90
'The Reality That Surrounds Us': Imperial Economy and Polity . . 96
Public and Private Lives . . 113
Imagining Autocracy . . 127
Conclusion: A Tale of the Counter-reforms . . 134

4. A City of Dreams: St Petersburg, the Empire of the Tsars, and Imperial Horizons in the Gilded Age (1889—1903) . . 138
Gospodin Minister: Witte as Imperial Official . . 144
The Witte System and the Empire of Gold . . 153
Fathers and Sons on the Road to War . . 170

5. From Exile: Memories of Re volutionary Russia, 1903—1912 . . 189
From Summer 1903 to October 1905: War, America, and Revolution . . 195
The Nightmare of 1905 . . 215
Conclusion: 'My Six-Month Ministry' . . 231

Conclusion: From the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, 1915 . . 241

Notes . . 254
Bibliography . . 291
Index . . 309

Scouting for boys : a handbook for instruction in good citizenship

Robert Baden-Powell ; ed. with an introd. and notes by Elleke Boehmer
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowledgements . . ix
Introduction . . xi
Note on the Text . . xl
Select Bibliography . . xlv
A Chronology of Robert Baden-Powell . . l


Appendix: Continence . . 351
Explanatory Notes . . 353
Index . . 381

OK : the improbable story of America's greatest word

Allan Metcalf
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Preface . . ix
1. Introduction: The ABCs of OK . . 1
2. A Saturday Morning in Boston . . 28
3. 1840: Old Kinderhook Is OK . . 40
4. Hoax: Andrew Jackson's Misspelling . . 56
5. Aesthetics: The Look and Sound of OK . . 76
6. False Origins . . 80
7. The Business of OK . . 96
8. O.K. Clubs . . 117
9. The Literary OK .  123
10. Oklahoma Is OK . . 143
11. Okey-Dokey . . 147
12. Modern OK Literature . . 157
13. The Practical OK . . 166
14. The World—and England . . 171
15. The Lifemanship OK . . 182
16. The Psychological OK . . 185
17. The American Philosophy . . 196
Index . . 199

Structure and regional diversity of the Meadowood interaction sphere

by Karine Taché
Place of publication
Ann Arbor
Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Figures . . v
List of Tables . . viii
Foreword . . ix
Acknowledgments . . xi

1 Introduction . . 1
Theoretical Background: The Study of Interactions in Anthropology and Archaeology . . 2
History of the Early Woodland and Meadowood Concepts . . 7
Contrasting Interpretations of the Meadowood Interaction Sphere . . 8
Methodology: Evaluating Interaction Sphere Models in Archaeology . . 10
Description of Sites Analyzed . . 13

2 The Material Manifestations of the Meadowood Interaction Sphere . . 17
Flaked Stone Artifacts . . 17
Polished Stone Artifacts . . 39
Ground Stone Artifacts . . 49
Unmodified Stones and Minerals . . 53
Antler and Bone Artifacts . . 55
Shell and Native Copper Artifacts . . 67
Ceramic Artifacts . . 67
Discussion . . 69

3 Distribution of Meadowood Sites and Diagnostics in the Northeast . . 73
Lakes Ontario/Erie Lowlands and Northern Glaciated Allegheny Plateau . . 74
St. Lawrence/Champlain Lowlands and Eastern Townships . . 78
Hudson/Mohawk/Susquehanna Lowlands . . 82
Atlantic Coastal Plain . . 84
Maine-Maritime Province . . 86
Western Great Lakes . . 89
Canadian Shield . . 91
Discussion . . 91

4 Environmental and Cultural Contexts of Meadowood Material Manifestations . . 103
Finished Products . . 104
Raw Materials . . 112
Discussion . . 124

5 Environmental Productivity and Meadowood Communities . . 127
Subsistence Strategies . . 128
Caches and the Question of Specialization . . 147
Meadowood Settlement Patterns and Population Density . . 148
Burial Practices and Funerary Rituals . . 152
Discussion . . 164

6 Discussion and Conclusions . . 169
Material Manifestations . . 170
Spatial Distribution of Sites and Exotic Items . . 172
Meadowood Subsistence and Social Organization . . 173
Conclusion . . 175

Appendix A: Inventory of Meadowood Components/Diagnostics . . 177
References Cited . . 189

(Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology ; No. 48)

Finland mellan öst och väst

red. av Paul Fogelberg
Place of publication
Publication date
Table of Contents

Förord . . 5
Redaktörens förord . . 7

Tvåhundraårsminnet och geostrategin . . 9
Ett långt farväl: Finland mellan Sverige och Ryssland efter 1809 . . 21
I stormakternas grepp: Finland under andra världskriget . . 43
Språk, litteratur och nationell identitet i Finland . . 81
Om nationella drag i finsk musik . . 101

Program for konferensen Finland mellan öst och väst i Göteborg den 23 oktober 2009, anordnad av Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället i Göteborg (KWS) i samarbete med Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten (FVS) . . 116

Presentation av Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället i Göteborg, som var värd för konferensen Finland mellan öst och väst i Göteborg 2009, och av samarbetspartnern Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten . . 118

(Bidrag Till Kännedom av Finlands Natur och Folk ; 187. Acta Regiae Societatis Scientiarum et Litterarum Gothoburgensis. Interdisciplinaria ; 11)