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On 9.06.2007 Wroclaw University Library, along with six other scientific libraries, became member of “Group of Polish Scientific Libraries Gathering Old Prints” Consortium to join CERL (Consortium of European Research Libraries). As a member of consortium WUL participates in creating electronic catalog with descriptions of books published in Europe to 1830 by sending catalog descriptions (own records) to Heritage of the Printed Bookk database.

As part of Polish CERL membership group, Wroclaw University Library gained access to HPB databases for cataloging purposes as well as for its readers. Detailed statistic regarding number of send records could be found on homepage of University of Warsaw Library (, that was only Polish CERL member before Consortium was created.

Readers of Wroclaw University Library could search HPB in Special Collection’s Reading Room on Fryderyka Joliot-Curie 12 St. during its opening hours.