University of Illinois Press
God, science, sex, gender : an interdisciplinary approach to Christian ethics
Acknowledgments . . vii
Introduction . . 1
Part 1. Establishing Basepoints for Dialogue
1. Red Hats: Catholic Sexual Ethics in the Face of Church Authority . . 23
2. White Coats: Boundary Disputes between Scientific and Religious Authority . . 32
3. What's All the Fuss About? The Conflict between Science and Religion over Sexual Diversity . . 46
4. Medieval Attitudes toward Philosophia Naturalis in Relation to Scientia Moralis . . 57
5. Patriarchy, Purity, and Procreativity: Developments in Catholic Teachings on Human Sexuality and Gender . . 69
Part 2. Reflecting on Human Sexual Diversity
6. Evolutionary Biology and Sexual Diversity . . 89
7. The Evolution of Sex . . 105
8. Interpreting the Theology of Creation: Binary Gender in Catholic Thought . . 123
9. "Passing" and Identity: A Literary Perspective on Gender and Sexual Diversity . . 140
10. Monogamy and Sexual Diversity in Primates: Can Evolutionary Biology Contribute to Christian Sexual Ethics? . . 155
11. "In Gods Image" and "Male and Female": How a Little Punctuation Might Have Helped . . 167
Part 3. Sexual Diversity and Christian Moral Theology
12. Social Selection and Sexual Diversity: Implications for Christian Ethics . . 187
13. The Triumph of Diversity: Hopkins's "Pied Beauty" . . 201
14. Christ as Bride: Toward a Christology of Diversity . . 211
15. Gender in Heaven: The Story of the Ethiopian Eunuch in Light of Evolutionary Biology . . 224
Conclusion: Descriptive and Normative Ways of Understanding Human Nature . . 241
Bibliography . . 259
Contributors . . 277
Scripture Index . . 281
Subject and Author Index . . 282