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The politics of ethnicity in Central Europe

ed. by Karl Cordell
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Publication date
Table of Contents

Acknowlegements ix
Prefatory Remarks x
Place-Names xi
Notes on Contributors . . xix
Chronology of Silesia . . xxi
Maps . . xxiii-xxix
Introduction . . 1

1 Nationalism and the Nation-State in Central Europe . . 6
2 Ethnic Conflict and Conciliation in Central Europe Today . . 26
3 The Germans and Central Europe in the Pre-Modern Era . . 50
4 Silesia and the Dawning of the Modern Era . . 66
5 Upper Silesia 1918-45 . . 92
6 Polish and Czech Silesia under Communist Rule: A Comparison . . 131
7 The Articulation of Identity in Silesia since 1989 . . 161
8 The Future of Silesia . . 188

Conclusion . . 204
Index . . 208

Body piercing and identity construction : a comparative perspective - New York, New Orleans, Wrocław

Lisiunia A. Romanienko
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Images, Figures, and Tables . . ix
Preface . . xi

1 Nonverbal Communication . . 1
2 Verbal Communication . . 13
3 Bohemian Network . . 33
4 Ideological Apparatus . . 51
5 Economic Contestation . . 65
6 Digital Contestation . . 95
7 Biker Contestation . . 117
8 Sexual Sabotage . . 131
9 Political Sabotage . . 141
10 Aesthetic Sabotage . . 163
11 Organic Sabotage . . 189

Notes . . 223
References . . 233
Index . . 251

Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy : converging security and defence perspectives in an enlarged EU

Laura Chappell
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Figures and Tables . . viii
List of Abbreviations . . ix
Acknowledgements . . xi

1 Introducing Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) . . 1
2 Constructing an Analytical Framework . . 14
3 The Development of German and Polish Strategic Cultures . . 35
4 German and Polish Roles and the CSDP . . 68
5 Germany, Poland and the European Security Strategy: Analysing Continuity and Change . . 109
6 Developing the EU Battlegroup Concept: The Perceptions and Contributions of Germany and Poland . . 138
7 Conclusion . . 170

Notes . . 199
References . . 206
Index . . 228

(New Perspectives in German Political Studies)

Culture, health, and religion at the millennium : Sweden unparadised

edited by Marie Demker, Yvonne Leffler, and Ola Sigurdson
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Introduction: How Gloomy Is Sweden at the Millennium? . . 1

1. Hygiene as Metaphor: On Metaphorization, Racial Hygiene, and the Swedish Ideals of Modernity . . 19
2. From Shared Resources to Shared Values . . 51
3. "It's Not about Religion, but about Manipulation": Polemical Discourse against Sects and Cults in Sweden . . 77
4. Something Happened, but What?: On Roy Andersson's Cinematic Critique of the Development of the Welfare State . . 9
5. Sex and Sin in a Multicultural Sweden . . 133
6. Chick Lit as Healing and Self-Help Manual? . . 155

Bibliography . . 183
Notes on Contributors . . 195
Index of Names . . 197

Gaming in social, locative, and mobile media

Larissa Hjorth, Ingrid Richardson
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Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Figures . . vi
Acknowledgements . . vii

1 Introduction . . 1

Section I Mobile Media Games
2 The Histories of Mobile Media and Mobile Gaming . . 17
3 Locating the Mobile: The Unruly and Ambiguous Rise of Mobile Gaming . . 30
4 Reconceptualising Casual Play .  43

Section II Locative Media and Games
5 Ambient Play . . 59
6 Locating the Game: Location-Based Services (LBSs) and Playful Visualities  . . 76
7 Co-presence Cafe Cultures: Kakao, Games, and Camera Phone Photo-Sharing in Seoul, South Korea . . 92

Section III Social, Locative, and Mobile: New Cartographies of Gaming and Play
8 Social Media, Facebook Games, and Fantasy Sport . . 111
9 Locating Home: Cross-generational Play and Co-presence . . 126
10 Games and Cultural Play . . 139
11 Beyond the Casual: Situating Ambient and Cultural Play . . 153

References . . 162
Index . . 178

Deportation and the confluence of violence within forensic mental health and immigration systems

Ameil J. Joseph
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

List of Figures . . ix
Acknowledgments . . x

1 Introduction: Outlining the Problem - The Confluence of Mental Health, Criminal Justice, and Immigration in the Authorization of Deportation . . 1
2 The Necessity of an Attention to Colonization: An Addition to Mental Health Literature . . 18
3 The Canadian Forensic Mental Health System: An Overview . . 43
4 Conceptualizing the Violence of Deportation at the Confluence of Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Immigration Systems . . 55
5 Colonial Continuities and Colonial Technologies of Difference . . 83
6 A Postcolonial Document Analysis of Confluence . . 113
7 Historical Data - Archival Artifacts: Deportation and the Enforcement of Undesirability . . 124
8 Case Studies - The Appeals Division of the IRB: Stories of Resistance . . 146
9 Confluence: The Untreatable, the Unrehabilitatable, and the Undeserving Alien . . 157
10 Conclusion: (Re)Producing (Neo)Colonial Relations of Authority and Racial and Eugenic Systems of Violence . . 227

Appendix: Correspondence from Citizenship and Immigration Canada Regarding the Identification of People by the CBSA for Removal/Deportation . . 232

Notes . . 234
References . . 239
Index . . 253

The failure of Italian nationhood : the geopolitics of a troubled identity

Manlio Graziano ; [translated to English by Brian Knowlton]
Place of publication


Publication date
Table of Contents

Preface to the English Edition . . ix
Introduction to the English Edition . . xi
Introduction . . 1
Foreword: The "Original Sin" . . 13

Part I: The Original Characteristics
1 How Premature Development Became a Factor of Backwardness . . 27
2 The Phantom Nation . . 35
3 The Northern Question . . 43
4 Inventing Ancestors . . 49
5 The Unhappy Consciousness of Italian Development . . 55
6 A Culture without a Nation . . 61
7 The Difficult Italianization of the Piedmont . . 69
8 The Difficult Piedmontization of Italy . . 75
9 The Moderate Social Bloc . . 81

Part II: The Permanencies
10 Transformism . . 91
11 Internationalization Crises and Transformism . . 99
12 Emerging Sectors and Transformism . . 105
13 The Southern Question . . 111

Part III: Identity and Sovereignty
14 A Counter-Reformist Identity . . 121
15 A Civil "Guelph" Religion . . 129
16 The Quest for a Civil Italian Religion . . 137
17 A Petit-Bourgeois Fatherland . . 145
18 A Country of Limited Sovereignty . . 153
19 Identity and Development . . 161
20 The Failure of "Democratic Nationalization" . . 167
21 Italian Metamorphoses . . 177
22 Between Europe and the Mediterranean . . 183
23 The Intel-nationalization Crisis of the 1990s . . 1992

Conclusion . . 199
Biographies . . 203
Notes . . 217
References . . 249
Index . . 259

(Italian and Italian American Studies)